daty,kissing,std, and my two cents

  • agab
  • 09-03-2013, 06:37 PM
I have always been a daty fan. Its not a good session without some daty. And kissing just makes it so much better.
About a year ago I met with a provider. Had a great time. Within a day something felt funny. I didn't fell bad , just not right. I assumed whatever it was would run its course and be done in a week. .
As time goes by I feel a little worse each day until late October I could no longer deny it. I was sick. Headaches ,fever, shakes, night sweats, swollen and infected throat. At times incoherent. I couldn't eat couldn't sleep. I lost 25 lbs. I had no choice but to see a doctor.
Diagnosis- gonorrhea of the throat. . I had let it go on so long that it took two rounds of meds to get clean.
I decided it was time to call it quits. Time to retire.
I never contacted to provider in question. Without testing before and after every adventure you can't really know. I chose to say nothing and simply walk away.
But this hobby, like any addiction, pulled me back in. In December I saw two more providers.
In early January felling bad. I tested positive for strep. The strep lead to excessive coughing. The coughing lead to a hernia. They could not perform surgery with an infection. So I was tested again. This time strep B. Didn't know there was such a thing as strep B.
On April 17 I had hernia surgery. During my time off for recovery I got really board and saw two more providers in mid May. Felling bad again in late May I would again test positive for strep.
Within the past 12 months I have had 15 doctor visits, 7 rounds of antibiotics, hernia surgery,8 weeks out of work, cost about $10k.
I am no longer a fan of daty, kissing, or this hobby.
Just my two cents.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
sucks to be you.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
You could easily stop hobbying OR you could stop the activities as to which caused that. You make it sound like every provider has something...it might be you. Maybe it's your immune system, maybe it's a sign this isnt for you.
just my .02
  • agab
  • 09-03-2013, 07:08 PM
I have been in the hobby for almost 20 years.
The bottom line is quite simple.
If you play with fire long enough, you will get burned.
OldGrump's Avatar
That has to be the worst luck in the hobby.

I hope you stabilize your health & keep it that way.
Does someone have a voodoo doll of you? That is one string of bad luck!
You should tell the provider(s) who saw you. They may be unaware and it's a public health issue that effects everyone else in the hobby. The fact that you say it caused you so much trouble yet you didn't alert them is a real *head scratcher* (so to speak) lol
Gonorrhea is one thing,... but the strep bacteria are everywhere but people do not always get sick when exposed to it.

Since you have been hobbying for 20 years but suddenly you have all of these problems in the last year....have you looked into the possibility that something has compromised your immune system?

There are a number of medical conditions besides HIV that can cause this.
don't do DATY... safety 1st
yambs's Avatar
  • yambs
  • 09-03-2013, 10:52 PM
always get tested after a session.
I have always been a daty fan. Its not a good session without some daty. And kissing just makes it so much better.
About a year ago I met with a provider. Had a great time. Within a day something felt funny. I didn't fell bad , just not right. I assumed whatever it was would run its course and be done in a week. .
As time goes by I feel a little worse each day until late October I could no longer deny it. I was sick. Headaches ,fever, shakes, night sweats, swollen and infected throat. At times incoherent. I couldn't eat couldn't sleep. I lost 25 lbs. I had no choice but to see a doctor.
Diagnosis- gonorrhea of the throat. . I had let it go on so long that it took two rounds of meds to get clean.
I decided it was time to call it quits. Time to retire.
I never contacted to provider in question. Without testing before and after every adventure you can't really know. I chose to say nothing and simply walk away.
But this hobby, like any addiction, pulled me back in. In December I saw two more providers.
In early January felling bad. I tested positive for strep. The strep lead to excessive coughing. The coughing lead to a hernia. They could not perform surgery with an infection. So I was tested again. This time strep B. Didn't know there was such a thing as strep B.
On April 17 I had hernia surgery. During my time off for recovery I got really board and saw two more providers in mid May. Felling bad again in late May I would again test positive for strep.
Within the past 12 months I have had 15 doctor visits, 7 rounds of antibiotics, hernia surgery,8 weeks out of work, cost about $10k.
I am no longer a fan of daty, kissing, or this hobby.
Just my two cents. Originally Posted by agab

I'd imagine that strep would be more manageable to cure than an STD unless the strep has been something that has been bouncing back and forth from family members in the same home. (Have your kids/SO had strep?) If that is the case, then everyone is your household must be cured and the whole place must be bleached from ceiling to floor. Any type of virus is capable of mutating and coming back to the host as a more "Complex" and "Stronger" Virus than before - meaning its harder to beat/overcome.

Perhaps you had ignored the initial symptoms (Coughing, etc.) and mistaken them for the previous STD that you had? (Maybe this is why your strep progress to strep B?)

Keep in mind, I'm not a doctor here, But I am into natural healing.

If I were you, I'd go to the natural store and buy tea-tree oil and eucalyptus oil. Both have anti-bacterial qualities and are excellent for freeing up blocked nasal passages and such. A good ginger/cinnamon tea with honey and a shot of whiskey also helps a bad cough. *Enough Whiskey will put your coughing ass to sleep!

Also, you may want to look into taking the flu shot just to be sure. Also, I'd advise you to go see your doctor and get some blood tests done. You need to see where your white blood cells are. Maybe your immune system has been compromised (There are various ways to compromise your immune system - Lack of Sleep, Lupus, HIV, etc. etc. etc.)

If you live in tarrant county, the tarrant county health department has a GREAT STD/HIV clinic. For $30 bucks, I was able to get screened for HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trich, Yeast Infection & Syhpillis all in one day. You have to call the county health department to make an appointment first. Unlike Dallas County, they are fast and they give you your HIV results the same day.

Also, if you are feeling like you have strep throat - PLEASE do not see any providers until you feel like your health is 110% better. I don't know if you partake in any high level risky activities (Bare Back, etc.) but if your immune system is weakened, you will increase your chances of contracting an STD/Disease because your body is not strong enough to fight back. Also, you might pass strep on to another provider!

Again, I'm not a Doctor and I highly advise you to go seek professional help.

I've been having sex since I was in High School and never had an STD! Play it safe and make your internal health a priority!

Until then, keep calm and carry on. I think a great deal of stress makes us experience some crazy pseudo-symptoms sometimes. Also, if I was you, I'd make it a priority to gargle with hydrogen peroxide if you ever get back to feeling like doing some DATY!
I predict that lack of hobbying will result in the onset of arthritis and tennis elbow for the OP.

But only on one side, unless he's ambidextrous.

He'll also be a lot grouchier and will be just as susceptible to strep and the possible hernias arising (somehow) from same. But at least he won't have to deal with clapthroat, so the news is not all bad.
Chung Tran's Avatar

I've been having sex since I was in High School and never had an STD! Play it safe and make your internal health a priority!
Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
you have never had a Stud!? you need to see me, BSB... I promise you, I'm not only a Stud, but I....

oh wait, I read that wrong.... never mind
A person can have strep and be a carrier and never know it.