Looking for a provider

twjones74's Avatar
I saw this provider today I know she is local to Shreveport Bossier area and want to meet her. I have a discription she is tall blond to brown hair nice ass and a peace symbol tattoo on her wrist. I wish I could remember her name.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Does not belong in Encounters. Moving to Co-Ed.
??? You actually saw her today but have already forgotten her name?? Wow!! She left a lasting impression. If you happen to write an Encounter Report, I would suggest ending it with "NO".

Have you looked back through your PMs? Or maybe in the first few text back and forth she might have mentioned her Provider Name?

It is just so odd that you saw her today but have already forgotten her name. Have you been drinking today?

Wish I could help more. But those are the only suggestions I have. Maybe some of the local SBC Guys will know the tattoo description.
twjones74's Avatar
Actually I met her at the auto parts store and forgot to ask her name so I am playing detective because her ass was to die for.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I think I know who your talking about but just how in the hell do you know she was a provider?
twjones74's Avatar
over herd her conversation as she was standing next to me. I was chating with her son about hot rods. I don't normally listen to other peoples conversation but she said the name eccie so loud and told the guy he needed to send her 3 references I almost fell over in the store. I the people at the parts house did not know me personally I would have asked for her number fight there on the spot.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Wow. Some people don't believe in discretion
drinkindreamin's Avatar
My my.... I’d suggest looking through the Shreveport profiles, It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to give much more info than that.
twjones74's Avatar
Thanks for the advice I think I know who it is was just looking for some conformation. I don't venture out to much I found a great provider here and was seeing her on a regular basis and she moved away I am now on the hunt for a new regular and when I saw her it was Lust at first site.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
My my.... I’d suggest looking through the Shreveport profiles, It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to give much more info than that. Originally Posted by drinkindreamin
Handled like a true gentleman.

We all are.
It was me
I walked off and I guess he overheard me...
AchillestheTrojan's Avatar
Well. If that's the case then I think it's only appropriate that we see the "ass to die for" mr jones states. Who all agrees?

Bonnie Barrow's Avatar
I want to see it lol