equifax names/pii stolen

what to do about the stolen data from equifax?

If you have a credit report, there’s a good chance that you’re one of the 143 million American consumers whose sensitive personal information was exposed in a data breach at Equifax, one of the nation’s three major credit reporting agencies.
Here are the facts, according to Equifax. The breach lasted from mid-May through July. The hackers accessed people’s names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and, in some instances, driver’s license numbers. They also stole credit card numbers for about 209,000 people and dispute documents with personal identifying information for about 182,000 people. And they grabbed personal information of people in the UK and Canada too.
There are steps to take to help protect your information from being misused. Visit Equifax’s website, www.equifaxsecurity2017.com. (This link takes you away from our site. Equifaxsecurity2017.com is not controlled by the FTC.)

dumars's Avatar
And there has been much ado about Equafax charging those affected!

Kredit Karma uses Equafax! So far, I've been lucky!

Knock on wood!

As luck would have it WaPo has an article this morning! I have W10 with the "print to PDF" function. So the link is to my Dropbox account of the article.

And there has been much ado about Equafax charging those affected! Originally Posted by dumars
yeah I tried to freze my credit report via there site and it told me some BS about taking to long, etc
Most of the people suggest not to use the Equifax site to do anything. They say you might get even more problems checking if you were hacked, and using their security monitor. They will eventually charge you for the monitoring and you have to stop it like everything else before it happens.
Again all the experts say not to use the check info site, not secure.
Most of the people suggest not to use the Equifax site to do anything. They say you might get even more problems checking if you were hacked, and using their security monitor. They will eventually charge you for the monitoring and you have to stop it like everything else before it happens.
Again all the experts say not to use the check info site, not secure. Originally Posted by Wolfhound
does anyone think I should get lifelock for a month/year or so
or maybe some other ID protection?

I check my credit score monthly/weekly with credit karma/free app
dumars's Avatar
Probably not!

Precautions I use and do:

In your email make sure the option to automatically open html is turned off!!! Why? When you click to open the email and there are html code and the html opens, the sender knows you have opened the email. Not good. That's the short version.

When you pay a bill on line, do not store your CC info on their server!!! Even Amazon. Nobody!! Pain in the ass to reenter everything . . . oh well! With Amazon and others you're forced to leave your info but just come back in a few days, after your account gets charged, and delete the number.

Never, NEVER, EVER open a link in an email unless you are 110% positive it's legit. I once got an email from my oldest grand daughter with a link. It wound up in my spam folder. "Now how did her email wind up in the spam folder?" She had a virus on her computer. My son in law took care of it. It's happened twice with ladies in the biz. I recognized it right away and deleted the email. I know it's happened to others, remembering posts.

Don't ever store CC info or passwords on your computer or phone or tablet. No matter how safe you think it is, just don't! I get asked ALL THE TIME about keeping my info with Apple pay and whoever else. NOPE, ain't gonna happen! Convenient, yes it would be, but it ain't gonna happen . . . sucks to be me! It's just a matter of time before Apple gets breached! The Ruskies are always on the job.

I got a couple bucks with T. Rowe Price. When I log in they send me via text a code number, I enter that code then my password. Very safe.

There are others. Know that I have had MY CC info found out TWICE! I am pretty sure the second time was through Amazon. Too much typing to explain why. The first one, I don't have a clue. Best protection there is a pre-paid debit card. My credit union alarms go off when I buy anything from anywhere that isn't "normal". Their system works, that's how the first CC fraud was found out. Woke me early on a Saturday morning.

does anyone think I should get lifelock for a month/year or so
or maybe some other ID protection?

I check my credit score monthly/weekly with credit karma/free app Originally Posted by timmystool
Probably not!

Precautions I use and do:

In your email make sure the option to automatically open html is turned off!!! Why? When you click to open the email and there are html code and the html opens, the sender knows you have opened the email. Not good. That's the short version.

When you pay a bill on line, do not store your CC info on their server!!! Even Amazon. Nobody!! Pain in the ass to reenter everything . . . oh well! With Amazon and others you're forced to leave your info but just come back in a few days, after your account gets charged, and delete the number.

Never, NEVER, EVER open a link in an email unless you are 110% positive it's legit. I once got an email from my oldest grand daughter with a link. It wound up in my spam folder. "Now how did her email wind up in the spam folder?" She had a virus on her computer. My son in law took care of it. It's happened twice with ladies in the biz. I recognized it right away and deleted the email. I know it's happened to others, remembering posts.

Don't ever store CC info or passwords on your computer or phone or tablet. No matter how safe you think it is, just don't! I get asked ALL THE TIME about keeping my info with Apple pay and whoever else. NOPE, ain't gonna happen! Convenient, yes it would be, but it ain't gonna happen . . . sucks to be me! It's just a matter of time before Apple gets breached! The Ruskies are always on the job.

I got a couple bucks with T. Rowe Price. When I log in they send me via text a code number, I enter that code then my password. Very safe.

There are others. Know that I have had MY CC info found out TWICE! I am pretty sure the second time was through Amazon. Too much typing to explain why. The first one, I don't have a clue. Best protection there is a pre-paid debit card. My credit union alarms go off when I buy anything from anywhere that isn't "normal". Their system works, that's how the first CC fraud was found out. Woke me early on a Saturday morning Originally Posted by dumars
pre-paid debit cards arent free and it's a hassle to load them with funds, etc
I'm 100 % not lible for CC fraud.
plus i get 3-5% back on my various credit cards
which savings adds up to quite a bit

I'm not understanding how someone getting my cc number is the same as learning my ss/dob/etc to get a loan or steal my identtify

I do have a main bank account with a credit card attached to it and a different bank with a debit card that I have saved on my phone/amazon.
I have it set that way to max cash back, but it seems a better way to go
I dont see how CC fraud woke you up on a saturday?
but I've never had any creditcard fraud, i did have my debit card used by a local church which claimed they just entered the wrong number, but I saw it and called my bank about it(debit charge) and they took care of it