Food for thought...

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Tonight something reminded me of when I worked as a home health aide in missouri. This was my 2nd job, the first being in a mental ward during the day. I remember the agency sending me to a huge mansion outside of the city I lived in where I met a man that would change my outlook on life forever. I cant remember his name, but I remember him like it was yesterday. As if god put him in my life for a reason, he was a intelligent man that worked as a district judge for 30 years before he developed a brain tumor and was forced to retire. I also remember his wife, she told me once I had a "amazing smile" that I would hear this again and again in life because people would notice my ability to walk in a room and make people happy. She was right. I remember as his condition grew worse he would wake up every hour wondering where he was, he eventually had no functioning motor skills and was unable to walk and then some days he seemed like he might be imp...roving, tho, I knew this couldnt be the case. One night as I sat by his bed and talked with him on one of his better nights I remember him telling me stories of his life, his work, and things he had done. He told me that life is what you make it, if you believe things wont go your way, they wont. If you doubt your ability to be accomplished you will never succeed and every day you wake up you have a chance to make your life better as well as someone elses. You never know of the demons they might be facing. I remember every night I would walk in his room he would say hello, smile, and ask me how my day was? This man, with a terminal condition, unable to walk, and bed ridden. As I remember this man, I remember, to treat people as I want to be treated. Leave the judging up to god, and live your life to the fullest cause the good really do die young.
Thank you. Gnite.
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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You must be an angel, Hannah. Thanks for the positive post!
Cynamon's Avatar
your welcome my friend!
You must be an angel, Hannah. Thanks for the positive post! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
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  • WTF
  • 09-22-2012, 01:10 PM
I've always read the obituaries and been amazed at what some folks had done. People you had never heard of... doing extraordinary things. I'd wonder what was the point if all you got was a obit and a estate sale.

Stories like your are the point, Thanks for sharing.
Cynamon's Avatar
Your welcome sir.

I've always read the obituaries and been amazed at what some folks had done. People you had never heard of... doing extraordinary things. I'd wonder what was the point if all you got was a obit and a estate sale.

Stories like your are the point, Thanks for sharing. Originally Posted by WTF