Pain in the Name of Beauty

It's no secret people will do all kinds of things for the sake of vanity.

I can't stand to get waxed - far too agonizing an experience for my sensitive alabaster skin.

However, not long ago I underwent an Eyelash Perm. They glue a little cylinder to the base of you eyelid, then use perming solution to curl you eyelashes around it. It takes about an hour.

Now the perming solution didn't get into my eyes, and that process on it's own wasn't bad. However, I have a light sensitivity issue, and naturally the esthetician needs to see what they're doing. So I was in agony from the light with tears running down my face the whole time she was setting my lashes.

SO WORTH IT! I have always loved my long lashes, but they're perfectly straight, and curling as never worked, they go back to their natural state within half an hour. Now all I have to do is throw on some mascara and I'm dazzled by my own eyes (okay I'm being a bit self absorbed, but I really do like it). Even without makeup, the curled lashes do such a nice job of framing my eyes. It'll wear off in about 4 weeks, so it seems I'll be doing this torture session almost monthly.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Lauren, I guess I'll jump in here. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. imo, most everyone has something about themselves that they prefer was different. Some even focus so much on it, they obsess over it.

I've known ladies that decided their lips were too thin, so lots of red lipstick and lip liner. Others thought that was their best feature, so lots of lipstick and lip liner. Others it was eyes, or eyebrows, or hair, hey---how about skin tone?...I could continue.

When I look at a lady, I want to see her face as one picture. I do not want to see it as a clloection of lips, eyes, eyebrows annd pasted together. Am I making sense? Let me try it another way.

How many men have you seen whose hair is thinning and they sport a comb-over? What were your thoughts? What do you think about the lady wearing heavy eye shadow that seems to be applied way beyond her eyelids?

I'm not suggesting any of the above things are attractive or not. What I am suggesting is we all have our own perception of beauty and attraction, and of self-beauty.

If things make a person feel better about themselves, or more attractive, more confident then they will likely continue with the changes. Most others probably don't notice the "flaws" we see in ourselves. I know a guy that's missing two fingers. He carries on like everyone else. I also know a lady that's has the tip of one finger missing. She's always touching it, fiddling with it. Guess which person's "flaw" is noticed frirst?

If a person draws attention to the item, it's noticed (good, bad, whatever). I'm becoming long-winded. I suggest that the Coca-Cola word written in it's script form be looked at. Is the flaw noticed? Or when looked at as a picture, does it seem perfect?

my two cents, stop "perming" your eye-lashes.
Ladies go through such h-e-double-toothpicks making themselves "pretty." IMHO the most natural is best. In any event, I guess I like being a guy. No big effort for staying handsome. (Of course, she has to put up with the same OF w/ few xtra lbs.) LOL
Hi Lauren, I can relate to your post, as what you described is a convenience towards your plight of beauty.

I remember when my hair was much longer- mid back actually.
It was mine, all mine, and I was proud of it...but it was not as full and voluminous as I would have loved it to be.

I was introduced to Great Lengths and my life changed.
(insert infomercial expression and audience applause here)

Full and voluminous locks were achieved and I lived by Great Lengths for several years until about 5 months ago when I decided to adopt this short and very chic haircut - which has actually liberated me (and saves me tons of money) plus I can now show off my long giraffe like neck....

Ladies go through such h-e-double-toothpicks making themselves "pretty." IMHO the most natural is best. In any event, I guess I like being a guy. No big effort for staying handsome. (Of course, she has to put up with the same OF w/ few xtra lbs.) LOL Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I have to counter that. I appreciate a man who makes an effort regarding his looks.

Though not many, I do have gents who have a skin care regiment, get manicures, pedicures, shape their eyebrows, and get hair treatments.

It makes a considerable difference, I appreciate it, and think it's hot.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ladies go through such h-e-double-toothpicks making themselves "pretty." IMHO the most natural is best. In any event, I guess I like being a guy. No big effort for staying handsome. (Of course, she has to put up with the same OF w/ few xtra lbs.) LOL Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Rudyard K's Avatar
I have to counter that. I appreciate a man who makes an effort regarding his looks.

Though not many, I do have gents who have a skin care regiment, get manicures, pedicures, shape their eyebrows, and get hair treatments.

It makes a considerable difference, I appreciate it, and think it's hot. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I trimmed my toenails last night. That was my contribution "look'n good".
My first wife used to curl her eyelashes using a contraption that vaguely resembled a torture device from the Spanish Inquisition. I couldn't watch her do it because of the cringe factor. If perming your eyelashes avoids such things, it sounds like a danged good idea to me.

I had a GF at one point who used to have me wax her legs for her. It gave me a new appreciation for "pain in the name of beauty."
I guess what ever makes the individual feel most beautiful about themselves. I think from time to time it is good practice to revamp ones image, as a way to rejuvenate the inner spirit. Whether it is extending or curling eye lashes, adding length to your hair or getting a pedicure and manicure done (my fav by the way) wanting to feel beautiful is a natural part of life.

@ Hanna, I am actually in the process of doing the opposite of what you have done to your hair. I have been sporting a short, sleek Rihanna look for about 2 years, but now that I am in the process of updating my website and photos I have been in limbo growing out my short cropped look to its natural wavy length.

@ Lauren have you checked out they are located at 257 Danforth Avenue. Must try out the Oshun spa... irresistible spa menu
Full and voluminous locks were achieved and I lived by Great Lengths for several years until about 5 months ago when I decided to adopt this short and very chic haircut - which has actually liberated me (and saves me tons of money) plus I can now show off my long giraffe like neck.... Originally Posted by Hanna Darling
A few years ago I received a bad hair cut and had extensions put in. This week I spent about 6 hours in the salon chair and decided never again. This is the last time that I will go through it. It will be great to have my own natural hair back. And you are right, it will save lots of money.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
A few years ago I received a bad hair cut and had extensions put in. This week I spent about 6 hours in the salon chair and decided never again. This is the last time that I will go through it. It will be great to have my own natural hair back. And you are right, it will save lots of money. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yea! I love natural hair. Thin, thick, long, short. Natural is better, imho. So much better at running my fingers through, pulling, smelling the freshness. Gotta luv it.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I had eyelash extensions for a while and had a similarly hellish experience. I'm also super light sensitive, and the glue would also get in my eyes and burn me. They looked great though—at first. You have to get them touched up every two or three weeks though. It becomes a very expensive habit! So I finally stopped getting them and now settle for mascara. I wish I was better at applying temporary fake eyelashes, but every time I try, one is sliding halfway down my face within a few hours... not sexy.
... not sexy. Originally Posted by Natalie
I can't imagine you as "not sexy"