Advice on meeting at incalls..

emo-alone's Avatar
Being fairly new to the hobby I've been sort of planning out everything, one thing that is sort of on my mind is an issue with traveling to an incall location. I have a vehicle that lets say stands out and is easily recognizable, it also may attract unwanted attention from those looking to rob or steal.
I've been trying to come up with different options and have a few but maybe others in my situation could chime in. My options thus far are as follows -

A - Borrow wife's vehicle. (possible, but inconvenient)
B - Take a taxi. (inconvenient)
C- Ask a friend to drop off at location. (very inconvenient)
D- Scope out incall and find a safe place to park nearby.(favorite so far)
E- Just do it, and if shit happens deal with it. (possible but will be to stressed to enjoy session)

I did a quick search and could find any threads where this was addressed .... Enlighten me with your thoughts!
omgTHatA$$'s Avatar
Being fairly new to the hobby I've been sort of planning out everything, one thing that is sort of on my mind is an issue with traveling to an incall location. I have a vehicle that lets say stands out and is easily recognizable, it also may attract unwanted attention from those looking to rob or steal.
I've been trying to come up with different options and have a few but maybe others in my situation could chime in. My options thus far are as follows -

A - Borrow wife's vehicle. (possible, but inconvenient)
B - Take a taxi. (inconvenient)
C- Ask a friend to drop off at location. (very inconvenient)
D- Scope out incall and find a safe place to park nearby.(favorite so far)
E- Just do it, and if shit happens deal with it. (possible but will be to stressed to enjoy session)

I did a quick search and could find any threads where this was addressed .... Enlighten me with your thoughts! Originally Posted by emo-alone
gimme_that's Avatar
Why your options might suck:

A. Try not to include you wifes anything in your hobbying. You don't know what situation you are walking into and they may track and follow you car. License plates will aid people in finding you very easily. Also if you get photographed as part of a sting.......she will here about it first. Just don't do this.

B. A taxi is hella inconvient. This would be a better option for an outcall. And sometimes taxi services work in cahoots with LE. Limit how many people know where and what you were doing. Cab agencies keep ledgers......your wife might be nosy one day of forgot to tell you something "don't forget to take out the trash"......oops.

C. If you are caught in a sting......your friend will take the ride to jail too. He will also be aiding and helping you to commit a crime. Also some providers at incalls have look outs watching when you arrive. Gettin dropped off is less classy, sorta suspect as it may make her seem to think you have back up.....or a warm running car for your escape. Most times ladys want to see where your gonna park so they can observe your demeanor. Some ladies have rules.

D. Your far away from your car and not able to watch it.......or its not within distance to make a hasty escape if you needed to. Scoping out a ladys incall is ood on the slick.....but most ladys won't reveal the room until you arrive or they see you......which will take time to find a spot.

E. Hobby to your own comfortability.....make the choice that works for you. If your choice doesn't mesh with a lot of providers you will find a way.....


1. Do outcall to your hotel only. Park your car ahead of time so she won't know.

2.Use a rental car. That way if you do go out dinner date or need to get something out of it you can.

3. Leave your valuable and wallet in the glove box. Only carry donation...and tip money. Store ur car keys at recection desk with password if u don't trust her to rob you. Hide your car key in the toilet and duct taped it to the upper closed lid. Or some other paranoid spot. Don't let the provider find the duct

4. See ladys who only have multiple reviews.....the chances they will rob or steal from you is smaller lol.

Being fairly new to the hobby I've been sort of planning out everything, one thing that is sort of on my mind is an issue with traveling to an incall location. I have a vehicle that lets say stands out and is easily recognizable, it also may attract unwanted attention from those looking to rob or steal.
I've been trying to come up with different options and have a few but maybe others in my situation could chime in. My options thus far are as follows -

A - Borrow wife's vehicle. (possible, but inconvenient)
B - Take a taxi. (inconvenient)
C- Ask a friend to drop off at location. (very inconvenient)
D- Scope out incall and find a safe place to park nearby.(favorite so far)
E- Just do it, and if shit happens deal with it. (possible but will be to stressed to enjoy session)

I did a quick search and could find any threads where this was addressed .... Enlighten me with your thoughts! Originally Posted by emo-alone
Why your options might suck:

E. Hobby to your own comfortability.....make the choice that works for you. If your choice doesn't mesh with a lot of providers you will find a way.....


4. See ladys who only have multiple reviews.....the chances they will rob or steal from you is smaller lol. Originally Posted by gimme_that

As a new gent, I would definitely recommend getting your feet wet with women that have an excellent reputation for being safe by screening and having an exceptional incall. A lady with a reputation to uphold will not risk the negativity, and would have no earthly reason to collect information from your vehicle.

SpiceItUp's Avatar
I'm not sure what price range you're shopping in but in the $200-300 range in Houston the girls are typically in decent areas of town in 3-4 star hotels. I've never been concerned about theft.

My guess is your vehicle is a work truck of some kind with tools/goods inside. If I'm wrong and you just have an expensive car then move up the price range until girls are in hotels to your liking.

I'm wondering if you worry this much about theft when you go shopping or out to lunch or running errands. As applies to everything else, stay out of high crime areas and hope for the best.

If it's the standing out part you're worried about, don't sweat it. Many hobbyists don't park in the same lot as the hotel but park down the street and walk. I've only had one girl who wanted me to park in the lot in a specific spot so she could feel comfortable, and that was when I had only one reference.
or you have the option of getting a hotel and having her come to you.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
When you find a reputable lady, ask her about her incall. I have a private apartment in a gated complex which requires a security code to enter. Gentlemen have parked Jags, Shelby Cobras, BMWs, and brand spank me new trucks off the hot "steal this" list here. No problem.

However, even in a 5-star hotel's garage or somewhere with dogs, cameras, and security guards, stuff happens. Have a good story ready as to WHY you were visiting said hotel/apartment/house/wherever.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar

However, even in a 5-star hotel's garage or somewhere with dogs, cameras, and security guards, stuff happens. Have a good story ready as to WHY you were visiting said hotel/apartment/house/wherever.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
For the cops: visiting an old girlfriend

For the SO: visiting an old college/work buddy
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-31-2013, 12:23 PM
If I was going someplace where I was concerned about the safety of my car if I drove there, then I suspect I would be concerned about MY safety no matter how I got there. Maybe you should see someone who is someplace else.

If you really want to see "her" and don't want to drive your car, the ONLY options I would go with are public transit if it is there (I am Houston-ignorant), or a cab. Cab would be 1st choice. As someone pointed out, that--along with almost everything else--does leave some breadcrumbs. If that was a concern I would find a more explainable place a block away to get dropped off--store, etc.

Having said all that, go read what Tiffany said. If Tiffany answers your question, you can be sure her post is good advice.
I would drive your car close to the area and walk or grab a cab.. or even ride a bicycle?
pyramider's Avatar
Or find a new hobby ....
happybanana's Avatar
rent a car... best advise.

cabletex7's Avatar
Have her pick you up.

This has the added benefit of gauging chemistry. If not there, switch to a car date. Just pull into a cul-de-sac. This may also trigger incall rates but best to check with the provider. If chemistry is there, then potential for ATF and, hey, she knows where you live.

If you are mongering from a company vehicle, DONT. If you roll into a sting the cops will likely impound it and you will probably be canned from your company. A rental might be a good option but again if you roll into a sting the cops will impound it and you'll have to explain to Hertz why. BTW Hertz probably won't go along with innocent until proven guilty and as most rental car companies share this info ( they really frown on you doing illegal stuff in their cars) you will never be able to rent a car again. And needless to say this goes with you wife's car as well, plus why on earth would you even consider bringing your wife or a friend into this? If you're worried about parking in a bad neighborhood my advice frankly is to stay out of bad neighborhoods, whether you're mongering or buying groceries.

This hobby is illegal. You can reduce risk but you cannot eliminate it. If that's too harsh then maybe this isn't for you. Unless you can run a 4.4 40 you need a vehicle nearby.
If you are mongering from a company vehicle, DONT. If you roll into a sting the cops will likely impound it and you will probably be canned from your company. A rental might be a good option but again if you roll into a sting the cops will impound it and you'll have to explain to Hertz why. BTW Hertz probably won't go along with innocent until proven guilty and as most rental car companies share this info ( they really frown on you doing illegal stuff in their cars) you will never be able to rent a car again. And needless to say this goes with you wife's car as well, plus why on earth would you even consider bringing your wife or a friend into this? If you're worried about parking in a bad neighborhood my advice frankly is to stay out of bad neighborhoods, whether you're mongering or buying groceries.

This hobby is illegal. You can reduce risk but you cannot eliminate it. If that's too harsh then maybe this isn't for you. Unless you can run a 4.4 40 you need a vehicle nearby. Originally Posted by babarumraisin
Use a driver. I can give you a referral if you like. PM me. They can pick you up, drop you off and come back when you call or at a specific time. You can pay cash and they don't care what you're doing.

Bonus, in case of emergency, they can call your attorney, take you to the hospital, cover your ass...