2 clients, completely lie in reviews, DO NOT SEE!

I dont know what to do anymore. One client soonerborn wanted bareback but wasnt going to pay over 250 so i told him once i got there i couldnt do the bareback and i could only stay for half hour cuz of my kid. The call went great from what i could tell. I could sense he was upset about me not doing the bareback. And not staying for the whole hour but i only was paid for a half and i had asked him if he would post a review and he said yes. I regret asking that. The second client adcandy1111 called me after seeing my ad on girl.directory. we never set a time up for me to be at his place i just kept him updated every 30 minutes on when i was gonna be there. Once i showed up which was about an hour and 15 mins after he contacted me which i do ask for an hour in advance notice, he gave me a beer and we sat on couch and i got the money off the desk and after a few minutes i started feeling bad because i knew i wouldnt be able to do the session due to his weight. I know thats shallow of me and i felt horrible but i just couldnt do it. So i gave his money back and asked if i could have at least the driver fee for my driver and that i wasnt able to do the session. I didnt know how to tell him but i just said i couldnt do it. Now he didnt seem mad about giving me the 100 and he even said maybe we can do it another day and i said that maybe i wasnt the right provider for him. So these 2 guys came and posted reviews just down right dogging me when honestly i provideed great service to the first one i just wouldnt do bareback and the second one is just basically saying whatever he thinks would make me look bad.
I am a single mom and have been dealing with a bad tooth ache for over a week now so no i have not had good sleep but i by no means looked like i was strung out or unshowered at that. I even showered at the first guys house cuz i had been out all day amd felt i should rinse off. These dudes definitley wont post anything good about u unless u give them exactly what they want for the price they want it at. And the second one just completely lied about the whole thing. But i know im a good person and really i know what really happened so they can say what they want to. Not everyone is miserable or spiteful. I have been going thru some personal things as well and it is effecting my ability to provide better service and i am doing the best i can to work on that so i am able to provide great service like i did beforei started getting the no reviews. I need some advice or maybe i should just get new pics up and run a review special that that would make clients want to give me another chance so i can build my rep back up. How does that sound?
Well on the firsr guy you might have an excuse because he didnt pay the amount for 1hr and BB. On the second i think is all on you. Your mistake was not setting rules on who you are willing to see. If you have any don't base on race,age, weight, grooming, or any other restrictions you should screen for that. Now once you are there is your decision to go through with the session, however if you decided not to, then i dont see how the client is responsible for paying you or your driver. That should be a businesses expense.. My suggestion is dont worry about those reviews if they are the exemption, they are done not much you can do about it. You have explained what happened now just keep providing good service and keep getting good reviews. Everyone is entitle to have a bad day or 2
hdanish's Avatar
Not to judge, but I see 5 no reviews over the past year, all of which seem to share similar themes. You now occupy 3 threads in the alert forum. I'm not sure if it's possible to rehabilitate yourself from this, but it's doubtful anyone here will take the chance.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think your damage control attempt is too late.. you blamed the guys, even as you admit later that your service has suffered.. a better move would have been to accept responsibility without going in to detail and calling those guys liars.
DathBane1986's Avatar
We all have things that happen in life but honestly if you having personal issues that is going to effect your service, it may be a good idea to take a break until you can get yourself together. This is a business and if you can not be at your best then what's the point of providing, either way good luck to you. Since being on Eccie, I've learn that it does not matter about bad service or "no" reviews there are "still" guys that are going to see you regardless but for the most part your recent issues will effect you somehow.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
This isn't an alert. Moved to correct forum

This is more of a PSA on both these 2 guys AND You.

When I read your post I see nothing but excuses and a wise old man once said "An excuse is nothing more than an admission of your own failure to not accomplish something in your life".

I'm looking at these "No" reviews and based on what a provider should only see, I can't deduct how you would know if they are trashing you, indifferent, or just not happy with the service.

i knew i wouldnt be able to do the session due to his weight. I know thats shallow of me and i felt horrible but i just couldnt do it. So i gave his money back and asked if i could have at least the driver fee for my driver and that i wasnt able to do the session. I didnt know how to tell him but i just said i couldnt do it. Now he didnt seem mad about giving me the 100
Most of us on the board are pretty gross, overweight, balding, have hair where we used to not, have smells and flavors where we used to not, smokers breath, etc. I don't see how you gals stomach it most of the time. It's an occupational hazard for a provider. Do like many others and learn to just do K9 so he can set his belly on your ass when he slips it in and plus you don't have to look at him. I do commend you on the refund and having a conscience. Many gals have become so de-sensitized to the profession they'd just take the money for their time. Kudos

These dudes definitley wont post anything good about u unless u give them exactly what they want for the price they want it at.
There's something else missing. Then again, it's another occupational hazard of the industry. I'm sure the other ladies can chime in and guys will go and look at other reviews.

I have been going thru some personal things as well and it is effecting my ability to provide better service and i am doing the best i can to work on that so i am able to provide great service like i did beforei started getting the no reviews.
Don't air your RW dirty laundry or personal woes. We have enough providers doing this at the end of the month(aka Rent Week), every quarter, or when they can't compete with the other 700+ gals in the Dallas board because they can't manage their finances. It casts a DNS vibe for many of the guys, Except the bottom feeders that prey on your misfortune.

I need some advice or maybe i should just get new pics up and run a review special that that would make clients want to give me another chance so i can build my rep back up. How does that sound?
You're cute, nicely priced, you've been here a year and your good reviews outweigh your "No" reviews. Don't sell yourself short, undercut yourself, or beg. This looks too desperate and if you think these 2 guys were low life, the true bottom feeders will read this and come preying on you. You'll be burned out and jaded real fast.

You should keep these type of posts in the Ladies areas where you will hopefully receive more support and guidance.

Out here in the open forums your threads will be a plethora of painful posts.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-23-2017, 11:15 AM
This is Fat Man discrimination lol
You arrive at his house, have a beer, decide he's too fat to fvck then ask him for 100 bucks for your chauffeur?

How do you expect to not get a NO review from that? Think about it from his prospective...what did he get for his 100 bucks?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 04-23-2017, 02:38 PM

I have a suggestion about what info should be allowed in the reviews. I understand if its concerning no shows or something like blackmail or a provider taking the money and not doing the call. But for a guy to be able to post things that are just completely shallow and degrading I think should be left out because not every one has problems with every little problem a woman has with her appearance. I mean its just a bunch of drama and it feels like I am doing more defending myself than actually being able to enjoy the time I spend with guys. My self worth and complex has been stepped on and torn apart after reviews that are really just guys being upset because they are not getting exactly what they want because they will not pay the amount that is requested. Also when they want an hour and I am unable to give the whole hour due to me being a single mom and so I have to cut the visit short they retaliate by posting a ugly review about my appearance. Well he sure didn't have a problem keeping it hard during the session. I just don't think its right that they can post things that are not truth and then the provider is left to defend herself. Originally Posted by Skyler Haze
1. You took $100 and did nothing which was 100% your decision.

2. Publicly posting about a client's size is in poor taste and could also be considered shallow and degrading.

3. How is it you haven't learned to agree on session length, activities, and donation amount before you see a client? That's like escort 101.

4. I don't fully understand the wanting an hour and not giving an hour because you're a single mom. Did you get an emergency call in the middle of the session? You said you had to cut the session short so maybe that's the case. If so life happens but again it's not the client's fault and if you truly had to cut it short it's up to you to make it right.

I have no desire to see anybody fail or do poorly in the hobby (or otherwise.) If you're successful that means that we also benefit from it and it's a win-win. You look like a beautiful woman and I hope you can have more success going forward but I think it's up to you.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
he gave me a beer and we sat on couch and i got the money off the desk and after a few minutes i started feeling bad because i knew i wouldnt be able to do the session due to his weight. I know thats shallow of me and i felt horrible but i just couldnt do it. So i gave his money back and asked if i could have at least the driver fee for my driver and that i wasnt able to do the session. I didnt know how to tell him but i just said i couldnt do it.
I've heard this theme show up many times, same sentiment being told by my stripper friend about men who shouldn't go to the strip club.

I understand you are person who also has the right to refuse someone who is not up to your standard.

It's not easy, I know. And you can't close your eyes the whole time.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Thanks for the alert.
PeterBota's Avatar
That's it. OFF my TDL
Mavs fan's Avatar
The single Mother thing is genius on her part because if we talk shit about it we are sexist pigs. But the fact of the matter is that there are millions of single parents that work full time jobs. If you can get away for 30 minutes then why can't you get away for an hour. It just doesn't make sense. And if you are not attracted to a client or you find them unattractive then no one says you have to follow through with a session but at that point you have wasted their time. If anything you should probably be paying the guy for wasting his time not taking $100 from him for sure. I don't know this just seems to be a lot of one way bullshit with no respect for the clients time. I have considered contacting you b4 but I will not consider it in the future.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
@ Mavs Fan.

Excellent summary post without being insulting and lacked personal attacks. Good on ya for contributing something constructive to this awkward discussion.

Oh btw excellent avatar. Thanks for that too!
Brandofan's Avatar
But the fact of the matter is that there are millions of single parents that work full time jobs. If you can get away for 30 minutes then why can't you get away for an hour. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Well in her defense those other mothers aren't so sleepy for 16-20 hours every day.

This defense of hers where she basically says "You're too fat to fuck but give me $100 anyway for my driver" is ludicrous.