How do you tell your gf that her sister is on

xhardcorex's Avatar
Or do I even tell her? Yeah,it's a long story,she's being "managed" by her unemployed homeless ex-con boyfriend. Should I even tell her or should I just keep my mouth shut? Advice anyone?
Sir Axl's Avatar
Easy. Don't say anything. If you mention or hint anything, gf will be wondering how you knew. She will have two ruined relationships. She will be pissed her bf browsed back pages and she will be pissed her sister is a provider.

So don't say anything. If things blow up for the sister and your gf is super upset. You will be there to comfort her and support her through a difficult time rather than another broken relationship where her bf is a cheating asshole.
Charlie Brown's Avatar

Be smart and hope you never have a desire to spill that info.

If you just can't control yourself, use another ID and ask the sister for a sister doubles.

Ouch !
Don't tell the GF.

Do schedule with sister. Lol!
texassapper's Avatar
yup schedule the sister.... fuck her good and hard... When ya gonna get another chance at that?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
1) Why would you?
2) Does it make anyone's life better?
micktoz's Avatar
It's none of your business.
OK, I will take all this at face value. If you have any real good reason based on proof to suspect that she is being coerced to do this, and you are worried about her safety... One possibility is to send an "anonymous" note to your girlfriend from a throwaway account, with links to backpage ads, etc. Now, from the perspective of the population here, I can see why you should stay out of this. If she is not being coerced, it is none of your business to out her.

If you send that "anonymous" note though, your gf will probably not discuss this with you. And you will need to be disciplined enough not to try to get her to talk about it, trying to find out if she is going to do anything about it. Or else she will know it was you.
KittyLamour's Avatar
You don't. It's none of your business. This is 2017 and there is lots of resources for help if she was really being coerced and wanted out of it. Fact is this is the USA, she is not a victim of sex trafficking, she made a choice to do what she is doing and there is ample opportunity to get away if she wants to. Nobody is forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to do. She has choices. Outting her is a choice that you would absolutely regret. Nothing good will come of it only a lot of hurt.
I agree. Do nothing. But, if your gf ever screws you over, one call does it all.
TinMan's Avatar
Unless she's in danger, it's none of your business.
pyramider's Avatar
See the sister and the next time the girlfriend picks a fight tell her that the sister is a better fuck.
SisterTwister's Avatar
Aside from the fact that it's not your business, sisters usually talk, which means she probably already knows. In any case, how would you explain what you were doing on BP in the first place?

Avoid this like the plague, but you might want to find out if your GF is on there also.
Fact is this is the USA, she is not a victim of sex trafficking, she made a choice to do what she is doing and there is ample opportunity to get away if she wants to. Nobody is forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to do. She has choices.. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
You're so naive that it's shocking....
How do you know the boyfriend is managing her? So many times a provider has a bf and it's assumed that he is the manager.....

To answer your question...dont say anything...mind your own business or you'll be the idiot who has to answer why you're even on bp in the first place.

You outting your gf's sister to her is the equivalent of you outting your favorite provider to her sister or family. You just don't do it. Leave it alone. Unless you want to out yourself. The girl obviously needs the money....and you just might be fucking with her livelihood if you don't mind your own dann business.