2nd no show Brooklynn Belle # 209674

Stevemans407's Avatar
I hate to be ugly, but come on ladies get your shit together ... She was second time did this her TCB sucks .... Just want to worn other guys who have life and hobby ... I Do have text & pm to show if needed !?
I freaking hate that the irony of it is that if you do it to them they refuse to see u again
JuanBear4U's Avatar
That sucks man. She looks gorgeous too!
Same to me
OP, so how did she endanger your safety that caused you to generate opening up an alert thread on her? You know the old saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me....It applies here.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Not really an alert. Probably belongs in coed.
Mojojo's Avatar
Ncns go in the coed section
corona's Avatar
Understand your frustration but it isnt fair to paint all the ladies here with that brush.
sparrow1122's Avatar
She flaked out on me twice. All the way to the hotel and then radio silence.
Move on. You many quality ladies here to get hung up on her.
love_jones's Avatar
Fool me once....Shame on U....fool me twice....Shame on me!... sorry that happened...There is A LOT more ladies who is capable filling the void....