Does the length and the size of a tongue matter?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There is a reason for this question. I just saw a woman's avatar and she was licking a frozen treat and her tongue was huge. But the avatar was rather attractive and provocative. Just recently, a nice man asked me to stick out my tongue. Alright. I'll do it.

But then he said that I wasn't sticking my tongue out FAR enough. Well, we got past that. Other then thinking that request was a bit odd ... does anyone have some thoughts concerning tongues?

I've always sortof thought that they were a means to an end and not really something sexy, to speak of.

Alright, guess that I could end this post with suggesting that every one stick it out and say "ahhhhh...".

Tongues. I wouldn't want to live without one but just pondering a tongue, past trying to write this post, isn't something that I've thought a lot about. Until right now.

I think its what you do with your tongue that matters...verbally and physically.
Hmmmm,no the size of the tonque is not's how it is used.Kinda like it is not the meat,but the motion that makes my baby paraphrase an old song.

Nice post...funny, I rarely thought a ladies tongue size would matter. Rather, I though you all would evaluate a gents tongue size and shape, as they're directly related to pleasuring a woman orally. Hmmm...guess I should reconsider. Was the size question designed to gauge suitability of a woman's tongue as a landing pad, you know.


I must say I have always been a fan of Gene Simmons.
billw1032's Avatar
Never really thought about it until I ran into a lady that could REALLY DFK. Wow!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
The only thing that matters about a tongue is how much skill it possesses.
DallasRain's Avatar

I really like it when a guy/girl has a tongue ring...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
tazman68's Avatar
It's the suction and motion that counts!!!

mtabsw's Avatar
Not the only reason I see her, but one of my small rotation has one that I need to measure. It is an amazing weapon, she really needs a CHL for it.
If length mattered, I'd rule this town! I have a freakishly long tongue on the same scale as Mr. Simmons, up there. I don't think length matters, it's all about skill and passion. Luckily, I have a freakishly large amount of both of those, too
Ahhhhhh, EW!

I so love your brain.... One Sexy tool you got there...

Well, this is a subject I have a bit of experience in. I do not have a Gene, I am rather normal orally. I believe it is all about the brain running the tongue, if not it can be a lethal weapon... Weapon of Oral Destruction...

Listen and feel the feedback, there is so much to lean from the twitches of her thighs, the opening and closing of the legs, where are her hands, on the back of your head or your forehead.

Be careful, get feedback and use it.

All I got,

1thatgotaway's Avatar
Yikes! I hope not. Mine is pretty short..

Side note: I also have the "gene" that allows for me to roll my tongue.

I never thought of tongues as sexy and when guys do that ultra-stupid this-is-what-my-tongue-can-do-for-you demonstration, I feel disgusted and nauseous. It just looks like some slimy, stunted, alien, face tentacle. Yuk!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yikes! I hope not. Mine is pretty short..

~1TGA Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway
Mine is too. One could almost say that it borders on delicate. So I'm going to fall into the "size doesn't matter" camp on this one!
