
Wellll.....I got my first bad review today guys but lets be honest guys, ncns happen, even to the best of us. As soon as I was able to, I got into contact with the hobbyist and apologized(several times) and wanted to make things right. He then threatened me with a bad review as if I did it intentionally!!! I explained that nothing was intentional and today was just an off day, and at that point I apologized AGAIN. I tried to make things right with him by repeatedly apologizing but it was past the point of no return, he was mad and had every right to be. With that being said, I will say this... I am a very sweet girl and I do not take too kindly to threats, I admit when im wrong and all I can do is try and fix it but the last thing I will do is beg and gravel for forgiveness when I have already apologized. I told him that if he felt like writing such a bad review on me then he should , since I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong and I am woman enough to take on all consequences, leaving him and his threats against me powerless. The only other thing I can say is that we as providers, have real lives as well, sometimes there are days for us when our personal lives conflict with our hobby life and there is just nothing we can do about it. Today my personal life affected my business life and I take full responsibility for that but is it too much to ask that a hobbyist actually be UNDERSTANDING????
Well, if it's ncns he cannot do a review. All he can do is post here. If he tried to write one it will get moved here. Sounds like you did what you could. Shit happens. Move on and keep providing great service and no one will care in a few Weeks unless you make a habit of it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
his account is somewhat different from yours..

a little advice for you... it's good that you came on and gave your side, and apologized here; but don't drag this singular debate forward.. you said your peice.. just move on, and get past this review, you will make it worse if you keep reviving this post... other providers have clinged to their negative threads, lashed out, and lost a lot of business afterward
navman2012's Avatar
Oh, the ncns happened again, so you're trying to say that your life threw you a "curve ball" that knocked you off your game for a couple of hours!!! How dare you have a "real life". Good grief, don't you know in this world everything always goes just as planned. There never anything that is unexpected in person's day ever! You make it sound like other people have off days too. You know it's for that reason pencils have erasers and for pens there's white out. Some people just believe that you can never get sick, hurt, tired, or even buurnt out. I understand ncns happen from time to time and they suck. The thing you did by apologizing and trying to make it better just shows what type of Provider/Lady/Person you are some people get all types of butt hurt for not getting their way sometimes and others just deal and move on. I would say fuck him, but you know what, don't lol. Shit happens, enough said. Keep your head up and moving forward.
thank you, sincerely, to everyone for your support.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Do not worry about it and take Chung's advice. JUst let it go. Things can happen and u have done all you could
When I first started providing, I had an NCNS as well with a gentlemen. He was upset and posted a thread as well. NCNS's are a loss of time and money on both ends. I've learned from my mistakes and improved my communication skills as well. Always have a line of communication open. Yes, life does happen, but unless you have died, at least try to make an attempt to communicate back.

Nonetheless, if that gentleman ever decided to book another date with me, I would offer a generous discount to make up for the time and money lost and give him the best BJ ever to make up for any misunderstandings!

You are pretty new to providing. Just learn from this and aspire to never let this happen again and you'll be fine.
Chung is giving you the best advise you will get about this. You had your say. Now let it go and it will die away.
Trust me from experience don't old a grudge. Just walk away and take the higher road. In the end you will be the one that wins.
  • ctt61
  • 11-26-2013, 10:45 PM
NCNS sometimes can not be avoid. at least you made effort to call him.
Just move on ..
there many of us still want to see you
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-26-2013, 10:54 PM
I had a ncns a while back. I had never left the house but we had a confirmed appointment.
I called and texted a couple of times and then let it go. About 6 hours later she contacted me with her reason for the ncns and she made it up to me.
She's now my ATF.

I could have pouted and threatened a bad review and made it public but I waited and listened and understood. I think we were both rewarded in the long run.

Anyway BSB is right...there are a million ways to contact somebody these days so at the very least make your best effort to let them know asap when you can't make an appointment. But a bad situation can become a good situation if both parties handle it right.
Geez some of us guys are pretty impatient...and I don't blame her for the "snarky remark" when he threatened a NCNS, on the same afternoon of the appointment?

I did this early in my Hobby career, found out her truthful reason and felt like a shithead for doing a rushed NCNS. Had I waited 24 hours, all would have been cool.
dirk_swagger's Avatar
Ditto to all the well made points. I saw her last night and she was still bummed out about it. She had to make a move, but was made herself available as soon as she had gotten settled. She truly enjoys what she does. And what she did for me : !!
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
The last thing one should have to do is beg and......(wait for it).... gravel??
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 11-27-2013, 09:43 AM
I agree with most of everything here. But, till recently I did not know how pissed you get when you arrange your schedule, drive across town, set in a parking lot for 30 minutes waiting on a text or call back that never happens. I did let it go, but I would not attempt to see this provider again.