Biden Has the Most Bizarre Response to Reporter Asking About Dems Who Want to Defund Police

  • oeb11
  • 07-23-2021, 01:01 PM

Source: AP Photo/Susan Walsh

President Biden drew a comparison on Wednesday between Democrats supporting defunding the police and a QAnon conspiracy theory, insisting that his party backs law enforcement.
The remarks came after a reporter sought to clarify remarks the president made earlier during a CNN town hall that "there’s no — no one in the Democratic Party [who] is anti-police." Biden denied the remark.
Biden: I didn’t say that.

Reporter: I know that you said you don’t want to defund the police —

Biden: I said that that — that is not the Democratic Party’s position.

Reporter: Okay.

Biden: I’m the Democratic Party; I am President. So is the Speaker of the House and so is the –- the Majority Leader. We are not the defunding the police.

Reporter: Okay. And are there people who — in the Democratic Party, who want to defund the police?
And that’s when Biden shot back with reference to the conspiracy theory: “Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?”
According to The Denver Gazette, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once addressed the "'frazzledrip' QAnon conspiracy theory that she and aide Huma Abedin once killed a girl on video before wearing her face as a mask and drinking her blood," calling it "hurtful" and "painfully false."
Reporter: Are there Democrats who want to defund the police?

Biden: *something about sucking the blood out of kids*

Reporter: uhhh…
— JT Lewis (@thejtlewis) July 23, 2021
As Katie reported during the 2020 campaign, Biden said police can "become the enemy" and agreed that funding should "absolutely" be redirected.

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Other progressive Democrats, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called for defunding the police, as did members of his administration, like Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, before she walked back her statement.

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OEB, please clean up your post!
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You want a definitive example of "whataboutism"? Here it is.

Reporter: Okay. And are there people who — in the Democratic Party, who want to defund the police?
And that’s when Biden shot back with reference to the conspiracy theory: “Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?”

When you don't answer the question and ask a completely different question than the one asked, that is whataboutism.

What isn't whataboutism, is answering the question and then asking if another person or another party did a "similar" thing and not completely change the topic.

It is obvious that Biden didn't want to answer that question because he knows damn well that there are elected Democrats, in his party, that have not only called for defunding the police but abolishing the police along with jails.

The reporter is asking the President about "elected" Democrats in his party and what they have said.

Biden's response was about a non-elected, not named Qanon person who may or may not be a registered Republican.

Apples and Oranges

Not a dimes bit of difference in Biden and Trump when it comes to failing to answer a question truthfully. None. There are very few politicians if any, in either party, that will answer a question truthfully, when they know the answer will hurt their party. It's the way the majority of them play the game.

I can't fully respect a person who can't truthfully answer a question that is unequivocal. BUT, I don't have to fully respect a person that agrees with my policy positions, when the opponent completely disagrees with my policy position. I don't have to like you, don't even have to respect you, if you are doing what I want you to do and the other person is doing the exact opposite of what I want done.

Ain't really that hard to understand.

There are hundreds of hours on tape of elected Democrats calling for the defunding of police. What non-elected Democrats say doesn't mean shit.

If you can show me a clip of an elected Republican saying that Hillary and her girl pal drank the blood of children, please post it. What some random Republican voter may have said doesn't mean shit.

What elected people say is fair game for use against them.

All Biden would have had to say was "Yes, there are elected Democrats in my party calling for the defunding of police and I dis-agree with that" but he can't, he won't because it would hurt the party and the party comes before truth for most of these politicians.

So what's the answer? Simple, admit to yourself that policy is more important than character. That they will all, not all but most, will lie in the name of protecting the party.

One can not possibly believe that either party has a monopoly on this. If you do, you are naive at best and ignorant at worst.