Ladies - Phone Call Etiquette

PJ1964's Avatar
Hello providers. This question is for you only. Sorry hobbyists.
Being new, but have spoken with providers on the phone, I've noticed that the conversation is rather short. Now, I'm not expecting a 30 minute convo, but I am a little shy at first plus I like talking for up to 15 minutes, just to get some sort of semi-personal feel during phone convo. What are some of the reasons you(providers only)want to chat for short period of time, even when YOU call? Im learning and not trying to insult anyone or step in any toes.
Thank you.
PJ,Some guys are time wasters and might be wacking off and the main point is to set an appointment and do the chit chat at the meeting... A bunch of questions is only going to scare us away and you don't want that. Try some messages thru here first and some women are busy and don't have time. sorry sweetie
Chica Chaser's Avatar
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jaydalee's Avatar
I guess it just depends on the lady you are talking to.Some ladies might just want to have a quick chat with you before meeting to feel you out and other ladies will talk to you longer.I am Email Only lady until after screening before meeting I do require a phone call.On some of these calls it is just making small talk and finalizing details of the appointment.

Maybe the ladies that you are chatting with only have a limited amount of time to talk where there is no one around hence the short conversation.Like another lady suggested sometimes there are gents that have no intention on booking an appointment they just want to chat on the phone for the main purpose of being a timewaster not saying this is what you are doing.Don't feel bad there have been times where I called a gent and he could not talk for very long don't take it personal.While,I can understand being shy a 15min conversation with a gent I have not met before is something I usually do not do.
What are you talking about over the phone?

Services, the weather, your personal life?.

I can understand getting a feel for a provider, but, do your research, I would like to think that the hobbyist, talk about our personality. And if she posts on this board, you can look her up and read her posts.

Lots of ladies will not sit on the phone with a client prior to a meeting.
PJ1964's Avatar
What are you talking about over the phone?

Services, the weather, your personal life?.

I can understand getting a feel for a provider, but, do your research, I would like to think that the hobbyist, talk about our personality. And if she posts on this board, you can look her up and read her posts.

Lots of ladies will not sit on the phone with a client prior to a meeting. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Well, for me, nothing is better than to hear a persons tone of voice. Tones of voice can give clues too. Info not written. Reviews? Too many variables. I bet alot of the reviews are not 100%doing accurate. Fact is, I know they aren't. I've had providers tell me.
I guess my point to you is, for me, the written word isn't always dependable. Its an effort to meet and greet. Hobbyists can change theoretical minds too. There's a fine line between perception and reality.
Take care.
The reason why I stopped taking phone calls is because I noticed that most men don't know how to start a phone call with a lady to get the best results. Here's a list of things you need to remember.

-Before you call DO YOUR RESEARCH. Most ladies don't talk on the phone concerning price and activities. The prices are usually on the website, and if you think with your big head through the text of her ad/website, what she does is pretty apparent. Unless she doesn't have a website or information on her ad, do not use calling as a means of getting information. If you can't view the website on the PC you're on, or you're in a hurry, please send an email.

-When you do call, INTRODUCE YOURSELF, and for an added measure, tell her where you saw her ad, and that you're calling to make an appointment. Even if she answered the phone all dry, that should put her in a better mood. At that point, you should have references all ready to go for when she asks.

Don't lead the conversation with "I saw you on the internets", "Them's some nice....", "Can you be ready by...", "All I got is..." or "Do you do..." and things should go a bit smoother.

**Addendum** If you see on her ad that screening is required, and you know you don't want to be screened, or your screening information won't add up to a hill of beans. DON'T CALL. No amount of negotiation or telling her you're not a cop is going to make her see you.

Happy hunting!
Great tips, Tiffani. Tiffani is right on the money for you gents wondering about phone call etiquette.
PJ1964's Avatar
The reason why I stopped taking phone calls is because I noticed that most men don't know how to start a phone call with a lady to get the best results. Here's a list of things you need to remember.

-Before you call DO YOUR RESEARCH. Most ladies don't talk on the phone concerning price and activities. The prices are usually on the website, and if you think with your big head through the text of her ad/website, what she does is pretty apparent. Unless she doesn't have a website or information on her ad, do not use calling as a means of getting information. If you can't view the website on the PC you're on, or you're in a hurry, please send an email.

-When you do call, INTRODUCE YOURSELF, and for an added measure, tell her where you saw her ad, and that you're calling to make an appointment. Even if she answered the phone all dry, that should put her in a better mood. At that point, you should have references all ready to go for when she asks.

Don't lead the conversation with "I saw you on the internets", "Them's some nice....", "Can you be ready by...", "All I got is..." or "Do you do..." and things should go a bit smoother.

**Addendum** If you see on her ad that screening is required, and you know you don't want to be screened, or your screening information won't add up to a hill of beans. DON'T CALL. No amount of negotiation or telling her you're not a cop is going to make her see you.

Happy hunting! Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Yes ma'am. I agree completely with you.
I have, unfortunately that some women prefer some "private" matters be discussed via pm. Others, email, and still others on phone. You see, I always let her know via pm AND phone that im not sure of all that can be discussed when, where and how much. This is only mentioned to a woman whom I've not had the pleasure of visiting yet. There again, I've found that it depends on the individual. I am ALWAYS honest and upfront to a tactful and tasteful point. I might be a man, but even I know where the "Tact line" is. LOL!!( That was a shot at myself.).
Again, for ME, its sort of an "ice breaker" thing for me and hopefully for her too. Same reason I prefer multi hour visits. So we relax as much as possible, put down SOME of our guards and enjoy one smothers company that much more.
Also, since I posted this thread, I have realized that most womens initial contact with a hobbyist is nerveracking for her too. I understand and respect that. The end of initial phone convo is when I ask if I can call her again. I also ask where her and I can discuss aspoke FEW general particulars(NO MONEY)
so we BOTH know that we're on the same page. The 2ndsame phone call is very relaxed and calming.
If she chooses to not answer any questions thru any method of communication(like what part of town she's in, in case I need to get a room, or a meeting time) then she just helped me make my final de vision. Of she's gonna be THAT private, then im assuming it might be a setup.
As far as the responses......I appreciate and value them very much. I have learned quite alot here, on the ECCIE boards and from some of the providers I have visited.
Thanx again.
I think maybe I should have been clearer with my question/concern. My apologies.
Thanx again ladies. I really DO appreciate your input.
Y'all take care.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The reason why I stopped taking phone calls is because I noticed that most men don't know how to start a phone call with a lady to get the best results. Here's a list of things you need to remember.

-Before you call DO YOUR RESEARCH. Most ladies don't talk on the phone concerning price and activities. The prices are usually on the website, and if you think with your big head through the text of her ad/website, what she does is pretty apparent. Unless she doesn't have a website or information on her ad, do not use calling as a means of getting information. If you can't view the website on the PC you're on, or you're in a hurry, please send an email.

-When you do call, INTRODUCE YOURSELF, and for an added measure, tell her where you saw her ad, and that you're calling to make an appointment. Even if she answered the phone all dry, that should put her in a better mood. At that point, you should have references all ready to go for when she asks.

Don't lead the conversation with "I saw you on the internets", "Them's some nice....", "Can you be ready by...", "All I got is..." or "Do you do..." and things should go a bit smoother.

**Addendum** If you see on her ad that screening is required, and you know you don't want to be screened, or your screening information won't add up to a hill of beans. DON'T CALL. No amount of negotiation or telling her you're not a cop is going to make her see you.

Happy hunting! Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Perfect Tiffany! Its too bad that the ones that NEED to see this thread never will.
PJ1964's Avatar
I want to apologize for the difficulty in reading some of my posts I started ! posts.
The reason? Smart phone. Either my fingers hit wrong letter or the phone "guesses" what im trying to write. Tons of typos. Sry.
Tiffani dear,,,,The paragraph you wrote starting with:: "If you lead the conversation with....." is a classic!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!
Most times I meet providers there is maybe 3 phone convos, all the rest is PM and text. Sometimes everything is text without ever talking before we meet. Hell I've spent an hour with providers that we didn't say 30 words to each other - and it was wildly fantastic!!!!!

No review is EVER accurate through YOUR eyes - EVEYONE sees things differently. If you're afraid to meet a provider that doesn't live up to your standards either lower your standards or quit the hobby!
  • Annef
  • 10-26-2011, 01:40 PM
"I saw you on the internets". That made me laugh out loud.
PJ1964's Avatar
Most times I meet providers there is maybe 3 phone convos, all the rest is PM and text. Sometimes everything is text without ever talking before we meet. Hell I've spent an hour with providers that we didn't say 30 words to each other - and it was wildly fantastic!!!!!

No review is EVER accurate through YOUR eyes - EVEYONE sees things differently. If you're afraid to meet a provider that doesn't live up to your standards either lower your standards or quit the hobby! Originally Posted by Louigi
That said, I'm wondering if there is any gray area. If they refuse to let me know where THEY'D (whomeverThat it mightyou be. I havehave never hadmentioned this problem. Im justa using it asyou an example)prefer I get a hotel OR what time her and I might meet(my examples) I should suck it up or quit? Im not trying to argue...just trying to understand what you're telling me, if it was in fact meant for me.
Im just trying to learn. The time for me to get out of hobby, I think, is up to me and best known by me.
Thanx again for the inputs.
Yes ma'am. I agree completely with you.
I have, unfortunately that some women prefer some "private" matters be discussed via pm. Others, email, and still others on phone. You see, I always let her know via pm AND phone that im not sure of all that can be discussed when, where and how much. This is only mentioned to a woman whom I've not had the pleasure of visiting yet. There again, I've found that it depends on the individual. I am ALWAYS honest and upfront to a tactful and tasteful point. I might be a man, but even I know where the "Tact line" is. LOL!!( That was a shot at myself.).
Again, for ME, its sort of an "ice breaker" thing for me and hopefully for her too. Same reason I prefer multi hour visits. So we relax as much as possible, put down SOME of our guards and enjoy one smothers company that much more.
Also, since I posted this thread, I have realized that most womens initial contact with a hobbyist is nerveracking for her too. I understand and respect that. The end of initial phone convo is when I ask if I can call her again. I also ask where her and I can discuss aspoke FEW general particulars(NO MONEY)
so we BOTH know that we're on the same page. The 2ndsame phone call is very relaxed and calming.
If she chooses to not answer any questions thru any method of communication(like what part of town she's in, in case I need to get a room, or a meeting time) then she just helped me make my final de vision. Of she's gonna be THAT private, then im assuming it might be a setup.
As far as the responses......I appreciate and value them very much. I have learned quite alot here, on the ECCIE boards and from some of the providers I have visited.
Thanx again.
I think maybe I should have been clearer with my question/concern. My apologies.
Thanx again ladies. I really DO appreciate your input.
Y'all take care. Originally Posted by PJ1964
I understand what you mean now.

You're mixing your signals. Most ladies that operate like that don't put their phone numbers out first. Ladies that put their phone numbers out there do so to set appointments. Get the screening and introductions out of the way, and you're on your way over shortly. I like to get a feel for your words via email. Once you've been screened and if you give me plenty of advance notice, we can choose a time that suits both of us to talk.

As far as set up's are concerned, you're in Bryan. The smaller the town, the more the cops mess with ladies, especially if she's offering incall. She may be in Nowheresville herself, and giving her location away may feel a bit too risky, especially if she's not sure you're coming. And think about it. The cops will DAMN sure want you to know where they are. Cause they're trying to hamstring you as quickly as possible and move on to the next sucker who doesn't want to be screened and only wants to hear "yeah I'm available now, baby. Come on over."

The initial phone call is for you to establish credibility as a potential client, not to cake on the phone with a pretty lady. Understand that ladies get WAY more timewasters than clients. Your goal in phone conversations is to make the lady as comfortable as possible. If you're not doing that, start using email. It's actually much easier. You can tell her who you are, where you saw her, and give her any references and ID's you may have, and when and where you want to meet her in one fowl swoop, and she can respond in kind. IF and only if there is a chance of you two meeting, ask her for a phone conversation. NOW you cake. She gets a feel for you, and vice versa. You don't even have to talk about the meeting AT ALL. This builds anticipation for her too.

In short, evaluate the type of chicks you're picking.