
Hello everyone,

First off, this is my first time back on Eccie in a while. I decided to give it a shot instead on backpage all the time.. So I went to post on the provider ad section. It told me I did not have permission to do so. Why?? I have reviews on here.. 2 on my actual page and some others in the review section. I have done doubles with Carolina Girl Holly as she can vouch for me that I am legit and real.. HELP PLEASE...

There is a gentleman named Pyramider that is in charge of granting you permission to place ads in the Indepehdent Provider section. He has his own idea of what you are required to do in order for him to grant you access. Send him a PM or wait for him to post - He'll let you know what you need to do.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Hello everyone,

First off, this is my first time back on Eccie in a while. I decided to give it a shot instead on backpage all the time.. So I went to post on the provider ad section. It told me I did not have permission to do so. Why?? I have reviews on here.. 2 on my actual page and some others in the review section. I have done doubles with Carolina Girl Holly as she can vouch for me that I am legit and real.. HELP PLEASE...

leanne Originally Posted by DDLEANNE
Welcome Leanne! Pay no attention to Ed. You need to get Verified Provider status with us, then you can run regular ads and make your showcase. See this thread for all the info and instructions for your area.
Its.me69's Avatar
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