Did Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless Covid Deaths? Dissenting Doctors Say Yes

berryberry's Avatar
Very well written and researched story whether you agree with it or not. It is lengthy and contains lots of good info from doctors both in the US and numerous foreign countries that bucked Fauci, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community at large to save thousands of lives. Because of its length I am not copying and pasting the whole thing here. Here is the link


The real question is why were Fauci, the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, etc. so adamant against these options. I am sure it had nothing to do with the massive profits for the pharmaceutical industry for new drugs and the ongoing TV appearances for attention whore Fauci

I also wouldn't doubt there was the hatred of Trump by Fauci and the libtards at the FDA / CDC . Shoot we know that public health experts encouraged Pfizer to delay the vaccine from October until late November, after the election, as part of the attempt to put Senile Biden in office
bambino's Avatar
HCQ and Ivermectin are cheap and effective, that’s why Fauci and big Pharma were against them. And maybe more nefarious reasons as well.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Their ‘stay at home until you can’t breathe’ policy got LOTS of people killed, probably millions. You don’t need a study to realize that one. Common knowledge that, like any other malady, the sooner you start to treat it the better the chance of beating it. Doctors should have been mixing drug cocktails, seeing what works best and sharing information, from the minute it arrived. Instead they politicized treatments (Trump said it’s good do it has to be bad) and needlessly killed an unimaginable number of people.

I’d like to think that this happened out of stupidity, not hate for Trump and/or vaccine profiteering but fear it’s the later.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-07-2022, 12:31 PM
These same doctors who beg for early access to experimental drugs, are refusing to treat patients with these drugs for one reason, money and hatred of Trump, plain and simple, even now, when there have been some studies showing potential usefulness.

I sourced legal animal Ivermectin when I had covid a second time last year, did not have to get it, as it was no where near what I had in January of 2020, it was bad, three weeks in after bascially being bed ridden for three weeks, 23 hours a day, I lost my taste, that confirmed it, took me months to recover, and I don't know if Ive ever fully recovered.
My dad takes zithromax & some steroid-based inhalers for COPD, so he's not too concerned.

Now, my buddy at Walmart has a coworker who has had COVID TWICE now, and all he's done is take Zinc & Magnesium plus OTC meds.

Heh. Too bad Trump didn't say the vaccine had bleach & HCQ in it. The media would have to then be against it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Haven’t bothered testing, don’t see the point in it, but am 99% certain that I’ve presently got the rona. It must be omicron because symptoms are very mild. I’ve been banished to the game room, as to not infect others, where I must suffer through football games, Seinfeld reruns on Netflix and texting the mrs to drop off food or whatever else I might need at the door.

It’s so bad that I’m inclined to fake it for a while after the symptoms clear up.