Happy Independence Day Great Britain!!!

Well, I didn't see that one coming. This is gonna be interesting.
  • sydmo
  • 06-24-2016, 11:21 AM
it's a game changer for sure - impact?? not sure, like you said, this is gonna be interesting
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  • Loxly
  • 06-24-2016, 01:15 PM
I watched this last night as results were rolling in. I'm happy for the Brits. Thank GOD they still live in a society where common folks have a say. There will be some pain but it'll be short lived.

Folks like Obama, Soros and others are seeing their vision of the "One World-One Economy" fall apart. The political elite have been knocked back in their boots.

The tipping point was Brussels dictating how many refugees the UK MUST accept. Much like DC telling the states how many they should take in or, as one Brit noted, like Ottawa, Canada telling us the quota. There was much more to this.

The question now is how many will follow.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-24-2016, 01:15 PM
This is another VICTORY against a world government.

Think about it this way...if you are a 1 percenter...you don't WANT to deal with multiple individual governments (George Soros). You want ONE controlling body that is easier to manipulate. It also drowns out individual countries citizens having a VOICE at all

Very similar to what the democrats are trying to do here...IMPORT millions of people too poor or uneducated to make a decent living, get them to vote...get them on welfare...and be the "party that cares about you"...they stay in power because they command the popular vote...but the citizens get poorer and poorer because they are charged with taking care of the un-employable.

Good for England...Long live the Queen.
This is another VICTORY against a world government.

Think about it this way...if you are a 1 percenter...you don't WANT to deal with multiple individual governments (George Soros). You want ONE controlling body that is easier to manipulate. It also drowns out individual countries citizens having a VOICE at all

Very similar to what the democrats are trying to do here...IMPORT millions of people too poor or uneducated to make a decent living, get them to vote...get them on welfare...and be the "party that cares about you"...they stay in power because they command the popular vote...but the citizens get poorer and poorer because they are charged with taking care of the un-employable.

Good for England...Long live the Queen. Originally Posted by Toyz
do you honestly believe that European countries and America have been trying to deal humanely with the rising tide of people fleeing ISIS and a worn torn country as a grab for votes? That is ridiculous. If you disagree with the policy, fine. If you think that embracing nationalism in the face of global humanitarian needs is the safer choice and will lead to greater stability, okay. But, projecting some nefarious, dr. evil intent on countries and leaders that have risked a great deal in terms of votes and division amongst their own in the interest of responding to the crises is disingenuous, at best.
endurance's Avatar
Manufactured crisis, to be exploited.

If they were serious about helping these people they would pressure the countries destabilizing the region (us) to stop. And in the interim, they would help the people closer to their home instead of scattering them all over.
Manufactured crisis, to be exploited.

If they were serious about helping these people they would pressure the countries destabilizing the region (us) to stop. And in the interim, they would help the people closer to their home instead of scattering them all over. Originally Posted by endurance
That's hard to respond to. You have both said that there is not crises and given a different policy stance as to how to deal with the "non" crises. It is or it isn't. We can deal with from there.
Politicians have done a lot less than that in an "effort" to grab votes.

do you honestly believe that European countries and America have been trying to deal humanely with the rising tide of people fleeing ISIS and a worn torn country as a grab for votes? That is ridiculous. If you disagree with the policy, fine. If you think that embracing nationalism in the face of global humanitarian needs is the safer choice and will lead to greater stability, okay. But, projecting some nefarious, dr. evil intent on countries and leaders that have risked a great deal in terms of votes and division amongst their own in the interest of responding to the crises is disingenuous, at best. Originally Posted by helenasweets
Politicians have done a lot less than that in an "effort" to grab votes. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Like what? Be specific.
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  • Toyz
  • 06-24-2016, 06:44 PM
do you honestly believe that European countries and America have been trying to deal humanely with the rising tide of people fleeing ISIS and a worn torn country as a grab for votes? That is ridiculous. If you disagree with the policy, fine. If you think that embracing nationalism in the face of global humanitarian needs is the safer choice and will lead to greater stability, okay. But, projecting some nefarious, dr. evil intent on countries and leaders that have risked a great deal in terms of votes and division amongst their own in the interest of responding to the crises is disingenuous, at best. Originally Posted by helenasweets
I ABSOLUTELY think it has something to do with that.

Let me share some real world with you. I have a close friend...have known her for 10 years...she lives in Germany, and comes here for work a few times a year.

They...the citizens of Germany...HATE the forced infestation of their country. But they feel shouted down as "Nazis" when they express concern about going out at night. She says they live like pigs and are given money, food for doing nothing...they attack the Germans & belittle them (the immigrants). They rape the german women if they catch them alone, they molest them in public. And it will happen here as well.

And yes I ABSOLUTELY believe its a "nefarious plot". Not entirely, but its not as grey as you think. Actually, you think we should "hug it out" with a philosophy that is so very different ours. it will never work. go read what happens in places as the muslim population increases. Its fascinating....under 2% they are very quiet, once they hit the 5% bracket they start civil uprisings...trying to dictate policy more in line with Sharia law.

Educate yourself...quit relying on liberal sound bites...take ownership of your knowledge.

Englands Prime Minister stepped down today. You dont find that the least bit odd? You don't think that Obama & Clinton are pushing towards a global governing body?

Quit being so naive. Stop thinking the ruling class has our best interests in mind. Quit being a poor victim and see what is actually happening.
I ABSOLUTELY think it has something to do with that.

Let me share some real world with you. I have a close friend...have known her for 10 years...she lives in Germany, and comes here for work a few times a year.

They...the citizens of Germany...HATE the forced infestation of their country. But they feel shouted down as "Nazis" when they express concern about going out at night. She says they live like pigs and are given money, food for doing nothing...they attack the Germans & belittle them (the immigrants). They rape the german women if they catch them alone, they molest them in public. And it will happen here as well.

And yes I ABSOLUTELY believe its a "nefarious plot". Not entirely, but its not as grey as you think. Actually, you think we should "hug it out" with a philosophy that is so very different ours. it will never work. go read what happens in places as the muslim population increases. Its fascinating....under 2% they are very quiet, once they hit the 5% bracket they start civil uprisings...trying to dictate policy more in line with Sharia law.

Educate yourself...quit relying on liberal sound bites...take ownership of your knowledge.

Englands Prime Minister stepped down today. You dont find that the least bit odd? You don't think that Obama & Clinton are pushing towards a global governing body?

Quit being so naive. Stop thinking the ruling class has our best interests in mind. Quit being a poor victim and see what is actually happening. Originally Posted by Toyz

"They...the citizens of Germany...HATE the forced infestation of their country. But they feel shouted down as "Nazis" when they express concern about going out at night. She says they live like pigs and are given money, food for doing nothing...they attack the Germans & belittle them (the immigrants). They rape the german women if they catch them alone, they molest them in public. And it will happen here as well."

May I draw your attention to words like "infestation" and "pigs". Just very close to Nazi representations. Is that the connection you wish to make?
Oh wow, My mom is German so I have lots of relatives and friends in Germany. They say it is awful right now. They say the same thing - it's very bad right now.

I ABSOLUTELY think it has something to do with that.

Let me share some real world with you. I have a close friend...have known her for 10 years...she lives in Germany, and comes here for work a few times a year.

They...the citizens of Germany...HATE the forced infestation of their country. But they feel shouted down as "Nazis" when they express concern about going out at night. She says they live like pigs and are given money, food for doing nothing...they attack the Germans & belittle them (the immigrants). They rape the german women if they catch them alone, they molest them in public. And it will happen here as well.

And yes I ABSOLUTELY believe its a "nefarious plot". Not entirely, but its not as grey as you think. Actually, you think we should "hug it out" with a philosophy that is so very different ours. it will never work. go read what happens in places as the muslim population increases. Its fascinating....under 2% they are very quiet, once they hit the 5% bracket they start civil uprisings...trying to dictate policy more in line with Sharia law.

Educate yourself...quit relying on liberal sound bites...take ownership of your knowledge.

Englands Prime Minister stepped down today. You dont find that the least bit odd? You don't think that Obama & Clinton are pushing towards a global governing body?

Quit being so naive. Stop thinking the ruling class has our best interests in mind. Quit being a poor victim and see what is actually happening. Originally Posted by Toyz
The babycrats casting votes from the grave - google it.

Like what? Be specific. Originally Posted by helenasweets
[QUOTE=Austin Ellen;1058316321]Oh wow, My mom is German so I have lots of relatives and friends in Germany. They say it is awful right now. They say the same thing - it's very bad right now.[

shut up, idiot.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-24-2016, 07:48 PM
"They...the citizens of Germany...HATE the forced infestation of their country. But they feel shouted down as "Nazis" when they express concern about going out at night. She says they live like pigs and are given money, food for doing nothing...they attack the Germans & belittle them (the immigrants). They rape the german women if they catch them alone, they molest them in public. And it will happen here as well."

May I draw your attention to words like "infestation" and "pigs". Just very close to Nazi representations. Is that the connection you wish to make? Originally Posted by helenasweets
Its the representation YOU are making...

Seriously, this sounds like a normal hating liberal slant. Disregarding the context of the information, the validity of the source, but seizing on a couple of words or phrases to fan YOUR hating agenda.

If you expect to engage me in dialouge in the future...and have me respond...try to not do it in a manner of a 13 year olds naivete' please.