Maybe Democrats should try enforcing the law

  • oeb11
  • 10-29-2021, 07:30 PM

Prosecutors are dropping like flies from San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s office, with the latest two departures immediately pledging to work for the campaign to recall Boudin from office.
© Provided by Washington Examiner YL.Law.jpg “Public safety is not his focus. That is not his goal,” former-prosecutor-turned-recall-advocate Brooke Jenkins told a local television station. “Chesa has a radical approach that involves not charging crime in the first place and simply releasing individuals with no rehabilitation and putting them in positions where they are simply more likely to reoffend.”

Boudin is the only son of convicted Weather Underground murderers Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. When his parents were sent to prison, he was then raised by Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers. His rise to power was funded in part by billionaire George Soros, who has invested millions in electing soft-on-crime prosecutors throughout the country.
Fellow former-prosecutor-turned-recall-advocate Don Du Bain added, "He basically disregards the laws that he doesn't like, and he disregards the court decisions that he doesn't like to impose his own version of what he believes is just — and that's not the job of the district attorney."
Sounds like a particular president's approach to immigration policy.
Du Bain and Jenkins are among 51 prosecutors who left or were fired since Boudin took office in January 2020.
Boudin’s office turnover has gotten so bad that one San Francisco Superior Court judge took the rare step of criticizing Boudin from the bench. “I cannot express in any more certain terms my disapproval of the manner in which the office of the district attorney is being managed,” the judge said. “We simply cannot have the current levels of inadvertence, disorganization, and expect there to be any public confidence in what we do here collectively.”
Under Boudin’s brand of “justice,” the number of fatal gun violence victims has risen 47% from 2020 to 2021, and the number of car break-ins has risen 21%.
The campaign to recall Boudin announced last week it had far exceeded the 51,000 signatures needed to trigger a recall election, which will now most likely take place in June of next year. In the meantime, if you are going to San Francisco, we recommend taking a little more precaution than just putting some flowers in your hair.

Comment - thank U - nazi pelosi - and soros for destroying a great city
while you nomenklatura live behind walled and gated barbed wire in mansions, while the normal People suffer teh brunt of your subsidized crime spree.

After all - One cannot expect a liberal to enforce the law against your very own plantation Peoples?????
Now can We??

Yes - We can - democraticommunist foolish marxists and racists nomenklatura. .
Dems can start by hanging the trump sucker bannon out to dry. Trump loves his indicted friends. The losers are his only friends. What's wrong with that picture of a loser that lost by the most votes and electoral votes ever in history.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dems can start by hanging the trump sucker bannon out to dry. Trump loves his indicted friends. The losers are his only friends. What's wrong with that picture of a loser that lost by the most votes and electoral votes ever in history. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Walter Mondale is dead.

Mondale was defeated in a landslide, receiving 37,577,352 votes (40.6% of the popular vote), and winning only the District of Columbia and his home state of Minnesota (even there his margin of victory was fewer than 3,800 votes),[56] securing only 13 electoral votes to Reagan's 525. The result was the worst electoral college defeat for any Democratic Party candidate in history, and the worst for any major-party candidate since Alf Landon's loss to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936.[57]
Hey smart know that was a fixed election and Mondale was cheated and (didn't) order his loser trash supporters to storm the Capitol. Fkn idiots amuse me 🤓
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey smart know that was a fixed election and Mondale was cheated and (didn't) order his loser trash supporters to storm the Capitol. Fkn idiots amuse me 🤓 Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
winn dixie's Avatar
Hey smart know that was a fixed election and Mondale was cheated and (didn't) order his loser trash supporters to storm the Capitol. Fkn idiots amuse me 🤓 Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Just the facts man. Losers are losers that don't know or accept it. The ignorant racist rednecks just amuse real people that don't marry their kin...again and again. So much that they suk the mushroom lol n Wtf
Just the facts man. The ignorant racist rednecks just amuse real people Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Are you referencing this...does that amuse you??
If you post it you own it mucho bb poster with no life. It's still good in my hood making fun of losers that post 24/7
If you post it you own it mucho bb poster with no life. It's still good in my hood making fun of losers that post 24/7 Originally Posted by Tsmokies
WTF are you talking about that is your man the PISSANT using the N word...if that isn't a racist then there is no such thing!!
Get your fucking head out of the sand!!
Just the facts man. Losers are losers that don't know or accept it. The ignorant racist rednecks just amuse real people that don't marry their kin...again and again. So much that they suk the mushroom lol n Wtf Originally Posted by Tsmokies
... You don't need to convince me there, mate.

I surely got no doubt that YOU know more
about losers and losing then anybody else
in this Forum.

... And THAT'S saying something!

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Guys.... Please dont wake the moderator! He gets grumpy.
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2021, 04:07 AM
Thank U - ts
Sad - the liberal cultists propaganda and Lies spewed on behalf of a stalinist democraticommunist party seeking to enslave You.

you are entitled to your opinion
a Right you refuse Me and all conservatives.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!

LexusLover's Avatar
Hey smart know that was a fixed election and Mondale was cheated and (didn't) order his loser trash supporters to storm the Capitol. Fkn idiots amuse me 🤓 Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yea, and HillariousNoMore was also .... "cheated" .... right?

Clinging to CNN bullshit is the sign of a real "loser"!

Anyone who voted for those not-so-funny-jokes in the WH is a "loser"!
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2021, 04:36 AM
How amusing is it to see the 'Liberal Icon' stacey abrams - she of the out of control digestive system and calorie input through an 'overactive mouth" - bleat adn whine that she 'Won".

disregard for Reality is a prime requirement for both democraticommunist disciples and nomenklatura.


But pathetically amusing!

Buck fiden

From my cold dead hands