what ya'll think (providers or guys are all welcome to share your thought)

ok....here is the thing...last night before i went to bed...a thought suddenly popped out of my mind...and now i tried to address it here and looking forward to hear what ya'll think (providers and guys are all welcome to share your thought). i kind except a honest answer so i will know how providers really feels in mind
the thought i had was...for our guys...obviously when we go to a provider...we either saw her ads and we feel we like her so much and want give her a try or we read her reviews and we go to her, my question for guys is...have any of you ever fall in love with any provider after you go to her again after again??? (personally i dont...i just think is anyone does it....)
same question i have for providers....but with different angle....(i except a honest answer for the following question, despite it might be difficult for you to answer)...my question is...unlike us men...you dont know anything about us before we come to you...what is your first thought when you see us...its all about first impression isnt it??? what if you really dont like the way we look or the way we act??? you still do the job without personal feeling involved or you dont even care, everything is just for money??? and the other scenario is what if you really like us when you first see us...will you give us more during the time or its all business??? like the question i had for guys earlier...have anyone of you ever fall for the guy who go to you??? or we all just "one of your daily business...nothing more...nothing less???
i appreciate ya'll read this (guys or providers)...i dont even know if i place the thread in the right place...but if you can and if you want to...will you please kindly reply this thread...because i am really dying to know...out of curiosity of-cuz...again...thank ya'll and thank for your answer
MrDark's Avatar
LOVE doesn't exist in the Hobby, The illusion of love how ever does...If you begin to have feeling of love for a provider or vice-versa a provider having feelings for a client, it's best for both parties to stop.

Guys who feel love for a provider should stop hobbying or stop seeing her. Providers who have feelings for a guy should cut him off.

We should all remember what we're there for to have fun you want love go to match or e harmony.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint solves all the relationship woes. Tickle the taint and see all that the world opens.
thats why i am dying to know what those providers thought....after all, the are the one whose thoughts really count....because they dont know what we look like before we go unlike us...haha...
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
i am in love with all of them! they know it too! i have a big heart...
Sleepy363's Avatar
Yes, love exists.

We love fucking them, and they love getting paid.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Ivan, can answer your own question by calling and saying, "I don't have any money, but I do have love. How about an hour?"

You don't pay your friends or someone you love. The time you spend with a provider is part of a business transaction.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I've fallen in love with almost every provider I have ever seen who treated me right. Fortunately, they don't fall in love with me so when I cheat on them, it is no big deal.
Not love but I have found friends that I enjoy being with. Just recently a provider I thought the world of said some thing I misread and caused a separation. It wasn't love it was friendship.
bored@home's Avatar
I have been curious about the four letter word in the hobby for awhile.
I personally think using the term "love" is taboo in a hobby that is best practiced rather than over thought. I shy as far away from anyone who throws the term love out too often.
The guy who cooks breakfast at this cafe near work is awesome and I go out of my way to eat there... but if love ever came up in chit chat.. I would stop going.
Crimson32's Avatar
Jesus Ivan-- i had to break this down to figure out exactly what it is your asking.. The answer to your question is yes and no.. Depends on the person and the provider-- it's a tricky thing we are dealing with, anytime you have sex mixed in things could get complicated for some. For the most part creating a love affair with a provider most always starts off destined to fail.. ~ but not all the time~~

ok....here is the thing...last night before i went to bed...a thought suddenly popped out of my mind...and now i tried to address it here and looking forward to hear what ya'll think (providers and guys are all welcome to share your thought). i kind except a honest answer so i will know how providers really feels in mind
the thought i had was...for our guys...obviously when we go to a provider...we either saw her ads and we feel we like her so much and want give her a try or we read her reviews and we go to her, my question for guys is...

1.)have any of you ever fall in love with any provider after you go to her again after again??? (personally i dont...i just think is anyone does it....)
same question i have for providers....but with different angle....(i except a honest answer for the following question, despite it might be difficult for you to answer)...my question is...unlike us men...you dont know anything about us before we come to you..

.2.)what is your first thought when you see us..

.3).its all about first impression isnt it???

4.) what if you really dont like the way we look or

5.)the way we act???

6.)you still do the job without personal feeling involved or you dont even care, everything is just for money???

and the other scenario is what if you really like us when you first see us...

8.)will you give us more during the time? or

9.)its all business??? like the question i had for guys earlier...

10.)have anyone of you ever fall for the guy who go to you??? or

11.)we all just "one of your daily business...nothing more...nothing less???

i appreciate ya'll read this (guys or providers)...i dont even know if i place the thread in the right place...but if you can and if you want to...will you please kindly reply this thread...because i am really dying to know...out of curiosity of-cuz...again...thank ya'll and thank for your answer Originally Posted by ivan3923

11 Questions asking the exact same thing.. Lol... Your thinking to damn much!!! Good Lord Ivan..
just so you guys know...i am not any part of this...it was just a thought i had last night all the sudden out of the blue...haha...
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Go back and study now ivan Lol Take a breath , it's new and exciting , I get it !
We have SOME very talented and educated women here , and all have a degree of IOP and abilities. I have a profound respect for most ( Lil Miss is a good exsample ) I see. Some have a well balanced devide between there career and real life. It can be very easy to like - love - lust - admire , whatever you want to call it , just be aware of who you are , what your seeking and who you are seeking it from. It's quite a diverse candy store and I myself had to look closely at my own motives when feelings and reality became a blur. Best of luck to ya , and thanx for the thought provoking moment . LLF61
MickeyBlue's Avatar
Taint solves all the relationship woes. Tickle the taint and see all that the world opens. Originally Posted by pyramider

That's some hilarious stuff there pyramider.
..my question is...unlike us men...you dont know anything about us before we come to you...what is your first thought when you see us...its all about first impression isnt it??? what if you really dont like the way we look or the way we act??? you still do the job without personal feeling involved or you dont even care, everything is just for money??? Originally Posted by ivan3923
As long as the hobbyist doesn't look like this man,


Or even this,

Then I'm absolutely fine with him.

..and the other scenario is what if you really like us when you first see us...will you give us more during the time or its all business??? like the question i had for guys earlier...have anyone of you ever fall for the guy who go to you??? or we all just "one of your daily business...nothing more...nothing less???
I've seen some men that have made me wish that we were both in "another lifetime" where I wasn't doing this kind of thing or that they weren't married. But alas, I take all of this in with a grain of salt, and I add their traits to my "Dream guy" list. Now, the question is, "Do I give 'Brownie Points' to guys who fit my "Dream Guy" category? Absolutely not! That would be discrimination for all the other wonderful men out there who would like to spend time with me.

Words of advice, don't EVER wear your heart on your sleeve in ANY kind of business transaction. Whether you are paying for a session or buying a cheeseburger from McDonalds. Its really not that damn serious anyway.

In all honesty, I love the transaction, but I hate the business because "Love" is one of those things that you shouldn't make an illusion out of. It can be quite horrendous and cause many men and women to post countless posts on "Love" on an escort board.