RIP... Roy Clark

billw1032's Avatar
RIP... Roy Clark

I still remember, years ago, I was on a flight listening to the primitive entertainment system they had back then. One of the programs contained an interview with Roy Clark. He recounted that when "Yesterday" came out, the French singer/song writer took out a full page ad. The key quote was, "Rarely does an artist capture exactly what the song writer had in mind. You have done that. Thank you."
Hee Haw...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Hell of a picker. And a very nice guy the one time I briefly met him.

Owned and flew a MU-2. Never quite understood that, though. Strange airplane.
We use to call the MU-2 the Rice Rocket. Lol
aldo3178's Avatar
Fun plane to fly cause it is so fast but the engine out procedures suck.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Very high wing loading. Gets squirley with icing. Not much room for error. Same reason it’s hard to fly on one engine.
The MU2 - both the Marquise & Solitaire, were great planes. They were tops in preformance, and still are today 20 + years later. It took a real pilot to fly it, which is why some less experienced pilots got in trouble with it. Mitsubishi actually petitioned the FAA to require a type rating to make sure pilots were properly qualified, but they didn’t require it. Unfortunately, several accidents with unqualified pilots gave the plane its unwarranted reputation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
RIP Roy Clark , the older I get the more meaning the song Yesterday has to life. ( ^ off topic much)
TexTushHog's Avatar
The MU2 - both the Marquise & Solitaire, were great planes. They were tops in preformance, and still are today 20 + years later. It took a real pilot to fly it, which is why some less experienced pilots got in trouble with it. Mitsubishi actually petitioned the FAA to require a type rating to make sure pilots were properly qualified, but they didn’t require it. Unfortunately, several accidents with unqualified pilots gave the plane its unwarranted reputation. Originally Posted by Flash Gordon
Your post proves the reputation was warranted. Hard to fly. Does any turboprop require a type rating?
aldo3178's Avatar
Your post proves the reputation was warranted. Hard to fly. Does any turboprop require a type rating? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Not to my knowledge. Pretty much every other turboprop are cake walks. Hell its only one of two planes to use only spoilers and no ailerons, the other being the F-4 Phantom.
billw1032's Avatar
Not to my knowledge. Pretty much every other turboprop are cake walks. Hell its only one of two planes to use only spoilers and no ailerons, the other being the F-4 Phantom. Originally Posted by aldo3178
Not true. I flew the F-4 Phantom many years ago. It had both ailerons and spoilers. The ailerons had only down-travel and the up-travel was handled by the spoilers. A typical control check response from the crew chief to stick left was "left spoiler up, right aileron down, slight left rudder". The last because it also had aileron-rudder interconnect.
aldo3178's Avatar
Not true. I flew the F-4 Phantom many years ago. It had both ailerons and spoilers. The ailerons had only down-travel and the up-travel was handled by the spoilers. A typical control check response from the crew chief to stick left was "left spoiler up, right aileron down, slight left rudder". The last because it also had aileron-rudder interconnect. Originally Posted by billw1032
Good to know I always thought it had a lower spoiler.
JimInDallas's Avatar
Roy Clark was an awesome guitar player. My Father designed the kitchen in his home and Leon Russell's kitchen as well in Tulsa back in the '70's in the Mapleridge area. I met Leon Russell (and his wife, Mary McCrary) as a child. Tough I times in Tulsa for Leon back in the day being married to a Black woman. Never met Roy Clark though.
Roy was a hell of a guy and picker. He sang at my cousins funeral during the late 70's. Way too young, rest is peace Couz!