Chain of Command and The Joint Chiefs

ICU 812's Avatar
The Chain of Command

The US Constitution explicitly names The President as the 'Commander-in-Chief" of the armed forces of The United States . . .ALL of the armed forces. It further specifies that the
congress alone has the power to declare war. These two provisions are intended to subordinate all military commanders to the authority of elected civilian officials. In current practice, the President usually consults the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense when exercising his command authority over the military. Congress often authorizes use of force to the President in lieu of formally declaring war. In all cases, the authority to command the military forces of the United States to act or stand down ultimately resides with the President alone.

In current practice, The Joint Chiefs of Staff are established by statute law as an advisory body to the Sec-Def. The chain of command for military operations does not involve any of the Joint Chiefs or any of their subordinate staff. Rather, the chain of command coms directly from the president, through the Sec-Def to the undersecretaries of each branch of service and then to the regional commanders of their respective services.

General Miley has by his own admission exceeded his statutory authority, gone outside the established chain of command and undermined or even usurped the authority of a sitting president.

General Miley's doubts about the ability of a president to act rationally is a matter to be taken up by elected civilian officials; the Vice President and Cabinet Secretaries via the provisions of the 25th Amendment. Any such act on the part of any military official constitutes an unlawful act; essentially an attempted coupe.

But don't take my word fot it. /thuis information is all available online with a few clicks.
I believe Peloci has culpability in this as well.

She has no authority to confer with the Military concerning the actions of the Commander in Chief.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Miley, or any other cjc, has NO authority at all. He is a liaison who serves at the pleasure of the President, nothing more. Any soldier, sailor, airman or marine who did what he did would be immediately discharged and prosecuted.
rexdutchman's Avatar
High Treason comes to mind ,,,BUT BUT there covering it up , with the help of the moron media
Milley is a world wide hero.
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2021, 12:52 PM
So sad - that DPST minions can only see the marxist propaganda POV.

Never any constructive contributions

Foolish DPSTs marxist minions sheeples.
ICU 812's Avatar
Its not just me saying this:

Also follow this link for a straight forward explanation of the Joint Chiefs:
ICU 812's Avatar
I would love to hear from anyone on the left who can tell me that any part of my OP is wrong . . .and why it is wrong . . .with out calling me a "Dumb-Head" as my 9 year old granddaughter would put it.
Milley is a world wide hero. Originally Posted by royamcr
In certain simple minds...
I would love to hear from anyone on the left who can tell me that any part of my OP is wrong . . .and why it is wrong . . .with out calling me a "Dumb-Head" as my 9 year old granddaughter would put it. Originally Posted by ICU 812
It'll be a COLD day in hell!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
milley is a clown.
ICU 812's Avatar
I would love to hear from anyone on the left who can tell me that any part of my OP is wrong . . .and why it is wrong . . .with out calling me a "Dumb-Head" as my 9 year old granddaughter would put it. Originally Posted by ICU 812
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2021, 06:11 AM
Wait - the DPST foolishness and adherence to marxist narrative and LSM propaganda will surface.
One way , or another!!!
Just wait!

Eventually the marxist DPST minions will get out of their Soylent green New Deal cots, in their tiny unheated AOC dictated shelters, and turn on their One channel Xinn tv to get the news, while drinking fake coffee from DPST labs - recycled from the sewers, and go one their One channel link to the internet - controlled by marxist DPST faceless censors, to post their monitored nonsense approved by the Bureau of Truth. All teh while watched continually by the two way tv required of all Proles.

Orwell - was prescient.

1984 is already here.
ICU 812's Avatar
Interesting to note that last month, I was banned from a gun collector's message board for linking the the proposed door-to-door vaccination effort to violationas of various provisions of The Bill of Rights and projecting that onto confiscation guns as Bob O' Rourke promised to do.

They told me never to post about Covid19 again and reinstated me last week.

My continued thanks to the powers that be here on ECCIE for continuing to provide this platform of free and open expression for all of us.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Chain of command is clear China then puddens then on and on