
... More importantly, the Harvard Caps/Harris Poll!

Did you fellows see it? ...Lemme give you the results:

Should Hunter Biden face contempt charges... -- And --

Republicans - 89% say Yes.

Democrats - 54% say Yes.

Independents - 72% say Yes.

Average there - 71% FOR charges. .. 29% Against.

... Ye Christ! ... 54% of Democrats! ...

#### Salty
ManSlut's Avatar
What is surprising, news breaking, or thought provoking about this! Actually it sorta upholds my theory that only Trumpers and MAGAts are incapable of unbiased judgements.

Shit, I was hoping this thread title was going to be about the college President of Harvard University getting runoff or stepping down over her lack of response to anti-semitic behavior at her university.
eyecu2's Avatar
Crikey...Hunter is living rent free in a lot of GOP heads. Blimey - me insiders say he's even working OT In Harvard polls. Surely this is a win the Comer and Trump!
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^Crikey, in the good name o’ Waltzin Matilda, I think you’re onto something ther Mate! I guess we can call it HDS?
Precious_b's Avatar
Crikey...Hunter is living rent free in a lot of GOP heads. Blimey - me insiders say he's even working OT In Harvard polls. Surely this is a win the Comer and Trump! Originally Posted by eyecu2
Is there such thing as HDS, Hunter Derangement Syndrome?
... Democrats looking for Hunter being charged also!

... See? ... bi-partisan support!

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
I thought that Hunter was living rent free at the White House.

Lately he Ubers around on Marine One.
I thought that Hunter was living rent free at the White House.

Lately he Ubers around on Marine One. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Crikey! ... He's sneak-flyin' on Marine One!

(Psst - Keep it under yer hat there, mate... It's a secret!)

Hunter gotta live somewhere protected by the FBI
- so he don't get arrested by the DOJ...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
FBI . . .DOJ . . .Hunter, Skee-Ball that he is, may have international enemies of the worst kind that can only be foiled by gnational government level security.

Alternatly, the Biden managers and handlers may just want him under a sort of "house arrest" till the elections are over.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You failed to mention other poll results:

56% believe Trump committed crimes for which he should be convicted. 59% of Independents believe that to be true and Independents will decide the election.

51% believe Trump is a threat to democracy.

63% want neither Trump nor Biden to be POTUS.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You failed to mention other poll results:

56% believe Trump committed crimes for which he should be convicted. 59% of Independents believe that to be true and Independents will decide the election.

51% believe Trump is a threat to democracy.

63% want neither Trump nor Biden to be POTUS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes he did. That is if he was referring to the same poll as you were.

Just wait! More evidenc ,to come.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes he did. That is if he was referring to the same poll as you were.

Just wait! More evidenc ,to come. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Salty and I were referring to the same survey. But Salty's statement was hardly correct. He stated the question in the survey asked respondents"

"Should Hunter Biden face contempts charges?"

The question asked was actually:

"If Hunter Biden refuses to appear for a deposition should he be prosecuted by the Justice Department or not?"

Salty, as usual, was totally vague in what he stated. Contempt for what? The actual question was very specific.
... Contempt charges for refusing to appear for the deposition.
WHAT did you think??

... Contempt charges for jaywalking?! ... Of Course I meant
blowing-off the House order!

And they have numerous polls, poll questions, and poll results.
I skipped the one about Hunter's favourite colour... Couldn't find it.

### Salty
I thought that Hunter was living rent free at the White House.

Lately he Ubers around on Marine One. Originally Posted by ICU 812
He lives rent free in his daddy's back pocket, lol.