Review: CG4U a time waster. grade: F

Date: 10/10/2014
Provider: Collegegirlforyou
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Medical Center area incall
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: none
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: nothing to report
Age: disrespectful
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Unfortunately, I have no idea
Recommendation: No
Tco11's Avatar
  • Tco11
  • 10-10-2014, 10:30 PM
Cg4u is a good friend and my ATF, know her well. Trust me when I say something must of happened, she never does this. Her tcb is second to none and communcations skills are always very good. True I'm a friend but I speak facts not a wk. sorry this happened to you but I'm sure it was something out of her control. The rw prob, shes got a busy rw life. Her stellar rep is well deserved...sorry again, she is worth another try that's for sure!!
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 10-10-2014, 10:40 PM
inspector farquar's Avatar
That's some shameful shit there.
BorderCrosser's Avatar
Too bad things didn't work out, I hear she is a great girl. Since no activities took place, this shouldn't be posted as a review.
asian_nuts's Avatar
There is no excuse for not calling if you can't make it just say so. I pm CG4U 3 time but she never response back, so I stop pm her . she don't want my money trust me other girl will . no girl is worth the trouble because you are paying for the service. Thanks for the heads up with her kinda glad I didn't meet up with her because I don't have time to wast. They change you there time but if its your time that they wast its OK. If we let them keep on doing it its always going to happen a lot of girls here like Alpfa always on time and very fun to be with that's just one example. I don't do a lot of review but I been playing a lot
Samcro84's Avatar
I have never had an issue with her. Once she did cancel but in plenty of time since I drive 180 miles round trip. I have had to cancel for RW issues so happens to everyone.

Sorry it did not work out she is amazing.
She never canceled, just left me hanging there waiting. I've not heard back from her, explaining the situation. Another client just pm-ed me and said he had a 4 pm scheduled with her on the SAME DAY. Meanwhile I am waiting for an hour for a no-show, then a long drive back. It's just bad form and there is no excuse for it. I can't invest another 5 hours when I can't be sure if the appointment will take place. If she wants to come to my place, then I would be happy to give her a second chance, but my trust level for CG4U is zero, and we've never met. Not a good first impression and you know what they say about first impressions...
asian_nuts's Avatar
I notice that in real life and on this board guys love to kiss girls ass. Make sure that you wash your mouth before you eat orbit will taste like shit
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
Originally Posted by savak
There is no excuse for not calling if you can't make it just say so. I pm CG4U 3 time but she never response back, so I stop pm her . she don't want my money trust me other girl will . no girl is worth the trouble because you are paying for the service. Thanks for the heads up with her kinda glad I didn't meet up with her because I don't have time to wast. They change you there time but if its your time that they wast its OK. If we let them keep on doing it its always going to happen a lot of girls here like Alpfa always on time and very fun to be with that's just one example. I don't do a lot of review but I been playing a lot Originally Posted by asian_nuts
I hope you had a backup plan. There is a short notice forum,

That happened to me in Dallas, one time. I made arrangements days in advance, and then when I get there, 15 minutes before the appointment, she texts me about my provider vouching for me. She waited until the last minute for a response from the list of providers that I texted her with. Then she wouldn't see me cause she couldn't get a hold of the providers. I know the feeling, frustrating, when one does everything one is suppose to do, and the provider flakes out.
She's had great reviews and no history of issues although I've never seen her. However, our time is equally valuable, some of us more valuable than the 250/hr appointment. There's no reason a girl can't just text and say " it ain't gonna happen today". That's just good business and this is a business.
Not a review since no activities took place. NCNS are posted in COED. Moved to correct forum.
Txsunman's Avatar
This IS a business and even the most well reviewed girl will drop you like a hot rock for a better offer. Chump, you should always have a LIST of backup plans before you leave the house.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 10-11-2014, 02:11 PM
Its been a lllooonnnggg time since I seen this fabulous lady.....but no matter what the "beef" is, she has or is absolutely has a good reason or excuse for the no show. Its happened to me on occasion and I just tell myself "everyone has a life.....and shit happends".