
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Okay - so I ran across this today:

[Image attached at the bottom, in case the page goes away.]

I found this one interesting, as one can tell that the lady is indeed the same lady in both pics, but...she obviously looks very, very different in comparison.

So, Hobbyist sees a pic of a provider, likes what he sees, and schedules a session.

Hobbyist shows up at the appointed place at the appointed time, sees the pics are not accurate, and comments on it.

The provider's response is something along the lines of:

- "Oh, well - I just altered them a little; it's like makeup! Just a bit of enhancement..."

- "Oh, that! Well, I just haven't gotten around to getting more updated photos posted..."

- "Oh, c'mon...everyone on the internet does it..."

When you politely but firmly state that she misrepresented herself and you would be canceling the session, she then comes back with:

"How, now - WAIT A MINUTE. You read my website - there's a disclaimer on it where you had to select "I agree" to get any further into my site to get my contact info.


It had the following on it:

'Money exchanged is for companionship only and anything beyond that is a choice made between two consenting adults and not contracted for by the site or myself.'

I'm holding up my end of the bargain - I'm certainly offering you my companionship for the scheduled time - you're trying to get out of your end, i.e., paying me for my time. If you choose not to, I have the feeling a lot of folks are gonna know about it..."

So, Hobbyists:

1. Do you just go through with the session, and not post a review to let folks know you TOFTT?

2. Pay her a "partial compensation" for her time, and leave?

3. Tell her, "well, if that's how you feel about it, then please feel free to tell whomever you wish to tell," leave, and hope The Killer Pimp™ isn't waiting for you outside to get your wallet(and maybe an ear)...

I have not had this experience(thankfully), but I am wondering - what is y'alls take on altered(or at the very least, non-representational) pictures?
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rekcaSxT's Avatar
If the difference was THAT dramatic with faces shown and everything, I would walk away and keep my hard earned money.

I have had an experience or two when the lady looked somewhat different, and I felt it was a little deceptive. But once I went through with it because the lady was nice and looked like an ex of mine that was a great lay.

The issue with the picture above is the left image, is what she actually looks like, the right image, is what she THINKS she looks like. Delusion like this can not be easily cured or remedied. If this were a provider she would likely continue this practice, not really realizing she is being deceptive.

Some however, are knowingly deceptive.

Both need to be exposed because the paying client should have the best information to make a decision with the money they work hard for.
Blue Edge Photos's Avatar
As a photographer, I believe the original picture should be taken in the most flattering way possible. However, in post-production, only minor changes should be made (white/black points, color balance, cropping, etc.).

Full scale altering like your example picture, is just wrong, but usually is obvious. The expertise required to make a convincing fake picture use to be hard to find and rather expensive. Changing technology may change that.

Frankly, in this community, if a provider does this, she will not be very successful. The truth will come out in reviews and alerts, so it is not the smartest business decision.
Baloney Pony's Avatar

The issue with the picture above is the left image, is what she actually looks like, the right image, is what she THINKS she looks like. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

Howdy, Folks!

Interesting observations; neither I nor the photographer stated which image was the photoshopped one.

I find it intriguing you assume the picture on the left is the actual one - perhaps the pic on the right is the real one, and the one on the left was possibly done to show the young lady what she might look like in 5 to 10 years after a breast reduction.

It takes all kinds, BTW - maybe the lady on the left really does it for someone, where the one on the right might not be attractive to the same fellow:

But once I went through with it because the lady was nice and looked like an ex of mine that was a great lay. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; hence, I never mentioned it in my original post. Far be it from me to determine what someone might find attractive; that is not the issue here.

What is at issue is deceptive advertising.

Frankly, in this community, if a provider does this, she will not be very successful. The truth will come out in reviews and alerts, so it is not the smartest business decision. Originally Posted by Blue Edge Photos

Howdy, Folks!

Not so, I'm afraid.

I know some providers here that do get their pics 'shopped, and the Hobbyists don't say anything about it in reviews.

The usual explanation later via PMs or other channels(which doesn't help the community much, fellows - time to man up and speak out) is, "I was there, I was horny, and so I just went ahead and did it. I wasn't happy about it, but...I had a rock hard dick that needed attention, ya know?"

In other words - proximity won out.

I have the feeling many providers that do this sort of deception are counting on this.

Again - y'alls take?
sixxbach's Avatar
I think im going to use photoshop for my facebook profile pic!
Bigguy006's Avatar
After seeing this... I believe in no picture!

Some however, are knowingly deceptive.

Both need to be exposed because the paying client should have the best information to make a decision with the money they work hard for. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Granted. But what if the guys shows up, realizes the girl's photos are heavily "shopped" and still likes what he sees?

Is it really so bad if her cellulite is edited out? Or if she's given a lil more definition to her abs that might not really exist in person?

It's like those delicious looking burgers on the Chilli's commercials-- you know damn well that delectable avocado-swiss-bacon burger featured on TV isn't going to look the same when it arrives on your plate. However, that doesn't mean it isn't good looking or satisfying when you finally have it.

Advertising is just that--advertising. Something to get you to make the first move...
gjetson's Avatar
Kinda depends on how heavily shopped they are. Tough to quantify. I like to think I have some tolerance for things not exactly as shown in the pics but what BP showed seems like too much for me.

BTW - Kara is just as smokin' in person as her pictures!
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Granted. But what if the guys shows up, realizes the girl's photos are heavily "shopped" and still likes what he sees? Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley

Howdy, Folks!

If that were the case, then the gent would have liked the REAL photos just as well.

There would be no need to 'shop them. After all - in person, he likes what he sees, right?

So...a provider would still get the same happy client if she just posted pics without alteration.

By posting altered pics, the provider runs the risk of having someone show up who DOES NOT like what he sees, because what he sees isn't what was in the pics.

Truth in advertising - it's really the way to go...
Baloney Pony's Avatar
After seeing this... I believe in no picture! Originally Posted by Bigguy006
That's an AWESOME example.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
The funny thing is that girl can actually look like that if she lost the weight and enhanced her breasts, albeit not for $2 per photo.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Interesting observations; neither I nor the photographer stated which image was the photoshopped one.

I find it intriguing you assume the picture on the left is the actual one - perhaps the pic on the right is the real one, and the one on the left was possibly done to show the young lady what she might look like in 5 to 10 years after a breast reduction.

It takes all kinds, BTW - maybe the lady on the left really does it for someone, where the one on the right might not be attractive to the same fellow:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; hence, I never mentioned it in my original post. Far be it from me to determine what someone might find attractive; that is not the issue here.

What is at issue is deceptive advertising. Originally Posted by Baloney Pony
Based on what typically happens here in fantasy land, it is usually the type of picture on the right is the one that has been photoshopped. So, I assumed, and maybe I shouldn't have. But most of the hobbyists on here would be conditioned to assume the same.

Granted. But what if the guys shows up, realizes the girl's photos are heavily "shopped" and still likes what he sees?

Is it really so bad if her cellulite is edited out? Or if she's given a lil more definition to her abs that might not really exist in person?

It's like those delicious looking burgers on the Chilli's commercials-- you know damn well that delectable avocado-swiss-bacon burger featured on TV isn't going to look the same when it arrives on your plate. However, that doesn't mean it isn't good looking or satisfying when you finally have it.

Advertising is just that--advertising. Something to get you to make the first move... Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
This is possible, but it doesn't make it right. Truth in advertising is important here. Had the provider had accurate pictures to begin with she would do just as well with her business. I think someone else said that too.
Blue Edge Photos's Avatar
FYI: You can tell the right pictures is Photoshopped one. It's a passable job, but not great.
Hmmmm, how to say this....... When I hobby, it is suppossed to be all about me! Period! (selfish bastard) and if I show up and even if the pic is not what she looks like, but I still like it and I think that she will get my rocks off, then it is on! If it is not what was represented, and I don't like it, then I gotta go. If Mr. Pimp comes out of the woodwork, than we just have to deal with that as it comes, but I am still going to beat feet.

The real key is to use the resources that we have available to us so this does not happen. I know that some of the ladies pictures are not recent and some have lost weight as well as some have put it on, but for the most part we can be in the position that we basically "know before we go". That is, unless you go exploring off the reservation trying to be like Darwin and discover the origins of the next "maddiethe coed" or a similar species. That IMHO is when you are rolling the dice and most likely to get photoshopped pics.

And in some ways the picture difference is not the worst that it could be. It could be a really flattering picture of a he that looks like a she!! You could get all the way naked and excited before you found out!!! LOL!! Think about it!!!
GneissGuy's Avatar
I got a kick out of some lady's photos the other day. It was labeled, "This is me with my mommy marks and tattoos photoshopped out."

Gotta love honesty.