Huge jump in visiting ladies?

Anybody know what's up with the recent influx of visiting ladies in Nashville?

On most days, the number of visitors on eros fluctuates between 25 and 35. We might get up near 40 occasionally but it is not common. Today I looked at eros at it is showing 71 visiting for Nashville.

Most are not ladies that I recognize, and most provide no writeup, just a number and maybe an email address. Googling their contact info came up empty for many that I checked, although a few might produce an ad or two on other sites, but generally I didn't get much.

I'm not planning to contact any of the new listings unless I get a tip. I'm just curious why?
RickForFun's Avatar
Southern Baptist convention in town. When the preachers and elders come to town so do the whores.
mike1701's Avatar
Nashville growing fast too. Visiting ladies are great for bucket list dreams. But don't forget our locals