Oh, but they did. I've seen the footage. We have these wonderful tools called Google and YouTube. You should try them sometime.
When the suspect uses a taser to disable a cop carrying a real handgun, then has the opportunity to take the handgun while the cop is disabled and use it against him, yes it can be a very lethal weapon. The cop had a split second to protect himself from that happening. You want to be the cop who is disabled by a stun gun and then shot with your own weapon? No, I didn't think so.
Originally Posted by billw1032
i beg to differ - the DPST's Do want Dead cops- it is a rally Cry for them
"What do we want - Dead cops When do we want it- Now"
along with - 'defund, disarm-Disband cops".
I do agree that responsible cops should rsign the big city jobs where they are demonized and every decision is reviewed by hostile lawyers frame by frame - with no good outcome for any officer - that would be "Racist" .
The dallas PD is 1/3 white, 1/3 Hispanic, and 1/3 black - how is taht "Racist" - but despite multiple officers killed by a socialist sniper - 2016 i believe - they were protecting a BLM type protest - the PD's are still labelled racist by the Socialists.
Let the cops resign from no-win Liberal managed cities whre cops are a scapegoat for out of control Anti-fa terrorists. Let come to Middle America wher they are supported and recognized as human beings doing a tough job.
Let the Democrat cities go their own way without Police.
They are welcome to their "community feel good socialist activists" - whose first question is - Are you a socialist or are you a criminal!