The most misspelled or misused word on ECCIE...

Wheretonow's Avatar
I'm no English professor, and I make my fair share of typos when posting. But there seems to be a lot of misused/misspelled words in some of our fellow posters threads, so I thought I'd see which ones you find particularly irritating. Here's my partial list:
  • There for they're or their
  • Your for you're
  • Loose for lose
  • Choose for chose
It's early in the morning and I'm typing this from my iPhone, so that's all that come to mind right now, so help me out folks - what misspellings, misuses, or grammatical errors catch your attention (and not in a good way...).
Must be REALLY early..."and I typing this from my iPhone..." lol...
...and it's "definitely", not definatly or difinitley or...but hey, we aren't here to learn the grammatically correct way to say how great the sex was, are we?
Wheretonow's Avatar
Must be REALLY early..."and I typing this from my iPhone..." lol...
...and it's "definitely", not definatly or difinitley or...but hey, we aren't here to learn the grammatically correct way to say how great the sex was, are we? Originally Posted by Prolongus
Great catch Prolongus, and highlights the difficulty of proofreading your own copy, especially on a small iPhone screen.

BTW love your reviews, and a positive from you goes a long way toward validating a provider for me.

I certainly allow good-looking providers a lot of leeway when it comes to grammar (as long as she speaks French well...).
Lana Warren's Avatar
There used to be a lady on the board who had a reputation for her horrible spelling and grammar!

The one word that she used all the time was, rood instead of rude!

Drove me absolutely crazy! LOL!
billw1032's Avatar
ect. for etc.
I cannot stand it when a person misspells "antidisestablismentariani sm" in their ads. What are they THINKING??
BBD for Babydolls Dallas
'Discrete' means: Separate or distinct and applies mostly toward ideas
'Discreet' means: Tactful or prudent and tends to be applied toward people.

It's "I am very discreet", not "discrete".
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Most annoying is "loose" for "lose." I see it all the time, even from posters who otherwise seem quite intelligent and educated.
boomvang's Avatar
in this life time I will never spell resturant correctly. Being a non speller, that God for spell check. What really gets me is when I can't get close enough for spell check to find it.
boomvang, I am with you on THAT one! I am actually a very good speller and my new job is writing demand letters so I must be okay with grammar. Restaurant (?) drives me crazy.

Another one I have caught often: When I am typing in a hurry...probably always turns out as probbaly. LOL!

Oh well...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
sincerely--I worked in the floral industry for years and had to spell it on a daily basis for years and still had to look up every single time at the post it note I finally put on my computer.

definitely -discreet are big ones too.
OMG, this of one of my biggest pet peeves in life! Have you read an online news article lately? Jesus Christ, I can't remember the last time I read one WITHOUT grammatical errors! As a former journalist, it makes me sick! Does Obama have a spot for a Grammar Czar (Why not? He's got one for every other aspect of our lives)? Sign me up!

Easy one: Hobbiest. WTF? Folks, the word is HOBBYIST! Your doctor is not an internest. You don't buy flowers from a florest. Angus Young is not a guitarest.

The proper suffix for one who practices or participates in a particular activity is -IST!

Another one that absolutely kills me is using an apostrophe S to pluralize a word. Where the hell did THAT illiterate and annoying trend come from? Plural indicates a multiple of something. Apostrophe means possession.

Now that most of us communicate so vastly in print these days, grammar and spelling MATTER!
LazurusLong's Avatar

Independent - when everyone knows they are pimped.
shoedawg's Avatar
JustMe68: Thank you for the English lesson today. I never knew why it is "ist" vs. "est" but have always just known which is correct.

I also got a laugh out of you throwing in some political commentary in the midst of your rant about poor grammar and misspelling.