Dorian Gray's Post Indigenous People's Day AMA threAD.

Dorian.Gray's Avatar
Greetings fucktards and hooktards,

I've descended from the mountains to take your hobby related questions. So don't hold back and go for broke.
Do you think anyone really cares?
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Were you ever really gone though?��������
TryWeakly's Avatar
Why didnt you just reactivate your old handle?
Fancyinheels's Avatar

BUT... Are you the same DG we all grew to love/hate/denigrate and not merely a poser? How do we know since this is a new account?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Trouble deciding which one?
TryWeakly's Avatar
It's a new sHandle...
tbone77494's Avatar
GIFs will make me a believer
It's a new sHandle... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Agreed no Nazi avatar, pic of Dorian Gray too obvious.
Dorian.Gray's Avatar
Do you think anyone really cares? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Sie sorgten sich genug um zu fragen

(You cared enough to ask)
Were you ever really gone though?�������� Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
Solange es diejenigen gibt, die sich an Ihren Namen erinnern, sind Sie nie wirklich weg

(As long as there are those who remember your name you are never really gone)
Why didnt you just reactivate your old handle? Originally Posted by TryWeakly

Natürlich zur Unterhaltung

(For entertainment of course)
TryWeakly's Avatar
Idiot. You are doing it all wrong....
Complete fucking retard... lol
Dorian.Gray's Avatar

BUT... Are you the same DG we all grew to love/hate/denigrate and not merely a poser? How do we know since this is a new account?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Does it matter
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Does it matter Originally Posted by Dorian.Gray
Nein, nicht wirklich, solange Sie einen anständigen Klon verwalten können.
The english subtitles were consistently small font and brackets not parentheses.

Countdown to banville.....
