Suddenly shut out

So I almost never post here, but I need to talk to someone about this and no one outside this community would understand the exact particulars of the situation.

Recently a provider I had been seeing about every 1-2 weeks for a year simply quit replying to my texts or emails. At first I though, well something had come up in her personal life, no need to worry. A week pasted and by then I was concerned something had happened to her since we text every few days so I checked around and have it on good authority that she was okay. So after another week of trying to get a hold of her while seeing her online I've come to the conclusion she is done with me.

I'm really confused by what happened. One day we were playfully flirting back and forth over text and she had plans to come over the next day. Then suddenly I'm shut out. The only thing that makes sense to me was she felt I was getting too attached for her comfort but I just really don't know. We seemed to have fun together and even had some non-BCD plans down the road. Or maybe I'm a sucker and just fell into someone's illusion of friendship. Anyways right now I'm just really confused and wanting people's advice.

To the girls, have you ever suddenly decided to stop seeing a guy that had been visiting you every week or two for a year? If so why?

To the guys, have you ever been suddenly and inexplicably shut out? How did you deal with it?
Unless you are a really needy bastard, you can find another.

Move on.
Time to move on. Don't waste your time trying to figure it out. Too many other great ladies on here.
Move on. She will get in touch if and when she wants to.

Some free advice. If shes on here, don't reply to any posts she may make. Don't PM her. Don't read or comment on any reviews she gets. If you really liked her, honor her wishes and leave her alone. There could well be issues you have no knowledge of and more contact effors may make them worse.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I've never been shut out by a provider, but then again I've never been emotionally attached to one. I have been shut out before in my personal life, and I dealt with that by moving on. She wants nothing to do with you. A lot of women don't have the stomach for confrontation, so ignoring someone is a lot easier.

We only have your perspective, so we don't know if one of your texts or behavior weirded her out or if she felt you were becoming too clingy when she was just trying to be nice to one of her many clients. Don't fall for providers.
I've decided to either move on or take a break from this hobby, but I'll admit it seriously sucks. After a year we really knew what made each other click. I'll move on but I really wish I understood what happened. I guess sometimes you never know.
cabletex7's Avatar
You were in a relationship.
She was seeing a client.
Once she realized that you had crossed that line, she decided to cut if off before it got messy.

Get a cat.
  • hd
  • 03-08-2013, 09:35 AM
I assume it's a provider/client relationship and as much as you would like to think differently, and as often you say that you she her, I'm guessing it's still all about the money to her and that she may feel you're trying to make it more personal. Or worse, maybe her feelings are changing? Either way an explanation would be nice.

I'd let it go, forget about her and move on. Let her make the first contact if she decides too.
You were in a relationship.
She was seeing a client.
Once she realized that you had crossed that line, she decided to cut if off before it got messy.

Get a cat. Originally Posted by cabletex7
even better, get a sugar baby!
even better, get a sugar baby! Originally Posted by adistantsecond
Ooohh good idea

I veryrarely "shut people out."
My reasoning thus far has been because of stalker like tendencies that the other person develops, sadly not realizing it. Some people simply become creepy.
If I were the OP, I'd move on! There are plenty of great people you will have the opportunity to meet
Have fun!
Well hi, Fararri... I'm Lambor Ghini. Nice to meet you!
Well hi, Fararri... I'm Lambor Ghini. Nice to meet you! Originally Posted by Prolongus
Hehe...wanna race?
Hehe...wanna race? Originally Posted by Fararri
Absofuckinglutely.... mmmmmmmm! Lose me in your curves, please...
pmdelites's Avatar
full disclosure, sorry that it happened to you.
i imagine it's the not knowing that is getting to you.
unless she contacts you [directly or indirectly] and lets you know why, you'll prolly never find out.

so, i suggest you accept it [looks like you have, per post #6] and move on.
but dont forget the memories!!!
CoHorn's Avatar
Absofuckinglutely.... mmmmmmmm! Lose me in your curves, please... Originally Posted by Prolongus
Pro, she has fantastic curves

To the OP, probably just best to move on. I haven't been shutout, but I have stopped seeing someone because I hought she was getting too close.