This may shake the Big Tech Commies up

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Elon Musk, who a few weeks ago slammed about Twitter blocking free speech and conservative opinions, just bought a 9.2% stake in Twitter, making him the largest shareholder

Elon Musk buys 9% of Twitter stock as he pressures company on “free speech”. Musk could use sizable Twitter stake to influence company's board and management.

Musk scrutinized Twitter over “free speech”

Musk is a prolific Twitter user who often posts company news on the platform and has fought with the SEC over a 2018 settlement that requires Tesla to impose controls on his social media statements.

On March 25, Musk posted a Twitter poll, writing, "Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?"

Musk added in a follow-up tweet, "The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully." Musk's poll received over 2 million votes, with over 70 percent answering "no."

A day after the poll, Musk wrote, "Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy. What should be done? Is a new platform needed?" Musk also polled users on whether the "Twitter algorithm should be open source," and he claimed to be "giving serious thought" to building a new social media platform.
berryberry's Avatar
Many leftists are concerned about what this might mean for their stranglehold on censorship policies that favor their politics.

Oh how glorious it will be if Musk truly makes the big tech commies change their libtard ways

$3 Billion of fuck you money to become the largest shareholder
Should people be allowed to freely post disinformation and propaganda on social media?

Should foreign states be able to do the same? What about pay citizens to share disinformation and propaganda?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-04-2022, 12:37 PM
Should people be allowed to freely post disinformation and propaganda on social media?

Should foreign states be able to do the same? What about pay citizens to share disinformation and propaganda? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Sure, freedom of speech and all.

And it sure as hell is being done, but also prevented on the other.

That's the problem, you can't censor "Free" speech, or, it isn't.
berryberry's Avatar
Should people be allowed to freely post disinformation and propaganda on social media?

Should foreign states be able to do the same? What about pay citizens to share disinformation and propaganda? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Who the hell determines what is disinformation and propaganda? That is the issue.

We saw how Twitter and Facebook worked with the libtards to throw the last election by proclaiming Hunter Biden's laptop and everything on it was disinformation - and thereby blocking people from learning about it. Polls have been taken after the fact showing that if people knew about the laptop contents before the election, President Trump would still be President.

Free speech is needed
I enjoy seeing musk buying up a share of twitter, but you two need to understand the 1st amendment of the constitution. Corporations can make whatever rules they want on their platform. They aren't the US Government which the 1st amendment protects citizens against.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
HDGristle's Avatar
They understand it, they just forget that when it's inconvenient.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-04-2022, 03:34 PM
I enjoy seeing musk buying up a share of twitter, but you two need to understand the 1st amendment of the constitution. Corporations can make whatever rules they want on their platform. They aren't the US Government which the 1st amendment protects citizens against. Originally Posted by He11raiser
I am clear on what the first amendment does, however, they discriminate, and that is illegal, and they won't admit that they have an agenda.

You cannot treat one group of people differently than another.

Imagine, if they did that to gays or lesbians.
berryberry's Avatar
I enjoy seeing musk buying up a share of twitter, but you two need to understand the 1st amendment of the constitution. Corporations can make whatever rules they want on their platform. They aren't the US Government which the 1st amendment protects citizens against. Originally Posted by He11raiser
No one said that Twitter is the US Government or that they have to abide by the US Constitution regarding free speech.

I posted the thread because Elon Musk a few weeks ago slammed Twitter blocking free speech and conservative opinions. And him buying a large stake in Twitter, making him the largest shareholder may possibly shake up the big tech commies and restore free speech to and not block conservatives from Twitter

Also, someone asked "Should people be allowed to freely post disinformation and propaganda on social media?" - and clearly the answer is YES because as we have seen, the people "determining" disinformation and propaganda are sick libtards biased as all hell.
Good for Musk, but at the same time I am wary of him ever since the whole Dogecoin incident.
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald:

Dems & liberal activists groups have spent years co-opting the censorship power of tech billionaires and expressing gratitude to Google and FB execs for censoring their enemies off the internet.

Now they're petrified a billionaire who won't censor for them may take over Twitter.
berryberry's Avatar
Liberals "Terrified"... Musk's Big Stake In Twitter "Is Not At All Funny"

Elon Musk's 9.2% stake in Twitter and his newly announced board seat has sent the left into an anti-free-speech tailspin.

Musk has been an outspoken proponent of free speech - which he says that failing to adhere to "fundamentally undermines democracy."

On Monday, CNN host Brian Stelter said there's a 'fear' over Musk's move.
Coping is not going well for the anti-free-speech crowd.

And it's no wonder why the left is rattled - according to Statista, their biggest problem with Twitter is 'inaccurate or misleading information,' while they're least concerned about 'Twitter banning users.'

It appears the wokerati are more than happy to allow 'free speech' when it's their speech but when 'free speech' is contemplated for all speech (even the evil 'others'), tolerance goes out the window and tantrums dominate (until they get their way). Perhaps the real driver of this 'fear' of Elon goes back to his comments (paraphrased) that "wokeness... basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."

Imagine the cognitive dissonance sweeping the nation as that reality soaks in (like there's no need to wear a mask in a car when you're alone).
berryberry's Avatar
Musk agreed not to boost his stake above 14.9% as long as he serves on the board and for 90 days thereafter
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Babylon Bee CEO Said Elon Musk Called To Confirm Their Suspension From Twitter Before Taking His Stake

Twitter banning parody news site The Babylon Bee seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back for Elon Musk.

Seth Dillon, the CEO of The Babylon Bee, noted on Twitter yesterday that Musk had reached out to him before taking his stake in the company, to confirm that the Bee had, in fact, been suspended from the social media site.

Musk reached out to us before he polled his followers about Twitter's commitment to free speech. He wanted to confirm that we had, in fact, been suspended. He even mused on that call that he might need to buy Twitter. Now he's the largest shareholder and has a seat on the board.

Dillon also wrote that Musk was potentially considering buying the company. "He even mused on that call that he might need to buy Twitter. Now he's the largest shareholder and has a seat on the board," he wrote.

Recall, The Babylon Bee’s editor-in-chief Kyle Mann was also placed in ‘twitter jail’, locked out of his account for suggesting that Twitter might lift its original suspension “if we throw a few thousand Uighurs in a concentration camp.”

The comment was likely a reference to Twitter allowing Communist Chinese Party PR people and apologists to operate freely on the platform.

As we covered, Seth Dillon appeared on on Tucker Carlson’s show last month to speak about the original suspension of the Babylon Bee by Twitter for for promoting a parody article about transgender Biden Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine being the “man of the year.”
The filing comes about ten days after Musk tweeted that the social media company is "failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy." He asks his audience of more than 80 million people: "What should be done?
berryberry's Avatar
Following Elon Musk joining the board for Twitter, the company’s engineering manager had a melt down. He complained to the CEO about Musk’s “transphobia” & disparaged the CEO in a Twitter space. this same engineering manager donated to help violent rioters in 2020.

Twitter manager says he’s been 'radicalized' by Elon Musk’s appointment to board: 'It's broken me'