Letitia James, Mazar & Rubber gloves.

eyecu2's Avatar
Poor Donnie and his goof-troop have recently been sent a number of setbacks. Letitia James, the attorney general for the state of New York, as petitioned the courts which will rule shortly whether or not Trump has to answer questions under oath relative to the valuations of his properties. Additionally Mazar, who used to do Trump's financial documents, have kicked him to the curb, saying his documents are no longer valid or reliable. In addition during depositions Eric Trump & his cronies pled the fifth, 500 x's when asked about valuations, cash flow, and other financial dealings about the Trump organization.


The ex-president's testimony is being sought in a civil probe New York's AG says found evidence his company secured loans and tax benefits by using "fraudulent...

Wasn't it Trump himself who said "if you are telling the truth, you don't need to pleed the fifth"?

It looks to me like Leticia James is going to put on some rubber gloves and get about elbow deep into a lot of trump ass. Some of you will say this is a continuation of a witch Hunt, but I offer that it's the culmination of Trump's own behavior, manipulation, lies, and his contempt for adhering to any law that has landed him in the hot water he now finds himself in. Likely like the frog tossed into tempid water, and then turn the temperature on the stove up, we'll see one or more of the heirs to Mr Trump's legacy, floating till one or more makes a deal.

Unlike the conspiracy theories that need grand juries, further years and years of discovery, and disclosure, I think this will be a very real threat and may have extreme consequences both financially & personally to the trumps. It won't be long till Deutsche Bank and others provide supporting documentation around overvaluations etc etc.

And we can't forget the classic Eric Trump statement "we get a disproportionate amount of financing through Russia."

Which in itself could have been the entire impetus of what you guys like to call the steel dossier
... But it's not... as they found NO collusion with Russia.
In fact, we KNOW tha the "collusion" claim was bullshit
from the start.

Mazar CAN'T kick them to the curb. ... Mazar did the work.
Mazar is liable for the financial figures they used.

The Trumps have barristers also... And will be showing
how the FBI and DOJ aided the false "collusion" narrative
that HURT the Trump Foundation's business dealings.

Durham HAS the spying facts... They KNOW what happened.
The Hillary people and their Espionage coup against
a sitting President is being revealed.
Worse that Watergate!

THAT will surely have the extreme consequences, mate.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
... But it's not... as they found NO collusion with Russia.
In fact, we KNOW tha the "collusion" claim was bullshit
from the start.

"Trump will"
Show the FBI and DOJ aided the false "collusion" narrative
that HURT the Trump Foundation's business dealings.

Durham HAS the spying facts... They KNOW what happened.
The Hillary people and their Espionage coup against
a sitting President is being revealed.
Worse that Watergate!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wow, did you copy that right out of Billy Barr's review of the Mueller report? You may wish that's what it said, but quite literally you've drank so much FOX coolaid you have to be pissing orange by now.

Muellers job was not to charge a sitting president, but investigate Russian ties. He found lots of them. Some may have be legitimate and some may not; as a matter of fact his directive, included the knowledge that doj thinks you cannot charge a sitting president.

His report did all but charge the 45 administration. Additionally the only reason that they didn't name family members was they all pled the fifth or did not cooperate with the investigation and said they had executive privilege. (Which is no longer a privilege they have...more on that at the bottom.)

That aside, it seems as though you've taken the talking script of Fox News yet again, to help suggest that you know what the Durham investigation has. You don't know, and nor do I. As a matter of fact the language in his request for subpoenas or more information determine if there were conflicts of interest from sussman and his law firm etc. The fact that you would insinuate more is conjecture on your part. You again, don't know except by Fox News innuendo, what is the intent and investigation by Durham.

But what isn't conjecture, or innuendo is the fact that Trump and his adult children are now going to have to testify, under oath, as to how they got to valuations on properties, and if those numbers don't jive with applications for credit, or for taxation purposes, they're in a heap shitload of trouble. I think this is probably the most anyone in that family has been held accountable. And if he doesn't lie he has nothing to worry about,... But we know Trump can't help himself but lie. He's been proven to be the world's best liar and exaggerator. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
... Your comments are silly. ... NO Trump/Russia collusion.
THAT was the finding. ... Your-own swishing and swashing
about trying to say otherwise is inane at best.

And the Trump children might have to testify - but need not
answer any questions. ... The State can bring charges
IF they have any... And it surely seem that they don't have any.

As far as Durham's investigation, I didn't speak with him
on what ALL he's looking at. So I can onley give me opinion
on what trouble Hillary and her henchmen are in.

Hillary was speaking about it today... And lying from her mouth
- as usual - claiming this was all lies by Fox-News and Facebook.

Durham "got" the blokes from Perkins-Coie. Sussman surely must
have "sang like a lyre-bird" - which is why he's blue about
Durham's people explaining to the media.
WE already knew the Clinton people were PAYING for things $$$$...
Like the phony Steele dossier... Any comment on THAT?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Your comments are silly. ... NO Trump/Russia collusion.
THAT was the finding. ... Your-own swishing and swashing
about trying to say otherwise is inane at best.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
Not only was there NO Trump/Russia collusion, it turned out that the Clinton Campaign was behind the phony Russia hoax, all in an attempt to steal the election and then once the witch lost, to try and derail Trump's presidency.

That has all been exposed but like all good libs, Eye must sit their clutching and grabbing his Mueller report hoping against all hope that the outcome will change.

I sure hope he is not chanting "I wish you were true, I wish you were true"
bambino's Avatar
Leticia James has some really big lips but a small brain. A Soros puppet that will go down. Sooner or later.
eyecu2's Avatar
Letitia holds a higher office that any current Trumpster does. While you all think the Trumps run this country like the Dutton Ranch on Yellowstone, they really run it more like the Flintstones and Jellystone.

Meanwhile, the Trumps are required to appear in court. Letitia James' Court room and the documents they will be asked about, are already in her hands. They are walking into a trap. And we all get front row seats. I hope it's going to be better than watching a gladiator event back in time of ceaser.

I love watching republican's finally being held to be accountable under the law. What lies will they spew, or will they be pussies and just hide behind the 5th amendment. No matter, the facts are already in hand and this will simply be the last part of the process before the Trump Crime family is charged- along with any and all accomplices. Who will roll first!???
eyecu2's Avatar
And if your Donald Trump the hits just keep on coming;

Donnie has been informed by the Supreme Court, that he has no protection by his request to avoid testifying in front of the January 6th committee.

Of course he could plead the fifth, .....and the entire News world would mock him, since he's the one who said.....

About pleading the fifth as "the move is “disgraceful” and says only “the mob takes the fifth”

Guess we'll see if he is a stand-up guy or a mobster! My money's on the latter
Letitia holds a higher office that any current Trumpster does. While you all think the Trumps run this country like the Dutton Ranch on Yellowstone, they really run it more like the Flintstones and Jellystone.

Meanwhile, the Trumps are required to appear in court. Letitia James' Court room and the documents they will be asked about, are already in her hands. They are walking into a trap. And we all get front row seats. I hope it's going to be better than watching a gladiator event back in time of ceaser.

I love watching republican's finally being held to be accountable under the law. What lies will they spew, or will they be pussies and just hide behind the 5th amendment. No matter, the facts are already in hand and this will simply be the last part of the process before the Trump Crime family is charged- along with any and all accomplices. Who will roll first!??? Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Hmmmm... rather interesting way that YOU phrased things.

The Trumps are to appear in Count ... forced to??
And YOU say "They are walking into a TRAP."

So this Letitia James - a sworn officer of the court -
is somehow allowed to "TRAP" people by forcing them
into Court? ... And YOU are surely okay with this??

Reckon THAT sayes a lot right there... Don't it?

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
The actions of the AG and DA, including the Radical Left Westchester County DA who was a Trump hating contributor at MSNBC, reveal the vile and malicious intent that underlies the nonstop barrage of insults and threats aimed at me and the Trump Organization, including their years-long review of over nine million pages of documents that go far beyond the Statute of Limitations. Letitia James got elected by violently attacking "Donald J. Trump", even though she knew nothing about me. Likewise, District Attorney Alvin Bragg "bragged" that he has sued President Trump over 100 times, more than anybody else. He is now working hand-in-hand with people from the law firm which is one of Hillary Clinton's biggest donors. Chuck Schumer's brother, Robert, is a partner and runs the firm. After many years as the District Attorney, the previous DA, Cy Vance, recently left without being able to charge anything other than a fringe benefits case about which the WSJ Editorial Board commented, saying "Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance Jr. and New York Attorney General Letitia James subpoenaed millions of documents and years of tax returns, and that's all they've come up with." They go on to say, "the political motives at work are transparent...[AG James] all but promised a selective prosecution—that is, pick a target, then search for a crime to allege...it looks like political targeting." The charge against a 74-year-old long-term and wonderful employee is that he did not pay taxes on a company car or a company apartment (Do others pay such a tax? Did Cy Vance pay a tax on his car?), and a charge having to do with my paying for the education of his grandchildren. Murderers all over the city and they are worried about me helping with young children's education? We may be the only company ever criminally charged by a District Attorney in a fringe benefits case. I believe Allen is innocent.

Mazars decision to withdraw was clearly a result of the AG's and DA's vicious intimidation tactics used—also on other members of the Trump Organization. Mazars, who were scared beyond belief, in conversations with us made it clear that they were willing to do or say anything to stop the constant threat which has gone against them for years. They were "broken" and just wanted it all to stop. I wish they had the courage to fight it out, but they didn't, and who can blame them, but in their forced letter of surrender, Mazars does strongly state that all work was "performed in accordance with professional standards" and that there were "no material discrepancies in the financial statements." The attached strongly worded and unambiguous Mazars Disclaimer Clause, or similar, is in each Financial Statement dating back many years.

(part 2)
bambino's Avatar
FEBRUARY 15, 2022

This crime against me is a continuation of a Witch Hunt the likes of which has never been seen in this Country before. From Russia, Russia, Russia, which has now been proven by the Durham findings to be a complete and total fraud, to the Mueller Report, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, there has never been anything like it. The people of our Country are angry and upset, and losing faith in our system, and our Country itself.

Instead of this sham investigation of a great company that has done a spectacular job for New York and beyond, why isn't law enforcement and the Fake News Media, which has been so destructive to our Country, looking into the fact that Hillary Clinton and her minions got caught SPYING into the office of the President of the United States, a crime so grave that it once called for the death penalty as punishment if caught. It doesn't get any worse than that! After five years of constant bombardment, this political and racist attack must stop. Look to the murderers, drug dealers and rapists instead!


(part 4)

https://t.me/georgenews | @GEORGENEWS
... Oh, the Places the Investigations WILL Go!
Next year.

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The only reason for this rubbish is because they know Trump will crush any competition in 2024. They’re desperate to find something, anything, to try’n discredit him before then. It’ll fail again, just like it has 1000x before, and they won’t have pallets full of ballots to wheel in in the middle of the night this time since their legalized fraud bill went down in flames.

Of course another pandemic might do the trick. A million dead Americans, and who knows how many others, is a small price to pay. Fauci might have to write a few more checks to the chicoms to get the ball rolling.
eyecu2's Avatar
The charges that the AG and Cy Vance are much more than petty tax evasions on a car or education etc. They likely are about bank fraud in excess of many millions and if any of that were related to businesses that were apart of any bancruptcy will be even worse. Essentially they devalued property for taxes and increased them for collateral. That's felony bank fraud and wire fraud in most cases. The simple reason that 45's taxes were withheld for so long. Trying to run out a clock. And had 45 been re-elected he would have been past some of the limitations of the law. It's no wonder he's fought to overthrow the election. Just to avoid prosecution and having to be under oath. This onion is getting the layers peeled back and the folks in NYC are not interested in 'Lets make a deal'. This isn't a small thing about a 50k car.

You guys think it's ok to not pay your fair share by lying, will see how this unfolds. Not saying I know the ultimate outcome, but it's not looking good.

Also you guys who believe the Mueller report was proven as nothing, are some outright delusional types. Did you simply listen to FOX & Breitbart media on the right,& they told you it wasn't proven because of B. Barr. The report & majority of other news organizations agree that Mueller found lots and lots of crimes, despite Bill Barr's ham-handed attacked to minimize the results. Just because Fox News says it was improving, doesn't mean it wasn't proven. The resulting lack of charges against Trump were simply because of following a doj directive of not being able to charge a sitting president.
berryberry's Avatar