Talk about PUSSY POWER-No sex women pledge

pickupkid's Avatar
Withholding sex to get a guy to oust a president? So that's what my ex wife was up to...
Withholding sex to get a guy to oust a president? So that's what my ex wife was up to... Originally Posted by JDNorthface
It says in the article that "Women are being asked to make their men miserable enough to overthrow a government by withholding sex from them for seven days from Monday". That isn't anything, my wife has been withholding sex from me since March.
... my wife has been withholding sex from me since March. Originally Posted by pipefitter73
You must've forgotten to take out the trash or something serious like that.
worse.....they all forgot the golden rule.....Yes dear.
  • Sami
  • 08-29-2012, 08:37 PM
Hell the wives here in the states been doing that. That's why there is all of us providers that do what the wives won't

Guess they haven't figured that part out, the guy's will stray to get what's needed.
markroxny's Avatar
The providers in Togo are going to make a killing that week.