An alternative to the Fort Worth review forum idea

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I've noticed that in my browser (Firefox), when I hover over a review's Subject line, I get a small pop-up with the first few lines of the review visible. This, for example, is what I see when I hover over my most recent review:

Date: mid-January
Provider: Emily
Phone: 682-710-2207
E-mail address: NA
URL / Wesbite: ...

In some, but not all cases, I can see the city, as well:
City: Fort Worth

In other words, the number of lines and amount of text that I can see vary, and, because it's farther down on the review form, when the number of lines is limited to five or fewer, I can't see the city without clicking on the link. And that revisits the old complaint that won't get anywhere.

Would it be possible, and would TPTB be inclined, to modify the Review template so that City was higher, e.g.:
E-mail address:
URL / Web site:

While I'd still prefer a playground where the Fort Worth kids can play by ourselves, I think that might address the issue of not being able to determine geographic compatibility without opening the review.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Well, that went over like a lead balloon.

"Never mind."
-- Emily Litella
How about when the person does the review they include city in the title along with the ladies name.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
TinMan's suggested a specific format for that, and so far, I'm one of the very few following it. Throw in everyone else who includes the city but doesn't use the format, and you're still talking about a very small percentage of reviews.

The problem is that, as long as compliance it's voluntary, you'll never get compliance. People either don't know, don't think, or don't care. It's easier to achieve the desired compliance by making one change taking maybe five minutes to the review template than it is to count on hundreds of people to write the subject line correctly.
Boltfan's Avatar
You might either rtm your original post or post it in the national member feedback forum. I was able to get them to add a pm link to the mobile site when you get email notifications so they do respond.