If a client takes his money back

If a client takes his money back with force is it considered rape or robbery?

You cannot declare a consensual sex act to be non-consensual at some indeterminate time after the fact. If that were possible, then I would most assuredly be able to claim that my first wife had raped me because she sure doesn't have my consent now.
atlcomedy's Avatar
The fact that you have to ask speaks volumes about your business....
Cut her some slack, atl. My guess is she is new.

Nice pics and a nice website, but she is new to here.

Lalany--You might try and contact some of the ladies to refine your screening if you are as new as I think. If not, then take a pass on this advice.
If a client takes his money back with force is it considered rape or robbery? Originally Posted by lalany
Rape is the act of forced intercourse. No force has occurred. I'm sure victims of rape would agree there's an element of physical force as you're trying to fight him off or too terrified to for your life to move.

Robbery. However, if you're committing an act that your state deems illegal - it's wiser to black list then to go to authorities.
Sydneyb's Avatar
Rape. You would never have had sex without the mutal agreement. It feels like rape. I once had an experience when someone didn't pay and I swear I was scared and felt violated and yes, raped.

I'm sorry you had to experience this. And no. Its not your fault.

I'm sorry you had to experience this. And no. Its not your fault. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I have. Being forcibly raped at the point of a weapon, and a client taking his money back.

It is not the same thing.

I know we won't see eye to eye on this, and I'm sure no one wants this thread to be ugly. We each have a right to an opinion.

When someone violently forces you to have sex against your will , it is not the same as going along with it, and then realizing he won't pay you.

I agree having him take the money back it's humiliating. It leaves you feeling vulnerable, ashamed and stupid. There is no legal recourse that wont' have you mocked out of police stations and court rooms and that is deeply demeaning. It is a horrible act and it is psychologically violent. It's a horrible experience.

But it is not rape.
discreetgent's Avatar
The act of taking the money is horrible, but it seems to me to be robbery not rape. Unfortunately filing charges is not going to be easy.
Guest092815's Avatar
theft of services. or robbery, if he stole all of your money. Not rape though, legally, even if it feels like rape.
Her question is valid since apparently people view the situation she describes differently.

Personally, I would say it’s robbery, but I can see why someone would consider it rape. Perhaps the reason why some would consider it rape is because when a sex worker consents he/she is consenting with the expectation of being paid. When you forcefully take the money back, the interaction that occurred is no longer consensual as that was not the agreement...an agreement he/she is now forced to accept as consensual, yet he/she did not consent to it at all.

The interviewee below (Will Rockwell, editor-in-chief of the sex worker-operated magazine $pread) refers to the same type of situation as rape.

“MJ: Have you ever been in a scary or dangerous situation while working that you think could have been prevented or helped if prostitution was decriminalized?

WR: I was once shorted out of an entire night's pay by a client who told me he was going to call security on me if I didn't leave. I decided against calling the police, because every case I heard of involved the police arresting the sex worker. Instead, I had to let a rape go unpunished.” http://motherjones.com/riff/2010/08/spread-sex-worker-Will-Rockwell-interview

Very interesting question and discourse.

I have also been raped , and find the comparison to be pretty insulting.One is a violent act where at the time you truly do believe that you may die. The other is a financial inconvenience.

I have. Being forcibly raped at the point of a weapon, and a client taking his money back.

It is not the same thing.

I know we won't see eye to eye on this, and I'm sure no one wants this thread to be ugly. We each have a right to an opinion.

When someone violently forces you to have sex against your will , it is not the same as going along with it, and then realizing he won't pay you.

I agree having him take the money back it's humiliating. It leaves you feeling vulnerable, ashamed and stupid. There is no legal recourse that wont' have you mocked out of police stations and court rooms and that is deeply demeaning. It is a horrible act and it is psychologically violent. It's a horrible experience.

But it is not rape. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I have also been raped , and find the comparison to be pretty insulting.One is a violent act where at the time you truly do believe that you may die. The other is a financial inconvenience. Originally Posted by Becky
I agree, it is insulting to rape victims. The moment of actual intercourse is by force against your will - the terror and humiliation is unspeakable and leaves you changed for the rest of your life.

It certainly does not compare to the level of degradation and the damage it does to the human soul. However, I would not say someone walking out without gifting you is "merely a financial inconvenience." I have had this happen to me twice in my entire career. Both times I felt sick for days after - it really does make you feel vulnerable, it does hurt, it's a dreadful experience. But it's not even a shadow of what forced intercourse does to you.
Sydneyb's Avatar
Have experienced both, I recall they felt strangely alike. Perhaps its the reminder of the experience of rape and it was the feeling of being deeply violated that made it feel like rape. Clearly rape is scary and personal. Maybe it was robbery. That too is scary and personal. I wouldn't wish either on anyone.

Best to the women here...
I would not say someone walking out without gifting you is "merely a financial inconvenience." I have had this happen to me twice in my entire career. Both times I felt sick for days after - it really does make you feel vulnerable, it does hurt, it's a dreadful experience. But it's not even a shadow of what forced intercourse does to you. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Have experienced both, I recall they felt strangely alike. Perhaps its the reminder of the experience of rape and it was the feeling of being deeply violated that made it feel like rape. Clearly rape is scary and personal. Maybe it was robbery. That too is scary and personal. I wouldn't wish either on anyone.

Best to the women here... Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I can understand what you are both saying. I would imagine that it also has a lot to do with how the client takes his money back. Was it by physical force? Did he use a weapon? I am sure that anyone who has been robbed by the threat of violence has also feared for their life which is an awful place to be. I am sorry I did not mean to make lite of that type of situation.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-15-2010, 11:14 PM
I had an asshole rob me of 20k once, I can honestly say I rather have one of you ladies rape me.

All joking aside my heartfelt prayers to each and ever one of you ladies for your safety.