Suggestions for new SB's

In a few weeks, I will be co-hosting a 2 day seminar for 8 young ladies wanting to be sugar babies. They are all new to structured arraignments and have little to no experience with older gentlemen. We will be doing Q&A's, role playing, and even a field trip to a Dallas night club to evaluate how they interreact with older men.

I am looking for suggestions, comments, etc, about what makes a good sugar baby from a man's point of view. Ladies with experience as a SB, feel free to add advice that might be helpful to these lades.

Some of the topics we will cover:
Respect of the mans time
Timely Communication
Dressing to fit the occasion
How to approach the subject of being a SD/SB
Dealing with changing expectations
Unusual activities/fetishes
Besides sex, what might a man want from a SB
Where to find a SD

I am seeking anything those experienced as SD's or SB's care to pass on that will help these young ladies do a better job of making it a great experience for all parties.

And no, I will not be making their information available to any one. This first batch of ladies are from out of town. Hoping this will become a regular series so who knows what might occur in the future

I have posted in a couple of other forums as well but not everyone has access to them. Feel free to DM if you prefer

berkleigh's Avatar
This made me LOL ... Bless your heart and I hope it is beneficial for you and those ladies.
I have to say, this is starting out with all the elements of what could be an awesome thread, assuming it is for real....

I would say I love honesty in an SB, as well as availability.

Also, tell them I hate the signs of excessive processed carb intake!
I have to say, this is starting out with all the elements of what could be an awesome thread, assuming it is for real....

I would say I love honesty in an SB, as well as availability.

Also, tell them I hate the signs of excessive processed carb intake! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Ty Fred for responding. It is just what I said it is.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
This could be really interesting, and very beneficial. I've been seeing a woman for almost 11 months. Even before we met, I thought she might be someone special, someone who I would want to make a good first impression on, someone whom I would want to see regularly. She turned out to be much more than I dared hope for and astronomically better than I deserve. Our relationship has grown far beyond what it started as. If I were 30 years younger, I would probably be making some very drastic life changes, but I cannot do that now, for not only can I not destroy the life I have built, I cannot offer her the life she plans.

She's smart, she's fun, she's both analytical and emotional, she's young enough that life hasn't destroyed her many dreams yet, she's impulsive, she likes to do things, she's honest, she works hard, she has a positive effect on many of those around her. And I feel like Sally Field at the Oscars: She likes me. She really likes me. If I saw her at her job without knowing her, I'd probably not give her a second glance, maybe not even a first. But I'll be damned if she isn't one of the most beautiful women Ive ever known.

I am happier now than I have been in maybe forever.

She gives me attention, more than any woman has. She texts several times a day. Sometimes it's something significant, many times not. She'll drive 30 minutes one way to come eat lunch or hang out in my office with me. We do drinks or dinner when I can get away.

I give her the same. Apparently, she hasn't had many great relationships, for she says she's overwhelmed and baffled at the attention I pay to her and the affection I bestow on her. But it's a circle: She wouldn't be getting that if she weren't the person she is.

We started out with envelopes. After a few months, that just felt so wrong. We've dispensed with that. I've retired a couple of significant debts, helped her rent a house and pay her share of the rent, and she has a credit card (with a spending limit). If she ever thinks she's getting the short end of the stick, we'll discuss it.

At some point, possibly when she graduates, it's going to end. And not everyone who enters the SB/SD world is looking for, or amenable to, something like this. But for now, each of us is exactly the person that the other needs in his or her life.

Go ahead and laugh. I don't care. I'm happy, and so is she. (Did you notice I didn't mention sex?) Having said all that to demonstrate the extreme right (or maybe left) end of the bell curve in this world, I'll throw out a couple of observations.

What are the expectations of each for the other with regard to exclusivity?

What are you seeking? A medium- to long-term relationship, or a series of one-hour appointments? If the former, how many of the latter are you willing to accept in order to find the former?

Openness: How much of your life does she expect to share with him, and how much should she expect him to share with her?

Honesty: Is it okay to lie? If so, about what? Address the question from both sides.

Non-BCD time: Parks, museums, tennis, meals, hiking, walking ... is that on the table?

Just a few thoughts, and worth what you paid for them.
Thank you very much sir. There is a broad range of services a SB can provide just as there are a broad range of what a man may expect from a SB.

I am happy for you are having the experience you relate. I too have had a very fulling experience with a SB and several not so much. Finding one who can give what you want is the key. Not what I want, but what you want. That is what we are trying to convey and prepare these women for. Some tools and knowledge to make them successful so they get what they want as well. Which is not always just the cash.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You might look at Reddit r/sugarlifestyleforum.
Arcane's Avatar
Good points Sir Lancehernot.

Sugar relationships are almost how vanilla relationships should be. It's funny how explicit communication leads to good things.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-13-2020, 12:35 PM
A lot of guys here are doing great with their SB finds, gorgeous young women for rates 10-15 years back. It's not something that's being shared on any hobby site, you may find some strategies information at best if you look hard enough. The tool is always $
This made me LOL ... Bless your heart and I hope it is beneficial for you and those ladies. Originally Posted by berkleigh
I'm with berkleigh .... and like .... good luck with that adventure (smirk)

There is much to be addressed on the front end if your considering "signing up" SB's. Legality, protection, management of administration, process of cash flow .... yada yada

I have to say ... to the OP ... like the grinch .... stink, stank and stunk.

2 cents
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'd say to make sure to stress how important it is to show up to meetings.
I'm with berkleigh .... and like .... good luck with that adventure (smirk)

There is much to be addressed on the front end if your considering "signing up" SB's. Legality, protection, management of administration, process of cash flow .... yada yada

I have to say ... to the OP ... like the grinch .... stink, stank and stunk.

2 cents Originally Posted by Torre Tames
No one is "signing up" anyone. There is no management going on. No one is facilitating any hook ups. No one is taking money for any illegal activities. No sex of any kind is taking place. There is no tie or obligation between any parties involved. What any of the ladies do with the information they gain is entirely to them. No cut, percentage, or any other kind of payment back to the speakers from any earnings the lades happen to make at any time in the future will ever take place. Go back and read what I posted. Quit reading things into it that are not there. The ladies are paying for an opportunity to listen and talk to a lady and a man with experience in a field they are interested in. They will be taken to a night club only to evaluate how they deal with talking to a older men which none of them have much if any experience doing. TALKING. No hook ups. We all go and leave as a group.

Both the lady and I giving this are not stupid. She is building a brand and we both are extremely careful to never come close to much less cross any lines.
I'd say to make sure to stress how important it is to show up to meetings. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Thank you Grace
This made me LOL ... Bless your heart and I hope it is beneficial for you and those ladies. Originally Posted by berkleigh
Berkleigh....cum on... you're missing the point here. This is simply a Paid Informational Management Program and believe me, something like this aint easy....

See, the thing is this...all your topics listed only have to do with how to be more fuckable.
None of them have anything to do with anything business related. Financial Planning and Independence, Determining your Marketable Value, SWAT Assessments (damn I hate that I used that term) Self-Employed Benefit Options, Nondisclosure Agreements, Etc...

But I get're P.I.M.P. and it aint easy....
Despite your sarcasm these are all really good topics to discuss. But, they are beyond the scope of my specific part of this seminar. And actually, the topics I am putting forth have nothing to do with fucking. At all. Other than acknowledging that sex will typically be part of a SD/SB relationship (but not always), the focus of my part is to discus how some men see the SD/SB relationship and more importantly as requested by the ladies, how to approach and interact with men much older than them.

And in the end, you added something of value despite yourself. I will forward to the lady who owns this business your suggestions of topics to discuss. Most of them are outside my expertise but she knows a number of attorneys who I am sure can help.