Couple questions....

I did searches and didn't come across any answers.

1. I saw a provider recently and had a good time and I want to do a review of it so everybody else can be aware. Well, even though me and her didn't discuss it, I get the vibe that she wants to be UTR. I want to know, who it be cool for me to do a review of her and put her number in the ROS section? That why when her number is researched, the review won't come up and everybody can have knowledge of her. If not, I just wont do it. No big deal

2. I have 3 reviews to do, (1 from Jan, 2 from feb) and I want to know if its ok for me to do them this week or next? I didn't know if there was a time limit that you have to enter them by, plus I didn't want to get any kind of "flag" by doing back-to back reviews. I was lurking/hovering and I decided to take the plunge. If not, that's cool to.

I think that's it for now.
You can do the reviews. If they feel they are not timely you might not get premium access for them. As for the other, you have her number call her and ask if she wants a review and how much info does she want put in it. She might want a email address and will give out her number after screening.
gimme_that's Avatar
If she's "under the radar" she probably won't appreciate a review, and you shouldn't do one unless you know for sure. Writing the review and hiding contact information in the ros is nowhere under the radar....would seem like a pinpoint sonar to me.

Also if you bare planning to see her again....and she prefers to be under the radar writing tthe review will show in a way you are not discreet. But if she sucked or gave lackidasical lackluster service....and you don't plan on seeing her anyway.....have at it.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Good advise from both memers. Here is the rule:

Any review written that is over 30 days old does not qualify for PA

Any review written of the same provider within the past 90 days by you does not qualify for PA

That being said, information is information and if you wish to share with us the info even though over 30 days old, I know I would appreciate it. You have to decide whether or not you want to reveal the info on the UTR lady, Me, I would not without her permission, just me. I have seen several UTR and I say nothing because that is how they want it.
Good advise from both memers. Here is the rule:

Any review written that is over 30 days old does not qualify for PA

Any review written of the same provider within the past 90 days by you does not qualify for PA

That being said, information is information and if you wish to share with us the info even though over 30 days old, I know I would appreciate it. You have to decide whether or not you want to reveal the info on the UTR lady, Me, I would not without her permission, just me. I have seen several UTR and I say nothing because that is how they want it. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman

Thanks for the input, and to everybody else who responded. The PA isn't really my goal. If I get it I get it, if not oh well (no sarcasm). I more so just wanted to share info since the board has given me a lot. 2 of the reviews would've been on providers who have been pretty thoroughly reviewed (Icey and Princess/starr) and my experience was the same as others (other then needing a muzzle for Princess, she is a talker). When I see the UTR one, I will ask.