Why Do Men Like Big Boobs? I’ll Tell You …..

Superlark's Avatar
Source: Saturday, December 22, 2012 17:55 http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2012...u-2463320.html

I cant count the number of times a guy has spoken to my boobs rather than to me, but I can tell you it gets annoying and makes me feel self conscious about the size of my boobs. I never thought I was that large until I read a study taken in France about the size of boobs.

A cup is classed as small

B cup is classed as medium

C cup is classed as large

I'm not gonna give away my cup size on here, but I did wonder what bigger than a C cup would be classed as.
When I speak to a guy, I don't look down and check out the size of the bulge in his pants, infact I'm sure most women don't do that. So what is it about the size of fat that is attached to a woman's chest that attracts a guy to speak to them.

One article I read said it was because humans are the only primates to have sex face to face, and that boobs are grown on our chest to represent the butt. I had to laugh at that one, seriously I'm not sure I want people thinking I have a big butt either. Not sure what would be worse actually, thinking my boobs are too big is enough without wondering if I should be doing butt clenches to try and make that area smaller.

The whole question 'Why do men like big boobs?' will never be answered, but some of the theories can be rather funny. There is a neuroscientist that has come up with an explanation that he thinks "just makes a lot of sense."

'Larry Young, a professor of psychiatry at Emory University who studies the neurological basis of complex social behaviors, thinks human evolution has harnessed an ancient neural circuit that originally evolved to strengthen the mother-infant bond during breast-feeding, and now uses this brain circuitry to strengthen the bond between couples as well. The result? Men, like babies, love breasts.

When a woman's nipples are stimulated during breast-feeding, the neurochemical oxytocin, otherwise known as the "love drug," floods her brain, helping to focus her attention and affection on her baby. But research over the past few years has shown that in humans, this circuitry isn't reserved for exclusive use by infants.

Recent studies have found that nipple stimulation enhances sexual arousal in the great majority of women, and it activates the same brain areas as vaginal and clitoral stimulation. When a sexual partner touches, massages or nibbles a woman's breasts, Young said, this triggers the release of oxytocin in the woman's brain, just like what happens when a baby nurses. But in this context, the oxytocin focuses the woman's attention on her sexual partner, strengthening her desire to bond with this person.'
I wouldn't of thought the size of your boobs, had anything to do with nipple stimulation, and according to this guys theory you wouldn't even need your boobs, if vaginal and clitoral stimulation does the same thing. Ok maybe women do need their boobs, because a lot of guys forget or don't know where the clitoris is.

Anyway I guess that is one theory on the whole 'Why do men prefer big boobs?' But guys if you are reading this, unless a woman is leaving nothing to the imagination and has her big knockers practically jumping out at you when you speak to her, please try and look a woman in the eye while conversing its just respectful.

Stop staring and move on!!

World's Largest Natural Boobs TOP 70 COUNTDOWN!

99 words for boobs!

Test your starring!!

pyramider's Avatar
So what's your points?
that song is hilarious
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Funny article. I should have bigger boobs by March I'm so excited.
ManSlut's Avatar
Don't do it Mya, you're sexy as Hell without em...Fake boobs are just that, FAKE...The most beautiful women in the world have naturally beautiful smiles and faces, real boobs, and killer asses and legs...Smaller, naturally breasted women have the most sensitive nipples and areolas by far...I'll never understand the 'I need bigger boobs' complex.
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
My breasts are large, in Fact a 34EE. (1200cc) I constantly get complimented on how great they look and feel. My "ends" are even more sensitive now than before.
I find men love boobies all sizes, shapes, real or man made. IMO
If a lady wants them then go for it.
ManSlut's Avatar
Hmmm....I rest my case.
roaringfork's Avatar
Don't do it Mya, you're sexy as Hell without em...Fake boobs are just that, FAKE...The most beautiful women in the world have naturally beautiful smiles and faces, real boobs, and killer asses and legs...Smaller, naturally breasted women have the most sensitive nipples and areolas by far...I'll never understand the 'I need bigger boobs' complex. Originally Posted by ManSlut
+1000: Thomas Hardy wrote somewhere about the "instinct for artificiality" by which some women seem possessed. I think he was describing a scene wherein this poor bastard has to find out on his wedding night that most of his wife's hair is fake--by watching her take it off and hang it on the bedpost. I can't remember whether Jude was still able to get it up after that. I just know I couldn't.
  • zebra
  • 02-10-2013, 05:11 AM
Ladies aren't boobies great !

Mya, if you want them GO FOR IT !

Maybe it was a year ago, maybe 2 years ago the lovely Erotic Morgan was contemplating getting a boob job and every Tom Dick and Harry were trying to talk her out of it. Just my opinion but for that young lady a boob job or under the breast bone enhancement would have done wonders for her business and her self esteem. I would suggest any woman considering going under the knife to look at all of the angles before jumping off the cliff. I know a well known veteran provider here that bought her a set and while she was thoroughly happy about them, over the years they got hard, I don't know if that was cause she didn't massage them or what ever you are suppost to do to them to keep them from getting hard but her's got rock hard. I am a fan of the soft gel more natural feeling enhancements.... And do yourself a favor and don't go to that quack in OK City and get them, the $ 3500.00 boob job isn't a boob job, that is a malpractice lawsuit.... Look at all of your options....
Sophia Dane3.0's Avatar
Funny article. I should have bigger boobs by March I'm so excited. Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Good for you girl! I just got my own a few weeks ago and I don't regret it one bit! I still have all the feeling in "my ends" as well. LOL. I absolutely love them!

I hope you have a safe surgery and great results!

And do yourself a favor and don't go to that quack in OK City and get them, the $ 3500.00 boob job isn't a boob job, that is a malpractice lawsuit. Originally Posted by zebra
I completely agree with you on this! Dallas has some great doctors and while they are a bit more expensive, your safety, piece of mind and quality results are worth it. A good doctor with a great reputation will stand by that reputation in the event that there are any complications.
Why Do Men Like Big Boobs?

There Great to look at, touch, lick, and play with.

They are the knobs to set the oven temp. lol
(leg & ass man's POV)

roaringfork's Avatar
Okay, I'm convinced. I've done a little more research on breast implants, and I'm now an official convert to Prosthesis Eroticism. Can anyone help me find a provider who'll beat on me for a while with her fake leg, then pop out her glass eye and...well, I guess everybody knows the rest of that story.
DanicaPleasures's Avatar
So True!

My Personal Fav's:

I Huge Boobs(Especially Mine)!
It's evoluntionary biology. A well rounded breast is a sign of health and thus an indicia of reproductive health and fertility. This is what a man's mind keyed in on tens of thousands of years ago. We are wired this way and still are.
Say What's Avatar
Good for you girl! I just got my own a few weeks ago and I don't regret it one bit! I still have all the feeling in "my ends" as well. LOL. I absolutely love them! Originally Posted by Sophia Dane
Sophia, I absolutely love everything about you, including your girls (pre and post op).