clev_mind789 NCNS this morning

I was excited to try see a brand new provider clev_mind789 and worked out an appointment yesterday with her for this morning at 10am. I began texting to confirm and get incall address around 830am and have yet to hear a peep from her. Sad as she seemed as though she might be a gem. Guys, just wanted you all to be aware of this issue.
I just heard from her. Says she overslept and is now on her wary.
Hey guys, I introduced her to the hobby. But I'm not her pimp. So please don't message me asking for more of her pictures. Also, if you can't get ahold of her, I won't be able to either.

But I'm sorry that she stood you up.
Vannah's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you, Dunlop. I know it can be frustrating, but in my experience, I have had to cancel several appointments due to my period arriving unexpectedly. I hope y'all can work things out and that she'll be able to make it up to you.
The problem was not the period.....I did not hear a peep from her until 45 minutes after our scheduled appointment. I am understanding that "nature" happens
BabyDallass's Avatar
If she's super brand new, give her a break. Now if she had been around a while, then that's different. But the girl is new and learning...:/
I would agree in certain circumstances an awkward performance, or something similar. However, I don't think communication and keeping appointments is something that should have to be "learned" over time in this industry.
Vannah's Avatar
The problem was not the period.....I did not hear a peep from her until 45 minutes after our scheduled appointment. I am understanding that "nature" happens Originally Posted by Dunlop
I can understand that. A simple text sent as soon as possible is all it takes to avoid this type of incident, so the gentleman can make other arrangements. After all, this is a business of customer service.

I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt that she will learn from her first hobby faux pas and not repeat it.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I would agree in certain circumstances an awkward performance, or something similar. However, I don't think communication and keeping appointments is something that should have to be "learned" over time in this industry. Originally Posted by Dunlop
Oh, yea you would think they would learn, but a lot don't. Same goes for clients anymore, it's starting to be a new thing in the hobby. A thing I wish never started, but it does happen everyday on each end.

Part of the game we play sucks to not get sucked :/ and sucks for her, because she missed out. Hopefully she makes it up to you later.
.....and today was not a good day for this to happen either. I was primed and ready to GO!!!!!!
I don't know posting 35 minutes after a missed appt is a bit early in my mind, I would try a little harder to work things out vs posting on here then following it up a few minutes later that y'all were in contact, so if you had waited an hour after the missed appt then this alert wouldn't have occurred, I think this ncns alert was a bit rushed, that's just me,
I see your point, but the alert still stands. I needed confirmation 30 minutes prior to allow for travel time. Also, nothing was resolved nor was there any offer on her part to rectify the situation.