Beware: 469-222-7752

I am a hobbyist and well liked in the service industry. I am also very respectful and just like to inform other like minded individuals about any potential risks and/or bait and switch within my experience. I met with this escort (Sept 8, 2018) and she is definitely not the person in the pictures. She was very drugged up when I met her and could not make sentences. I warn fellow hobbyists to stay away and look elsewhere.

Upon further research, it appears she has a history of being shady. She robbed an individual who posted on Adult Look under the name "Maria" with this number "469-222-7752." I generally do my research and see a lot of girls. I am careful but missed this one. She seemed shady, but I am former military combat experienced and can fend for myself if there was ever someone else hiding and looking to rob me. Do your research gentleman and be careful. Stay away from this one. She uses the following numbers: 214-642-7063, 512-790-0335, 512-240-2143, 214-412-8098, 469-532-5610. She uses this Evidently, it is the same girl I met but she had zero makeup and was on something. Good luck and stay safe.
Odd first post
That's correct. Good observation to question the source. I do it too. It's my first post under TopRopeDom. I have a previous account on ECCIE, but honestly could not remember username/password. I'm also in the kink scene in Austin. I felt strongly enough to post it and warn others. Feel free to google the number and see for yourself. Take care.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Odd first post Originally Posted by Spit It Out
Ironic post
LOL, odd or not, I do wish the board would reinstate an Alert's Section.

Anyone have an idea why we do not have one anymore (MODS feel free to chime in)?
Hollis Wood's Avatar
Thanks for the head’s up!
CryptKicker's Avatar
Honest question. I'll try to get an answer.
Treetop78759's Avatar

The third photo reminds me of a chick on Naked and Afraid who was attacked by sand flies for 3 weeks straight.

The third photo reminds me of a chick on Naked and Afraid who was attacked by sand flies for 3 weeks straight. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Look at this link Treetop provided; It's textbook scam for the naive or cheap. Hot Girl with very low rates., Outcall only setup for cash and dash,
Very true zmonator. Not that it's any better, but I've used Erotic Monkey and Escort Fish. I have occassionally looked on List Crawler and then google searched their number. I realize that's where these types of girls live to scam for the naive or cheap. Call it a fetish.
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL, odd or not, I do wish the board would reinstate an Alert's Section.

Anyone have an idea why we do not have one anymore (MODS feel free to chime in)? Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
Honest question. I'll try to get an answer. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
I seem to have seen this elsewhere?
CryptKicker's Avatar
Admin replied to me late yesterday that since the alerts normally talked mostly about pay for play and RIP offs it was very unlikely that they will be restored. Proposed to them that they make it a private forum for only PA and UFA members so we will see.
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL, odd or not, I do wish the board would reinstate an Alert's Section.

Anyone have an idea why we do not have one anymore (MODS feel free to chime in)? Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
Honest question. I'll try to get an answer. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
That would help.
Update: She now goes by Alexus and uses the following number: 214-462-2932. Feel free to google it. Take care.