
dirty dog's Avatar
Fritz I believe that most members of this board support your decision to close threads. Although I know I can be gruff, there is no reason at all to attack anyone in Kaylan's shoes. I applaud your actions.
+1 im with u on that one...Fritz your doing a great job honey....Thank you...
Fritz I believe that most members of this board support your decision to close threads. Although I know I can be gruff, there is no reason at all to attack anyone in Kaylan's shoes. I applaud your actions. Originally Posted by dirty dog
offshoredrilling's Avatar
till they lock and point you
dearhunter's Avatar
Is Fritz in need of "board" support?
Fritz, I am 100% in your corner!!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
A good mod knows how to "heard cats" without making it about themselves, or making it personal.
dirty dog's Avatar
till they lock and point you Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Been there, done that, common decency should prevail. Its awful funny that so many outside visitors feel the need to come to this forum, whats wrong no one wants to talk to you in NY or TX. I think its safe to say we leave your forum alone and we would hope you would leave ours alone. Having been to both New York and Texas many many times I understand that common consideration of others is fundementally lacking, but here in the ole cowtown, when the Indians arnt attacking we tend to try and treat each other with a little more decency.
ElumEno's Avatar
There just so happens to be three new sheriff's in this here town.
And we all have something in our little community that seems to be lacking in others.


We all have are little differences, but I do believe most of us in the KCMO area have respect for one another.
It is very hard to set back and let someone from outside our area come in and start to disrespect are community.
Fritz is not the type to let that happen and he earned more respect from this community and myself in the last few hours then he ever did before!

Why so many that live in glass houses like to throw stones is beyond me.

A song I heard today keeps coming to mind..

Everlast ~ What It's Like

I am sure a lot of you have listened to it, but how many have actually HEARD it?

And one more thing....
I will always be a PROUD member of the Kaylen City Fan Club.
And don't give a rodents rectum who knows it.
KenMonk's Avatar
Well said Elum.

I have not met Kaylen yet but from all I hear she is very nice lady who deserves to be treated as such. I don't know what happened, or the history behind what could have happened, but I do know that the last person that should be attacked around here is Kaylen.
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
So so true...
lakecat's Avatar
Been there, done that, common decency should prevail. Its awful funny that so many outside visitors feel the need to come to this forum, whats wrong no one wants to talk to you in NY or TX. I think its safe to say we leave your forum alone and we would hope you would leave ours alone. Having been to both New York and Texas many many times I understand that common consideration of others is fundementally lacking, but here in the ole cowtown, when the Indians arnt attacking we tend to try and treat each other with a little more decency. Originally Posted by dirty dog
DD nailed it, I think the question most of us had was, what the fuck do you care what us backwards, close minded hicks in KC think or are talking about?

Of course they're open forums and anyone can participate, but you don't know us and we don't know you (think we know enough about you all at this point to know we don't want to play with you in our sand box). We like our Fritz (BTW, he's only been a mod for a month or so. He's still learning, but I think he's proven himself to be serious, even handed and involved and is gaining respect everyday. This is a thankless job for sure), we LOVE our Kaylen and will support her and other members of our little community when they're hurting. As for Dirty Dog, when he speaks, we listen. He tells it like it is, he's walked the walk and speaks from experience, not theory or hearsay. A little advice boys, don't poke the bear.

Now please, don't go away mad. Just go away, we're out of troll food here.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Kaylen, I just read your post about your baby. Then I read the posts by some of the people who thought they had to put their two cents in.

For every one of the cretins who cyber abused you there are ten thousand of us who feel empathy and compassion for you as Kaylen the Mom, mourn with you, want you to be whole again somehow and (insignificantly at this moment) appreciate Kaylen the professional. I am proud to be one of the ten thousand.

Fritz, I don't know if you are the same Fritz the arch-conservative I sparred with months ago, and it doesn't matter. As a Mod, you did the righteous thing, the human thing in removing posts that went beyond the pale (I feel justified in saying that even though I didn't see them), and closing a thread that needed it. Good Job.
boardman's Avatar
Failed moderating like you witnessed today will come back to bite you all in the ass. It's not about TX, NY or MO. It's about the lack of respect that mods have for the rules and free flow of information.
Mark my words. You will be complaining about the heavy handed moderating shortly. If a moderator will not respect a poster's right to post what is there to limit him to just doing it to "outsiders".
You people are so repressed that you've been led to believe that your mods are protecting you. Do you really need protecting?

Fritz, you had no legitimate reason to delete my thread. After I re posted it you closed it yet this one remains open. One was critical of your moderating the other is in support of it. Care to explain?

In the last few hours you have admitted that no rules have been broken, inappropriately deleted posts, deleted entire threads, thrown a KC provider under the bus, posted private forum info in the public arena and called members of this board asshats. What gives you the right to do any of the above and not have to answer for it?
Failed moderating like you witnessed today will come back to bite you all in the ass. It's not about TX, NY or MO. It's about the lack of respect that mods have for the rules and free flow of information.
Mark my words. You will be complaining about the heavy handed moderating shortly. If a moderator will not respect a poster's right to post what is there to limit him to just doing it to "outsiders".
You people are so repressed that you've been led to believe that your mods are protecting you. Do you really need protecting?

Fritz, you had no legitimate reason to delete my thread. After I re posted it you closed it yet this one remains open. One was critical of your moderating the other is in support of it. Care to explain?

In the last few hours you have admitted that no rules have been broken, inappropriately deleted posts, deleted entire threads, thrown a KC provider under the bus, posted private forum info in the public arena and called members of this board asshats. What gives you the right to do any of the above and not have to answer for it? Originally Posted by boardman
boardman's Avatar
Now that's effective moderating. Glad to see you're finally getting the message. Care to open my thread and prove you understand what I am trying to say?