Security Camera Buzzkill

  • hd
  • 11-05-2014, 11:53 AM
Similar to the tracking log on an IPhone/Droid, but I'm looking for HD cameras to locate around the house with phone app monitoring. I'm good with it as is my SO, BUT, when she's out of town she will also be able to monitor, so no more outcalls to my place, same for me leaving to an incall and returning at odd hours.

You all can see the situation, but before you post your thoughts, think over the scenarios b/c I've probably already thought about it.

Technology is good, but sure can fuck things up!
Moved to Sandbox
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 11-06-2014, 07:19 AM
That really sucks!
Google has always been looking at you...
NetGear VueZone
We have no privacy anymore. Somebody, somewhere, knows exactly what I'm doing right now and where I'm at. Google is the worst, followed by Apple.
Hercules's Avatar
Can ya feed a good porn to it and have it loop?
pyramider's Avatar
His SO would at least be entertained.
  • zebra
  • 11-08-2014, 08:54 PM
I don't know what you want to pay for cameras but Spy Center Security, 2301 N. Central Expwy., Plano is a shop I would suggest looking first. Remember you don't want to be replacing the cameras every 4 + years so spend a little more and get a good reasonable quality, resolution, etc. cameras. Might even consider buying housings to go around them for protection. My stock system w/500 GB DVR, with 4 cams was
$ 900.00, 4 upgraded hi resolution cameras another $ 400. and 4 housings another $100. in 2010. And the firmware to make it viewable from your cell phone I didn't buy cause all my neighbors are retired & they all pack heat.

I know Google tracks every where I go, maps on my android but they really need to get a life.
You can buy that $ 299.-$699 system at Sams but don't expect it to last more than 5 years.