Ladies: Whats a fair overnite rate for your time?

Smoke2nd's Avatar
For someone you know and trust.
A client you have clicked with.
What's a fair rate for say...8 - 10 hrs.

Thanks for your input.
pyramider's Avatar
Whatever rate they charge?
it depends on what she normally charges, what you guys will be doing, and how much she likes you.
  • LynnT
  • 06-03-2011, 09:51 PM
Also depends on the date.. something awesome.. one hand washes the other.
It really depends on many things. One, how often you like to negotiate your paycheck with our employer? Two, what you will be doing during the non-BCD time? Three, do you expect to have chandelier sex three times before shutting the lights out? Four, do you expect to be able to wake her up on the middle of the night – twice with ankles to ears? Four, do you expect to hot, steamy sex first thing in the morning? Five……………..

Or do you expect a nice date like you would have with your girlfriend on a three, day romantic trip out of town? Chandelier sex before and after whatever you are doing for fun that evening. Good lovin’ if you both wake up in the middle of the night. And finish it off with some sweet sugar in the morning before heading out for coffee.

Take the two scenarios into consideration, and again, along with what you’ll be doing non-BCD and how much you like your paycheck negotiated and make a decision. Remember, it’s supposed to be fun for both of you .
chandelier sex that is ankles to ears.... sounds like swinging fun!
Course, keeping the cage gurls happy can be rough...
chandelier sex that is ankles to ears.... sounds like swinging fun!
Course, keeping the cage gurls happy can be rough... Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
I don't have a cage, but I do know where to go to find one lol. Pssst, ankles to ears in the morning is the only way to go. It gives me a nice lower lumbar stretch and scratches my itch lol.

I also have a swing!
inctown's Avatar
I booked an all nighter with a provider and went 8 bills. She and I had already had a great first session and this was our second time around. I am sure I got a break on it because of the fact she knew she would have a good time and get a great review. Not saying that is all I would go for but hard to argue with that as a starting point.
I got a break on it because of the fact she knew she would have a good time and get a great review. Originally Posted by inctown
So where is the great review?
Pica Flor's Avatar
I believe it may be YMMV big time, recently I spent an overnight (actually 12 hours) with one of my ATFs. My cost was the hotel and dinner, her rate to others? probably 1,000. So a "fair rate"? somewhere in between!! in my opinion.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Whatever they pick.....
inctown's Avatar
So where is the great review? Originally Posted by 308Shooter

on another site I have belonged to long before I started posting here. I know I am not the only one that belongs on two boards.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Smoke you are getting the run around like crazy!

I know alot of providers. I've heard things like Pay for 5 hours, get two free. Pay for 7, get three free.. stuff like that but YMMV as always.
I think if a woman normally charges say, $200 per hour, then $1,000 for 8 hours is very reasonable. Overnight is a long time, don't forget.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
100 bucks.