NEW THREAD! As a Player in the Game way back....

As a player in the game from way back.....John Action Group / TSML days....

As most of you younger players probably have heard some of us say that the good ole days are gone. I personally think that is true and especially here in the Austin Comunity of providers. As a person / hobbyist I have no problem sharing the cash in my pockets to wonderful ladies. But in the last year or so I have had troubles doing such with the present quality of provider here in Austin. I understand that there are many different taste for each man. I personally have the taste for the looks of models, not nessicary the skinny, skinny models but the ones with tits that stick out farther than their gut. Those of you that visit Bone Daddy's, Twin Peaks and etc., the type and style of that particular body style. In the UTR world that is still present for me personally but the public provider world it is not present.

There is are very few of those ladies in Austin as public presence providers. No disrespect to those that love the BBW and thicker curly women but I do not find them attractive pyhiscally.

1. I live my life by what I want in life, do you think because I want what I want... does that make it wrong and discrimating to the other providers that don't meet my requested desire?

2. Do you personally think the quality of provider in the Austin area has changed for the good or bad?
Texasquest's Avatar
Variety is the Spice of LIFE they say..Everyone has the right to choose what they desire. IT is your time and money so absolutly you should be able to spend it as you deem fit. It's your choice..Just because you seek a certain type doesnt make you amything but someone that likes that type..That should have absolutely no bearing and how others are percieved. Some people Like Strawberrys..I cant stand them..But that doesnt mean I think Strawberrys are INFERIOR , They just dont appeal to me..So i leave the STRAWBERRYS for the guys that do like them. Now with that said where the hell are they hiding the Raspberrys?

as far as quality of providers in AUSTIN..Compared to my HOME guys have a veritable SMORGASBOARD...Ya'll have at least 1 of every type..Try coming to CORPUS where we dont have near the selection Austin has...We have some Great ones but are few and Far between...I am sure the Corpus gents would love to trade with ya'll..Just saying.Like Momma used to say."Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.your liable to get bit."
deedeedoe62's Avatar
There is are very few of those ladies in Austin as public presence providers. No disrespect to those that love the BBW and thicker curly women but I do not find them attractive pyhiscally.

1. I live my life by what I want in life, do you think because I want what I want... does that make it wrong and discrimating to the other providers that don't meet my requested desire? Originally Posted by Woody of TX
I don't believe it MAKES it wrong. It's your money and you can spend it however you believe it will make you happy. Does it make you discriminating? ABSOLUTELY! But is that a BAD thing? I don't think it is. As long as your discrimination is not overtly hurting the class of people that you're discriminating against, then it should be fine.

2. Do you personally think the quality of provider in the Austin area has changed for the good or bad? Originally Posted by Woody of TX

I'm not qualified to answer your second question since I only recently have hopped into active participation of the hobby. But I'm a long time lurker and based on what I saw, I would say the variety is not available. I attribute the lack of variety to the lack of $$$ in the local economy. I believe in Austin's economic heyday, there was plenty of variety (and hence probably the providers that you perfer).
I don't think it's fair to say that Austin lacks quality providers simply because Austin may lack an abundance of the type of provider you prefer. Perhaps it's just semantics, but I frequently see you bashing the "quality" of providers here. If you agree that everyone has differences in taste, and you recognize that you have a very specific taste in providers, that's one thing. But to denigrate the many providers in Austin who are beautiful, intelligent, sexy and an absolute pleasure to be with purely based on the fact that they don't meet your demands physically is going a bit overboard.
Elephant's Avatar
2.Do you personally think the quality of provider in the Austin area has changed for the good or bad? Originally Posted by Woody of TX
No but I think this thread is tacky. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? What if I posted a thread like this:


Don't you think the quality of hobbyists in this town is sub-par? I'm used to hobbying in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Denver where I regularly pull $400/hr. Am I wrong for this? Or are guys in this city just cheap? I'm no HDH, but I want guys whose pockets and generosity are bigger than their egos and mouths."

I'm not sure that thread would be accepted too well. I'd probably be to told to go where the money is. And that is what I will offer you: go where the "hot" girls are and please stop bashing the selection here.
playingnthedark's Avatar
  • Vyt
  • 02-17-2011, 03:23 PM
No but I think this thread is tacky. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? What if I posted a thread like this:


Don't you think the quality of hobbyists in this town is sub-par? Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Actually, I could probably pull a lot of posts that say almost literally that. There has been some drama involving touring providers sad that they could not mine Austin for gold.
Elephant's Avatar
go where the "hot" girls are and please stop bashing the selection here. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Already do, Dallas for a quick jaunt... Thailand early next year...

Btw, I'd soooo tap that!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Well there does seem to be lot of ladies retiring. Last time I checked, probably during the summer, P411 had almost 400 girls advertising in Austin. I just checked and there are only 184. It must be the economy?

Still, of those 184, 85 are listed as skinny, slender, or athletic. I flipped through ads and think most of them look like they would fit one of those 3 descriptions. There may have been a few girls with extra padding claiming the athletic title, but for the most part, there looks to be a lot of thin providers on p411.

Were there honestly more than that back in the day? Even with the agencies, it isn't like Amazing Escorts of Austin had 85 slender girls to choose from. And I guess SW are typically slender, but we all know why that is...

For comparison, San Antonio only has 68 listings right now on P411 and only 32 of them claim to be skinny, slender or athletic. Seems like we have a leg up on San Antonio at least.

I have talked to a lot of old time hobbyists who say that the hobby has gotten better for them since more information has been widely available on the Internet and more regular down to earth girls have found their way into this world. I have heard that it used to be you had to troll the streets or call an agency that would send you a girl without you so much as seeing her picture. Being able to shop online and scroll through more than 100 provider ads and then check for reviews confirming their looks and skills seems like progress to me.
Actually, I could probably pull a lot of posts that say almost literally that. There has been some drama involving touring providers sad that they could not mine Austin for gold. Originally Posted by Vyt
I'm sorry to hear that they feel that way. I've never had a problem here and find that the hobbyists here and in the San Antonio area are probably the best in Texas. My previous post was just to serve as an example and not at all indicative of my feelings.

Woody's post was uncouth and lacking any real merit, which is why I offered up the example I did. It's not in my character to brag (or complain!) about how much (or little!) money I make. I'm very sorry if my previous post appeared to be one of those vain and self-righteous hooktard tangents about how cool and popular I am. Once again, it was only an example, lol!
Elephant's Avatar
Last time I checked, probably during the summer, P411 had almost 400 girls advertising in Austin. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Sorry, never that many. 230 Tops.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Well there does seem to be lot of ladies retiring. Last time I checked, probably during the summer, P411 had almost 400 girls advertising in Austin. I just checked and there are only 184. It must be the economy? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Wow Sophia, there were a lot of providers in the day. I'm not sure there were 400 (I didn't count or pay attention to the count ) but there are under 200 now.

I agree strongly with you that IT MUST BE THE ECONOMY. When the money is flowing, there are more looking to pick up some of the loose green stuff.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 02-17-2011, 03:55 PM
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Already do, Dallas for a quick jaunt... Thailand early next year...

Btw, I'd soooo tap that! Originally Posted by Elephant
You do know most Thai prostitutes have been sold into slavery/indentured servitude as young girls or boys by their impoverished parents right?

Slavery is not going to end until we stop supporting it.