A Conservative Guide to 2018 and 2020 Election Victory

Marshall2.0's Avatar
Lefty publication Salon posted a blog item from President Clinton's former labor secretary, Robert Reich, on how to run against President Trump. Maybe someone should point out to Reich that the person he supported, Hillary Clinton, broke many laws, known and unknown, getting filthy rich selling her position of power to enrich herself and her husband greatly. Trump’s businesses appear to be doing well because he is helping the economy roar.

It was President Obama, Hillary, the FBI, the Justice department and sanctuary cities and states that have ignored the rule of law, not Trump.

Obama made fun of those who supposedly clinged to their religion and guns. He also compared tea party members to domestic terrorists. And he illegally spied on thousands. Hillary called anyone who supported Trump 'deplorable' and 'irredeemable.' Obama said people who said that climate changed naturally shouldn’t be listened to. The media didn’t care much when Obama separated kids from parents, but equates Trump to the Nazis when the same policies are followed.

I believe Reich is mixed up as to who sows division and hate.

Obama and Hillary cozied up to Vladimir Putin. It wasn't President Trump. Obama was flexible with Putin. Obama cozied up to tyrants around the world including Raul Castro, the leaders of Iran, and he pretended to draw a red line in Syria as well as pretended with his Secretary of State, John Kerry, that they got rid of the chemical weapons. He dismissed ISIS as the junior varsity team. Then Obama allowed Russia to buy uranium from the U.S.

None of this was the doing of Trump.

So now we have this news nuggetry from Reich:

Salon Publishes Liberal Journalist Field Guide To Trump

“5. Focus on what he’s really doing, and put the day’s stories into this larger context. He’s (1) undermining democratic institutions, (2) using his office for personal gain, (3) sowing division and hate, (4) cozying up to dictators while antagonizing our democratic allies around the world, (5) violating the rule of law, and (6) enriching America’s wealthy while harming the middle class and the poor. He may also be (7) colluding with Putin.”

It's so devoid of contact with reality it amounts to a field guide for Republicans to run against Democrats who will take advice from dimwits like Reich. Why? Because:

Trump is making America great again.
Trump is allowing everyone to move up the economic ladder, especially minorities and other liberals. This has allowed unemployment for blacks and Hispanics to reach record lows. Democrat policies actually encourage more to be dependent on government while they pretend to care.
Business confidence and consumer confidence are much higher than any time during Obama’s eight years.
The economy is growing much faster under Trump than the “experts” said it could.
Trump is bringing back the rule of law at the Justice Dept after years of Obama running it as a fiefdom. Trump believes in the rule of law. Obama believed that he could make and change laws as he pleased.
Trump is actually leading on foreign policy instead of "leading from behind.
Trump is giving freedom, power and the purse back to the people from the greedy government.
Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs after Obama and Democrats said they were gone for good.
I wonder why newscasters aren’t reporting this story! Or this one:

Boom: Over 95% of manufacturers bullish on future, ‘record optimism’
So let's continue the list:

Trump is bringing back freedom of choice on health care.
Trump understands that fossil fuels and CO2 are not more dangerous than terrorism.
Trump doesn't give terrorist sponsoring countries hundreds of billions to expand their terror and pay them ransom.
Trump is actually trying to get North Korea to give up nuclear weapons after three presidents appeased them.
Trump has kept the promise to move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem after three presidents reneged on their promise.
Trump is actually trying to make other NATO countries to pay what they are supposed to after decades where they were allowed to skate.
Trump understands that human lives begin before they drop out of the birth canal.
This in no means is all inclusive.

In summary Trump believes in capitalism and the private sector. Obama believed in a powerful government. Our country became the greatest economic powerhouse in the world because of capitalism and the private sector, so why would Obama, Reich and the Democrats, including the media, want to remake America to have a more powerful government instead of just learn from history?

Trump has exceeded my wildest hopes. He appears to have been a much better choice than all the other Republicans, better than Mitt Romney, Better than John McCain and much better than the mental midget common criminal Hillary who wasn't bright enough to understand how to follow the law.

Trump won around 85% of counties. Republicans have won over 1,000 new seats in the last eight years. They absolutely should not listen to Democrats, the media, McCain, Corker, Flake, Kasich and others to move to the left. That would destroy the Republican Party and allow Pelosi and Schumer to become more powerful. The media and other Democrats will never support Republicans no matter how far to the left they move so why would we ever listen to advice from them.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Lefty publication Salon posted a blog item from President Clinton's former labor secretary, Robert Reich, on how to run against President Trump. Maybe someone should point out to Reich that the person he supported, Hillary Clinton, broke many laws, known and unknown, getting filthy rich selling her position of power to enrich herself and her husband greatly. Trump’s businesses appear to be doing well because he is helping the economy roar.

It was President Obama, Hillary, the FBI, the Justice department and sanctuary cities and states that have ignored the rule of law, not Trump.

Obama made fun of those who supposedly clinged to their religion and guns. He also compared tea party members to domestic terrorists. And he illegally spied on thousands. Hillary called anyone who supported Trump 'deplorable' and 'irredeemable.' Obama said people who said that climate changed naturally shouldn’t be listened to. The media didn’t care much when Obama separated kids from parents, but equates Trump to the Nazis when the same policies are followed.

I believe Reich is mixed up as to who sows division and hate.

Obama and Hillary cozied up to Vladimir Putin. It wasn't President Trump. Obama was flexible with Putin. Obama cozied up to tyrants around the world including Raul Castro, the leaders of Iran, and he pretended to draw a red line in Syria as well as pretended with his Secretary of State, John Kerry, that they got rid of the chemical weapons. He dismissed ISIS as the junior varsity team. Then Obama allowed Russia to buy uranium from the U.S.

None of this was the doing of Trump.

So now we have this news nuggetry from Reich:

Salon Publishes Liberal Journalist Field Guide To Trump

“5. Focus on what he’s really doing, and put the day’s stories into this larger context. He’s (1) undermining democratic institutions, (2) using his office for personal gain, (3) sowing division and hate, (4) cozying up to dictators while antagonizing our democratic allies around the world, (5) violating the rule of law, and (6) enriching America’s wealthy while harming the middle class and the poor. He may also be (7) colluding with Putin.”

It's so devoid of contact with reality it amounts to a field guide for Republicans to run against Democrats who will take advice from dimwits like Reich. Why? Because:

Trump is making America great again.
Trump is allowing everyone to move up the economic ladder, especially minorities and other liberals. This has allowed unemployment for blacks and Hispanics to reach record lows. Democrat policies actually encourage more to be dependent on government while they pretend to care.
Business confidence and consumer confidence are much higher than any time during Obama’s eight years.
The economy is growing much faster under Trump than the “experts” said it could.
Trump is bringing back the rule of law at the Justice Dept after years of Obama running it as a fiefdom. Trump believes in the rule of law. Obama believed that he could make and change laws as he pleased.
Trump is actually leading on foreign policy instead of "leading from behind.
Trump is giving freedom, power and the purse back to the people from the greedy government.
Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs after Obama and Democrats said they were gone for good.
I wonder why newscasters aren’t reporting this story! Or this one:

Boom: Over 95% of manufacturers bullish on future, ‘record optimism’
So let's continue the list:

Trump is bringing back freedom of choice on health care.
Trump understands that fossil fuels and CO2 are not more dangerous than terrorism.
Trump doesn't give terrorist sponsoring countries hundreds of billions to expand their terror and pay them ransom.
Trump is actually trying to get North Korea to give up nuclear weapons after three presidents appeased them.
Trump has kept the promise to move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem after three presidents reneged on their promise.
Trump is actually trying to make other NATO countries to pay what they are supposed to after decades where they were allowed to skate.
Trump understands that human lives begin before they drop out of the birth canal.
This in no means is all inclusive.

In summary Trump believes in capitalism and the private sector. Obama believed in a powerful government. Our country became the greatest economic powerhouse in the world because of capitalism and the private sector, so why would Obama, Reich and the Democrats, including the media, want to remake America to have a more powerful government instead of just learn from history?

Trump has exceeded my wildest hopes. He appears to have been a much better choice than all the other Republicans, better than Mitt Romney, Better than John McCain and much better than the mental midget common criminal Hillary who wasn't bright enough to understand how to follow the law.

Trump won around 85% of counties. Republicans have won over 1,000 new seats in the last eight years. They absolutely should not listen to Democrats, the media, McCain, Corker, Flake, Kasich and others to move to the left. That would destroy the Republican Party and allow Pelosi and Schumer to become more powerful. The media and other Democrats will never support Republicans no matter how far to the left they move so why would we ever listen to advice from them. Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
Good luck on getting the liberal morons that post in this forum to change their minds
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Marshall2.0's Avatar
Good luck on getting the liberal morons that post in this forum to change their minds Originally Posted by Hotrod511
The liberal filth do not think, they only feel...not trying to change their minds, that would be like changing a legless man's shoes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
SNICK Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

so is this the 344th time you've replied with "snick" or the 345th? i'm confused!

can you help me out here?

