Is Wokeness ‘Kryptonite for Democrats’?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes, I think it will be! What I predict will not be on the minds of voters in 2022 is whether Republicans didn't want a commission that even the Democrats ( on this board ) admit was a political stunt with no real purpose.

Is Wokeness ‘Kryptonite for Democrats’?

As Republicans well know, Democrats are divided on a host of volatile racial, cultural and sexual issues.

Take a look at the polls.

In 2019, the Democracy Fund Voter Study Group commissioned a survey asking for agreement or disagreement with the statement: “There are only two genders, male and female.”
In the full sample, a decisive majority, 59 percent agreed, including 43 percent who “strongly agreed,” 32 percent disagreed and 9 percent who said they weren’t sure. Among Republicans, it was no contest, 78 percent agreed and 16 percent disagreed. Independents mirrored the whole sample.

Democrats were split: a plurality, 48 percent, disagreed, and 44 percent agreed.

The survey itself arguably embodied what critics might call “transphobic framing” — transgender issues are among the most polarizing in contemporary politics and much contemporary cultural conflict in fact stems from framing disputes.

That's one losing issue if your counting!

Or take the public’s view of the “defund the police” movement that gained momentum after the murder of George Floyd a year ago.

A March 1-2 USA Today/Ipsos Poll found that voters were opposed to defunding the police 58-18, with the strongest opposition among whites (67 percent to 13 percent support, the rest undecided) and Republicans (84 to 4 percent), while a plurality of Democrats were opposed (at 39 to 34), which was also true among African Americans (37 to 28).

A second losing issue. I'm suggesting that if Democrats can't get 70% or better on these issues, they lose the issue when Republicans do achieve those numbers just in case you wondered what I was basing my opinion on.

A Harvard/Harris survey in February asked, “Do you think there is a growing cancel culture that is a threat to our freedom or not?” By 64-36, a majority of voters said they thought there was. Republicans see a threat by 80-20; independents by 64-34, but Democrats were split, with a slight majority, 52-48, saying they do not see a threat. This basic pattern is observable across a number of issues.

That makes 3 losing issues. All connected to "wokeness".

Although centrist Democrats make up a majority of the party in the polls I cited above, the fact that a substantial minority of Democrats takes the more extreme stance allows Republicans to portray the Democratic Party as very much in thrall to its more “radical” wing.

Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at N.Y.U., argued in an email that the policies the Democratic Party’s left wing is pushing are an anchor weighing down the party’s prospects:
Wokeness is kryptonite for the Democrats. Most people hate it, other than the progressive activists. If you just look at Americans’ policy preferences, Dems should be winning big majorities. But we have strong negative partisanship, and when people are faced with a party that seems to want to defund the police and rename schools, rather than open them, all while crime is rising and kids’ welfare is falling, the left flank of the party is just so easy for Republicans to run against.
In much gentler terms, Barack Obama has voiced analogous concerns. “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly,” Obama famously declared in October 2019:
The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and share certain things with you.
James Carville, the top strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, was succinct in his assessment. He recently told Sean Illing, a writer at Vox:
Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It’s hard to talk to anybody today — and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party — who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud.
“Why not?” Illing asked.
“Because they’ll get clobbered.”
Carville’s answer provides insight into the question of whether, if the left wing of the Democratic Party is backing many policies that are unacceptable to a majority of voters and if some of those policies appear to violate constitutional protections of free speech and the rights of the accused, why hasn’t there been more pushback in both politics and academia?

And we didn't even get to immigration and teaching CRT, two more losing issues. If jobs don't show up and Jimmy Carter type inflation returns before 2022?

"Turn out the lights, the party's over" to quote a well know and respected philosopher Don Meredith!!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, I think it will be! What I predict will not be on the minds of voters in 2022 is whether Republicans didn't want a commission that even the Democrats ( on this board ) admit was a political stunt with no real purpose.

Is Wokeness ‘Kryptonite for Democrats’?

As Republicans well know, Democrats are divided on a host of volatile racial, cultural and sexual issues.

Take a look at the polls.

In 2019, the Democracy Fund Voter Study Group commissioned a survey asking for agreement or disagreement with the statement: “There are only two genders, male and female.”
In the full sample, a decisive majority, 59 percent agreed, including 43 percent who “strongly agreed,” 32 percent disagreed and 9 percent who said they weren’t sure. Among Republicans, it was no contest, 78 percent agreed and 16 percent disagreed. Independents mirrored the whole sample.

Democrats were split: a plurality, 48 percent, disagreed, and 44 percent agreed.

The survey itself arguably embodied what critics might call “transphobic framing” — transgender issues are among the most polarizing in contemporary politics and much contemporary cultural conflict in fact stems from framing disputes.

That's one losing issue if your counting!

Or take the public’s view of the “defund the police” movement that gained momentum after the murder of George Floyd a year ago.

A March 1-2 USA Today/Ipsos Poll found that voters were opposed to defunding the police 58-18, with the strongest opposition among whites (67 percent to 13 percent support, the rest undecided) and Republicans (84 to 4 percent), while a plurality of Democrats were opposed (at 39 to 34), which was also true among African Americans (37 to 28).

A second losing issue. I'm suggesting that if Democrats can't get 70% or better on these issues, they lose the issue when Republicans do achieve those numbers just in case you wondered what I was basing my opinion on.

A Harvard/Harris survey in February asked, “Do you think there is a growing cancel culture that is a threat to our freedom or not?” By 64-36, a majority of voters said they thought there was. Republicans see a threat by 80-20; independents by 64-34, but Democrats were split, with a slight majority, 52-48, saying they do not see a threat. This basic pattern is observable across a number of issues.

That makes 3 losing issues. All connected to "wokeness".

Although centrist Democrats make up a majority of the party in the polls I cited above, the fact that a substantial minority of Democrats takes the more extreme stance allows Republicans to portray the Democratic Party as very much in thrall to its more “radical” wing.

Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at N.Y.U., argued in an email that the policies the Democratic Party’s left wing is pushing are an anchor weighing down the party’s prospects:
Wokeness is kryptonite for the Democrats. Most people hate it, other than the progressive activists. If you just look at Americans’ policy preferences, Dems should be winning big majorities. But we have strong negative partisanship, and when people are faced with a party that seems to want to defund the police and rename schools, rather than open them, all while crime is rising and kids’ welfare is falling, the left flank of the party is just so easy for Republicans to run against.
In much gentler terms, Barack Obama has voiced analogous concerns. “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly,” Obama famously declared in October 2019:
The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and share certain things with you.
James Carville, the top strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, was succinct in his assessment. He recently told Sean Illing, a writer at Vox:
Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It’s hard to talk to anybody today — and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party — who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud.
“Why not?” Illing asked.
“Because they’ll get clobbered.”
Carville’s answer provides insight into the question of whether, if the left wing of the Democratic Party is backing many policies that are unacceptable to a majority of voters and if some of those policies appear to violate constitutional protections of free speech and the rights of the accused, why hasn’t there been more pushback in both politics and academia?

And we didn't even get to immigration and teaching CRT, two more losing issues. If jobs don't show up and Jimmy Carter type inflation returns before 2022?

"Turn out the lights, the party's over" to quote a well know and respected philosopher Don Meredith!!!!!

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Jacuzzme's Avatar
The tranny issue is bizarre. It’s like centering your platform around 1 legged albino midgets, there’s just not enough of them to worry about. Get them the mental care they need so they don’t off themselves and call it a day.
The tranny issue is bizarre. It’s like centering your platform around 1 legged albino midgets, there’s just not enough of them to worry about. Get them the mental care they need so they don’t off themselves and call it a day. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
the left takes mental cases and mainstreams them

that's their MO

they take the fringes of the bell curve, and no matter the disruption to civilization and civilization's institutions or to those institutions purposes, they mainstream pathologies. Take the military, its now there to serve the girl with two mommies and someone wanting medical treatment for gender dysphoria instead of serving and defending America

and in doing so, they turn science and sense on its head

take girl's sports as an example, or the homeless camping on the community beaches in California, running everyone else out

or how these dimocrat politicians introduce themselves by name and then by preferred pronoun

a telling issue is the treatment of the criminal, and also the police. no bail, no charges, the perp is the victim, released to kill again in profiled cases. the border is part and parcel of it all

the racism infused into how government treats its citizens is another matter, its little known and little discussed, only black farmers getting money and not white farmers. in the recent covid bill, restaurants and bars were chosen for special aid. I know the case of two restaurants. One Asian owned, the other black owned. Both friends of mine

The Asian restaurant applied for the aid on the very first day possible. The error made in the application was leaving blank the questions concerning the race of the applicant. the form said the completion of that section wasn't mandatory, so he left it blank. He got an email saying his application was placed in abeyance

the black restaurant owner applied this past friday, right before the deadline, and did mark his race. he immediately received an email that his application was being processed and was with the IRS for confirmation of the information provided. within a week ,in fact yesterday, he was awarded over $200,000.

the Asian called the SBA about his, and the gentleman was nice enough but said things were out of his hands . My friend told the man, well I left the race blank because it said it wasn't necessary. the SBA person said sorry theres nothing I can do at this point, your application is being held back pending other applications, but don't worry I think there will be enough money.

its equity you know

and in the name of equity, ill prepared and unqualified people are being put forth by biden (or those actually running things) to run agencies of government, all in the name of equity and diversity instead of excellence

but until the economy collapses under the weight of the dimocrat prolificacy and terrible policies I don't see these dimocrats paying for their destruction
Wokeness isn't kryptonite, it's a drug.

It's like the old phrase "(white powder) is kryptonite for strippers", superman doesn't suck dick for kryptonite, he actively avoids it.

Wokeness is kryptonite for conservatives, it's an illicit drug for liberals.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s a shame that the left has no compassion for tranies, aka gender confused, aka gender dysphoric. This is the only disease I’ve ever seen where people encourage it to get worse, then act like they’re doing them a favor. I’m no doctor, and have no clue as to the actual treatment, but but telling a guy who thinks he’s a girl to cut off his dick and take a bunch of hormone pills doesn’t seem like a reasonable course of action.
It’s a shame that the left has no compassion for tranies, aka gender confused, aka gender dysphoric. This is the only disease I’ve ever seen where people encourage it to get worse, then act like they’re doing them a favor. I’m no doctor, and have no clue as to the actual treatment, but but telling a guy who thinks he’s a girl to cut off his dick and take a bunch of hormone pills doesn’t seem like a reasonable course of action. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
and when the guy is a kid, what would you call that?
GaGambler's Avatar
the left takes mental cases and mainstreams them

that's their MO

they take the fringes of the bell curve, and no matter the disruption to civilization and civilization's institutions or to those institutions purposes, they mainstream pathologies. Take the military, its now there to serve the girl with two mommies and someone wanting medical treatment for gender dysphoria instead of serving and defending America

and in doing so, they turn science and sense on its head

take girl's sports as an example, or the homeless camping on the community beaches in California, running everyone else out

or how these dimocrat politicians introduce themselves by name and then by preferred pronoun

a telling issue is the treatment of the criminal, and also the police. no bail, no charges, the perp is the victim, released to kill again in profiled cases. the border is part and parcel of it all

the racism infused into how government treats its citizens is another matter, its little known and little discussed, only black farmers getting money and not white farmers. in the recent covid bill, restaurants and bars were chosen for special aid. I know the case of two restaurants. One Asian owned, the other black owned. Both friends of mine

The Asian restaurant applied for the aid on the very first day possible. The error made in the application was leaving blank the questions concerning the race of the applicant. the form said the completion of that section wasn't mandatory, so he left it blank. He got an email saying his application was placed in abeyance

the black restaurant owner applied this past friday, right before the deadline, and did mark his race. he immediately received an email that his application was being processed and was with the IRS for confirmation of the information provided. within a week ,in fact yesterday, he was awarded over $200,000.

the Asian called the SBA about his, and the gentleman was nice enough but said things were out of his hands . My friend told the man, well I left the race blank because it said it wasn't necessary. the SBA person said sorry theres nothing I can do at this point, your application is being held back pending other applications, but don't worry I think there will be enough money.

its equity you know

and in the name of equity, ill prepared and unqualified people are being put forth by biden (or those actually running things) to run agencies of government, all in the name of equity and diversity instead of excellence

but until the economy collapses under the weight of the dimocrat prolificacy and terrible policies I don't see these dimocrats paying for their destruction Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The Asian business owner should have put "AA" for race. It wouldn't be his fault if it was misconstrued to mean African American. lol

I think even asking the question about race should be unconstitutional, if race has "nothing to do with it" then why ask the question in the first place?

Yes, the government is all for "minority rights" as long as you are the right kind of minority of course. Fucking racist hypocrites
Jacuzzme's Avatar
and when the guy is a kid, what would you call that? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Child abuse, obviously. Check out this wonderful product, a prosthetic dick for youngsters. Time to bring back hangings in the town square.
HedonistForever's Avatar

BAAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Love the song, HATE the video!!!

HedonistForever's Avatar
Tucker Carlson giving credit to 60 minutes for sticking their neck out to report on the trannies that regret their decision to have surgery. 60 minutes getting slammed by the "wokesters".

Here is the 60 minutes episode.

Here is how Tucker saw it
The Asian business owner should have put "AA" for race. It wouldn't be his fault if it was misconstrued to mean African American. lol

I think even asking the question about race should be unconstitutional, if race has "nothing to do with it" then why ask the question in the first place?

Yes, the government is all for "minority rights" as long as you are the right kind of minority of course. Fucking racist hypocrites Originally Posted by GaGambler
I think if he had just put Asian he would have been ok

the forms say something about the "socially" disadvantaged and then later Asian/ pacific islander is mentioned

neither one of them is financially disadvantaged

what the hell is socially disadvantaged? no one will talk to them?
maybe its where you refuse to assimilate
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Wokeness isn't kryptonite, it's a drug.

It's like the old phrase "(white powder) is kryptonite for strippers", superman doesn't suck dick for kryptonite, he actively avoids it.

Wokeness is kryptonite for conservatives, it's an illicit drug for liberals. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
wokeness is kryptonite. they light up like a neon sign and is poisonous. conservatives do well to avoid them.

wokeness kryptonite also affects moderate democrats. they will have trouble avoiding them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It’s a shame that the left has no compassion for tranies, aka gender confused, aka gender dysphoric. This is the only disease I’ve ever seen where people encourage it to get worse, then act like they’re doing them a favor. I’m no doctor, and have no clue as to the actual treatment, but but telling a guy who thinks he’s a girl to cut off his dick and take a bunch of hormone pills doesn’t seem like a reasonable course of action. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
thats fucked up. they need help mentally.

those woke libs are telling them differently. also notice, most trannies are manipulative.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
and when the guy is a kid, what would you call that? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
peter pan