Obama was right

HedonistForever's Avatar
Remember when President Obama was holding those Hispanic town halls when immigration was a very hot political issue? And he told them REPEATEDLY that he didn't have the power to give them what they wanted, a guarantee that nobody would be deported for illegally entering the country, that I, as President, can not make laws, only Congress can do that.

Well, damn if he wasn't right even though he decided to use EO on something called DACA.

Of course I knew at the time it was un-constitutional, that indeed, no President has the power to do that.

But it looks like these Presidents are feeling their oats and they'll say to themselves "so what if the Constitution says I can't do this". "I will do this anyway and see if they can stop me, it will be in the courts for years long after I'm gone and, it will be the best political move for my re-election.


Judge Rules DACA Is Unlawful and Suspends Applications

The judge said President Barack Obama exceeded his authority when he created the program, but for now people protected under it will retain the ability to stay and work in the United States.

A federal judge in Texas on Friday ruled unlawful a program that has shielded hundreds of thousands of undocumented young adults from deportation, throwing into question yet again the fate of immigrants known as Dreamers.

The judge, Andrew S. Hanen of the United States District Court in Houston, said President Barack Obama exceeded his authority when he created the program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, by executive action in 2012.

]But the judge wrote that current program recipients would not be immediately affected, and that the federal government should not “take any immigration, deportation or criminal action” against them that it “would not otherwise take.”

The Department of Homeland Security may continue to accept new applications but is temporarily prohibited from approving them, the judge ruled. Immigrants currently enrolled in the program, most of whom were brought to the United States as children, will for now retain the ability to stay and work in the country, though those protections could evaporate if the government is unable to rectify a series of legal shortcomings

Judge Hanen, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, ruled that the creation of the program violated the Administrative Procedure Act, in part because comment from the general public was never sought. “D.H.S. failed to engage in the statutorily mandated process,” he wrote, “so DACA never gained status as a legally binding policy that could impose duties or obligations.”
The Biden administration is expected to appeal the ruling, and unless Congress steps in with a legislative remedy, the ultimate legality of DACA is almost certain to be decided by the Supreme Court.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Biden administration is expected to appeal the ruling, and unless Congress steps in with a legislative remedy, the ultimate legality of DACA is almost certain to be decided by the Supreme Court. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so the only time Obama is right .. is when he's wrong.

Precious_b's Avatar

But it looks like these Presidents are feeling their oats and they'll say to themselves "so what if the Constitution says I can't do this". "I will do this anyway and see if they can stop me, it will be in the courts for years long after I'm gone and, it will be the best political move for my re-election.

... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Oh, #HeWhoShallBeNamed definitely believed in doing this.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Oh, #HeWhoShallBeNamed definitely believed in doing this. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Yes! "These Presidents" was meant to include Trump. Biden like Obama, passed what he or his advisers had to know was unlawful in the Student Loan Deduction EO but he did it anyway. See, you can use what is mistakenly refereed to as "whataboutism", when one addresses the issue raised before providing a comparison. Saying one can not make comparisons between persons and parties is just, well, stupid or calculated to shut down a debate, a Democrat tactic to be sure.

I think that if we, this board, the American people would just adapt that attitude that it doesn't matter which side skirts, breaks the law, it's wrong, period, we would be a lot further along in fixing what ails this country but if one puts party, person above all else, we never will.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
so the only time Obama is right .. is when he's wrong.

brilliant! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
he's been right once, without being wrong Sir

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama was right when he told Joe NOT to run for president.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Obama was right when he told Joe NOT to run for president. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Hear, mutha-fuckin' hear!

Coulda'. Shoulda'. Woulda'.

Feel the Bern!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
he's been right once, without being wrong Sir

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

everyone gets it right once ...

Hear, mutha-fuckin' hear!

Coulda'. Shoulda'. Woulda'.

Feel the Bern! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

wrong. Obama knew Biden's noggin was a bag full of wet cats when he was VP. that's why he didn't want Joey to run and because he wanted Hillary to run to be his true uber anti-american successor.

and as far as Bernie goes, how many times can that old goat get fucked by the DNC and still run as a DNC candidate?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Don't let Democrats watch "Week-ends with Bernie", it might give them the idea that they could run a dead Bernie Sanders and get away with it because a dead Sanders would be better than any of their other choices..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Don't let Democrats watch "Week-ends with Bernie", it might give them the idea that they could run a dead Bernie Sanders and get away with it because a dead Sanders would be better than any of their other choices.. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

eccieuser9500's Avatar
This sounds more like a joke . . .

Don't let Democrats watch "Week-ends with Bernie", it might give them the idea that they could run a dead Bernie Sanders and get away with it because a dead Sanders would be better than any of their other choices.. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

. . . than this.

everyone gets it right once ...

wrong. Obama knew Biden's noggin was a bag full of wet cats when he was VP. that's why he didn't want Joey to run and because he wanted Hillary to run to be his true uber anti-american successor.

and as far as Bernie goes, how many times can that old goat get fucked by the DNC and still run as a DNC candidate?

I hear ya'! It won't happen again. Everyone learned their lesson not electing him.

From beginning (bull-in-a-China shop campaign) to end (bloody insurrection).

bahahahahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This sounds more like a joke than . .

. . . this. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so
Precious_b's Avatar
Yes! "These Presidents" was meant to include Trump. Biden like Obama, passed what he or his advisers had to know was unlawful in the Student Loan Deduction EO but he did it anyway. See, you can use what is mistakenly refereed to as "whataboutism", when one addresses the issue raised before providing a comparison. Saying one can not make comparisons between persons and parties is just, well, stupid or calculated to shut down a debate, a Democrat tactic to be sure.

I think that if we, this board, the American people would just adapt that attitude that it doesn't matter which side skirts, breaks the law, it's wrong, period, we would be a lot further along in fixing what ails this country but if one puts party, person above all else, we never will. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Just helping you by putting the example out there from the other side of the tracks. Except I think that side is more emboldened to put out there be damned the consequences.
eccieuser9500's Avatar