Speaking of STDs (Re: STD Report Thread)

I'm ignorant but the best way to eliminate ignorance is to ask the dumb questions.

I've always heard that if you catch an STD the doctor or clinic will require you to divulge the names of the people you've had sex with in order to contact them to get tested. Is that true? I'm not saying I disagree with the reasoning behind it but I'm wondering if that keeps people from getting checked out more frequently, human nature being what it is. And while I know that if you ask your doctor to test you and you're negative the regulations are that he can't let your SO even know that you asked to be tested. But if you're positive does that confidentiality go out the door? Especially if your SO has the same doctor?
Lou Spowles's Avatar
Where do people come up with this crap? I had chlamydia once. I got a script. It was gone. And I've creampied hundreds of ladies, mostly streetwalkers, all over america. When I was younger I believed all the lies about how prevalent stds are. Since then I've learned the truth. Catching chlamydia is no big deal. You go to the hospital and get a 10 dollar prescription and it's gone in a couple days.

You guys can use condoms if you want. Condoms kill the feeling and they're a waste of money.
......Chlamydia may not be a big deal to you. But, what about AIDs or HPV or Genital Warts? Those shits don't have easy cures like what your mind thinks... Just curious if your thinking would be different if instead of chlamyhdia you had gotten an incurable STD.
Lou Spowles's Avatar
The only people who catch hiv are needle users, homos and negroes. How many people with aids do you know who don't fall into those categories?

About hpv and herpes. Ive blown my load in a lot of women. How come I've never had a wart or a herpe?
Reincarnated's Avatar
Well Lou, you probably just got yourself put on every Eccie providers do not see list with that comment. LOL.
Lou Spowles's Avatar
Huh? How? I've blown my load in quite a few eccie women.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-14-2017, 09:17 AM
Lou,you are a loud mouth troll. Nothing more.

I suspect you are making up most of what you post, and intentionally delusional about the rest.
Lou Spowles's Avatar
Wrong. I'm living proof that fears of stds are overhyped. Read "the myth of heterosexual aids" by Michael fumento.
Don't feed the troll.
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
If you feed Humpty too much, he'll fall off his wall of shit and break into a bunch of pieces. Then another handle will put him back together again.
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
From my understanding its when u catch something highly contagious (airborn) especially if u work around either the elderly or young children that they contact people. otherwise what u catch/contract is kept private. I did in fact receive a letter in the mail once stating I needed to go get checked. no info was given about who I may have been exposed to. I went and got checked (for free) and was cleared to my relief.
Still Looking's Avatar
The only people who catch hiv are needle users, homos and negroes. How many people with aids do you know who don't fall into those categories?

About hpv and herpes. Ive blown my load in a lot of women. How come I've never had a wart or a herpe? Originally Posted by Lou Spowles
Simple you don't exist. My imaginary friends are all disease free.

The only people who catch hiv are needle users, homos and negroes... Originally Posted by Lou Spowles
Stats show a good mix unless you're Hawaiian/Asian Pacific Islanders.
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Lou Spowles's Avatar
"Good distribution" among non black, non needle using heterosexuals? You missed that.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-14-2017, 05:22 PM
No, people read what you posted--they just can't believe a sane person believes that. Are you a Flat-Earther too? A literal Creationist? A ostrich with your head in the sand? Many comparisons come to mind.