Uber-UberX Car ride service - Anyone using them?

Slotgoop's Avatar
Curious to see what anyone's experience has been with the Uber service in Austin. Yay or Nay?
Bob McV's Avatar
Have they officially launched here? Been here for the last few sxsw but not the rest of the year. One year the even had a few teslas as a promo, nerdtasticly swank! Used them all the time in NYC with excellent results.
Schmafty's Avatar
I don't know if Uber has launched in Austin, but I have seen the pink moustache Lyft cars driving around. Haven't tried them yet though, since last I heard there still seems to be some controversy between them and the city council.
Slotgoop's Avatar
Yes, they are in Austin and active, trying to recruit drivers like crazy.
Bob McV's Avatar
are they? the uber site says launching soon in Austin.

Lyft scares me, looks like a bunch of college kids, driving people around town using their parents gas card.
agentx's Avatar
Have either Lyft or Uber launched yet in Austin? Thought they were still trying to start up.

The controversy that Uber has had in SF is you've got *unlicensed* drivers picking people up - you don't know anything about them or what may be in their past. They may be great 'drivers' but if I was a woman, I would wonder if they had any sexual assault/rape issues in their past (I hope they at least screen for felony convictions). Just think, you use Lyft to take you to a party and get raped and robbed by a new driver. That'd ruin your evening.

That said, the reason that Austin's City Council has had an issue with these services is that licensed taxi services are pissed off about potentially losing $$$ from these free-wheeling companies. Same issue has perennially come up in London between the (expensive but well-trained) "black" cabs and an independent guy who'll pick you up and take you to Heathrow in his beatup Mazda for half the price of a licensed 'black' cab.

City council in Austin is very corrupt (much of that beautifully "transparent" city hall is - one reason I'm moving outside city limits), so we'll see which side wins.

Ultimately Uber and Lyft employ a 'free market' libertarian model to let the consumer decide - that model has its benefits but can lead to unexpected consequences as well.
FoulRon's Avatar
I'm sorry, but rules are rules and the law is the law. If you want to ignore them, then be prepared to pay the cost if you get found out, or don't do it.
On topic, if you really want to drive people around town for money, then get your damn hack license, put a meter in your vehicle, and set your own rates. The only problem I have with the current system is how the hack licenses are currently apportioned. I'm sure it will take somebody with deep pockets, or a startup trying to prove a point, taking the city to court over the current process.
Now, of course, if they ever legalize the hobby, it will be with some fairly strict regulation, and I would expect the providers to abide by those and get their licenses, etc. all we can really hope is that the city doesn't follow the taxicab model in setting up those regs. Otherwise, all you ladies will have to go to work for an agency.
Bob McV's Avatar
Have either Lyft or Uber launched yet in Austin? Thought they were still trying to start up.

The controversy that Uber has had in SF is you've got *unlicensed* drivers picking people up - you don't know anything about them or what may be in their past. They may be great 'drivers' but if I was a woman, I would wonder if they had any sexual assault/rape issues in their past (I hope they at least screen for felony convictions). Just think, you use Lyft to take you to a party and get raped and robbed by a new driver. That'd ruin your evening. Originally Posted by agentx
Lyft is operating, if in a sort of beta mode right now.

I don't know the details of SF but in NYC uber uses sedan drivers that are properly licenced. I think the cheaper uberx option gets into more of a grey area, but from my understanding there is a background process in place.

The thing is these services wouldn't be able to compete with traditional taxis if that service met the demand. In Austin, catching a cab downtown can be difficult, and often involves walking to a major hotel, and sometimes talking the valet into hailing one. The mobile "hail a cab" app in my experience is clunky at best, and useless most of the times. The "cost of entry" is creating a better "hail a cab" system be it uber of lyft apparently is considerably lower than trying to overhaul and modernize the current taxi system.
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 06-29-2014, 11:02 AM
I was with attorneys earlier this week and they were booking with Uber. Using the app . . . very excited. They mentioned that Uber had secured a TRO (temporary restraining order) to allow them to operate while the legality of it all was being sorted out. Here's a similar (though in Houston) story about TRO issues:

Bob McV's Avatar
huh the mobile app is active in Austin, wonder why the website isn't.
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 06-29-2014, 01:13 PM
huh the mobile app is active in Austin, wonder why the website isn't. Originally Posted by Bob McV
She downloaded it in my presence and then became fixated on watching all the cars nearby! Lawyers . . . easily distracted!
I would never trust a car with a mustache.
Bob McV's Avatar
I would never trust a car with a mustache. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
I feel the same way about hookers
I did Lyft here a few days ago. I really do like it. Much cheaper than a cab. Also to note- I don't feel comfortable in a cab as a single woman, usually a bit later at night.
Its not all college kids with gas cards- its mostly people who are working on their day off, or free time in order to get extra money.

People who work for Uber/Lyft go through extensive background checks.
I signed up as an Uber driver and it's actually pretty cool. I don't make a ton of money doing it as the rate isn't very much. But they did a full federal background check on me and require a car less than 6 years old. I spoke with them and my insurance company to make sure I would be covered in the event of an accident. And they will cover damages at the legal requirements for a taxi as long as the driver has accepted the ride or the trip has started. Otherwise, my insurance confirmed they would cover all other instances. They are getting around the taxi license because you can not hail an uber driver or call them for a ride. So technically, not a taxi. Most of my riders love it because I take much better care of my personal car than a Taxi driver does a company car.

If you want $20 off your first ride, use promo code KIS27