Trumps Total Lack Of Leadership Fuels The Trump Shut Down !

StandinStraight's Avatar
Trump has been barricaded in the White House hiding behind his tweets showing a total lack of knowledge of how to govern. Trump himself has said that when the government shuts down only the president can be blamed. Millions march in the street over the weekend protesting republicans and trump, the government is closed, the world sees us as weak because of trump, racism is at a all time high, our national debt is climbing, violence is on the rise, a recession is imminent, and trump hides in the White House !

We need a real president not a buffoon !
I B Hankering's Avatar
The lack of leadership lies with the left, Standing Stupid. Chucky Schumer has less constancy than a piece of straw in a Texas hurricane, Standing Stupid. Welcome to "Schumer's Shutdown", Standing Stupid!

NoTell's Avatar
Big Trump Fan here

I agree with StandinShit..... President Trump is a useless piece of shit...

Now, CANDIDATE TRUMP was an ASS KICKER!!! I want Candidate Trump back because he is our last hope!
StandinStraight's Avatar
The lack of leadership lies with the left, Standing Stupid. Chucky Schumer has less constancy than a piece of straw in a Texas hurricane, Standing Stupid. Welcome to "Schumer's Shutdown", Standing Stupid!

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your post shows that you have no idea what DACA or illegal immigration is. Typical uneducated racist is all that you are, you walk around every day of your life dumb to the world living the life of a bigot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your post shows that you have no idea what DACA or illegal immigration is. Typical uneducated racist is all that you are, you walk around every day of your life dumb to the world living the life of a bigot. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
And you put your stupidity on display when you assert this continuing resolution bill has a fucking thing to do with DACA, Standing Stupid. Drink Chucky's Kool-Aid and die, Standing Stupid.

Trump has been barricaded in the White House hiding behind his tweets showing a total lack of knowledge of how to govern. Trump himself has said that when the government shuts down only the president can be blamed. Millions march in the street over the weekend protesting republicans and trump, the government is closed, the world sees us as weak because of trump, racism is at a all time high, our national debt is climbing, violence is on the rise, a recession is imminent, and trump hides in the White House !

We need a real president not a buffoon ! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If the Democrats actually had leadership Hillary Clinton would be President, but there would still be a Government shutdown. Shutdowns are really the fault of Congress not the president.
