A Review

Hi, I'm really new here. How do I go about posting a review, of a provider, on this site? Thanks
Skindyvr's Avatar
Hi there Hemi, whatever location you're in, scroll down to the independent provider reviews, or if you use an agency, the agency review section, and at the top of the page, there's a link to post a review. Also, check out the links on how to post a review. Welcome and have fun! The ladies in here are super nice, as well as the other hobbyists in here. All you have to do is ask, and they'll be more than happy to help!
It depends on where you saw the provider too, did you see her here in New Orleans or in Florida? Whatever city you were in when you saw her, THAT is where you would post your review. Read some of the other reviews to get a taste of what its like (Yes, I MEANT to say taste! LOL!) And at the top of the review section, there are sticky's that will guide you even further (or confuse you more!) If you have any questions, folks on the board are very happy to help you out.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
What they said, Nicolet and Skin gave you some good advise and have fun!!