5 Things You Didn't Know About Your Penis

ed_mustafa's Avatar
im definitely a surpriser...or what they call a grower....
"In an MRI picture, the penis looks distinctly boomerang-like, as noted by a French researcher who studied men and women having sex inside an MRI scanner."

How did I miss volunteering for this research? Sex in an MRI Scanner?!?!? I'm just saying...
It must have been awful crowed in that MRI
i knew a kid who broke his penis
SlowHand49's Avatar
"No. 1: Your Penis Does Have a Mind of Its Own"

I coulda told them that . . .
ICU 812's Avatar
There once was a man from Kent
Whose cock was so long that it bent
To save himself trouble
He put it in double
So instead of cumming—he went!
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Ohhhh and here I thought this was going to be about your penis being a Russian spy or bank robber.
NO. 6:

I've been told by several ladies that it's so ugly it needs a synthetic mask.
i knew a kid who broke his penis Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
And the advice of the author to avoid breaking your penis is to not use it too roughly and for a woman to not move too wildly while on top. Sounds like fun – not.
SlowHand49's Avatar
And the advice of the author to avoid breaking your penis is to not use it too roughly and for a woman to not move too wildly while on top. Sounds like fun – not. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Not to worry, the danger of breaking one is highly overstated . . . based on that info, I've spent a lifetime trying and I've never ended up in a rather awkward splint . . .
daty/o's Avatar
Mine not only has a mind of it's own, it must lead a double life. It's never up when I am.